1COBBLER(1)                          Cobbler                         COBBLER(1)


6       cobbler - Cobbler CLI Documentation
8       This  page  contains  a description for commands which can be used from
9       the CLI.


12       This should just be a brief  overview.  For  the  detailed  expanations
13       please reefer to Readthedocs.
15   Distros, Profiles and Systems
16       Cobbler  has  a  system  of  inheritance  when it comes to managing the
17       information you want to apply to a certain system.
19   Images
20   Repositorys
21   Management Classes
22   Deleting configuration entries
23       If you want to remove a specific object, use the  remove  command  with
24       the name that was used to add it.
26          cobbler distro|profile|system|repo|image|mgmtclass|package|file remove --name=string
28   Editing
29       If  you want to change a particular setting without doing an add again,
30       use the edit command, using the same name you gave when you  added  the
31       item.  Anything  supplied in the parameter list will overwrite the set‐
32       tings in the existing object, preserving settings not mentioned.
34          cobbler distro|profile|system|repo|image|mgmtclass|package|file edit --name=string [parameterlist]
36   Copying
37       Objects can also be copied:
39          cobbler distro|profile|system|repo|image|mgmtclass|package|file copy --name=oldname --newname=newname
41   Renaming
42       Objects can also be renamed, as long as other objects  don't  reference
43       them.
45          cobbler distro|profile|system|repo|image|mgmtclass|package|file rename --name=oldname --newname=newname


48       Short    Usage:    cobbler    command    [subcommand]   [--arg1=value1]
49       [--arg2=value2]
51       Long Usage:
53          cobbler <distro|profile|system|repo|image|mgmtclass|package|file> ... [add|edit|copy|get-autoinstall*|list|remove|rename|report] [options|--help]
54          cobbler <aclsetup|buildiso|import|list|replicate|report|reposync|sync|validate-autoinstalls|version|signature|get-loaders|hardlink> [options|--help]
56   cobbler distro
57       This first step towards configuring what you want to install is to  add
58       a distribution record to cobbler's configuration.
60       If  there  is  an  rsync mirror, DVD, NFS, or filesystem tree available
61       that you would rather import instead, skip down  to  the  documentation
62       about the import command. It's really a lot easier to follow the import
63       workflow -- it only requires waiting  for  the  mirror  content  to  be
64       copied  and/or  scanned. Imported mirrors also save time during install
65       since they don't have to hit external install sources.
67       If you want to  be  explicit  with  distribution  definition,  however,
68       here's how it works:
70          $ cobbler distro add --name=string --kernel=path --initrd=path [--kopts=string] [--kopts-post=string] [--ksmeta=string] [--arch=i386|x86_64|ppc|ppc64] [--breed=redhat|debian|suse] [--template-files=string]
72                    ┌───────────────┬────────────────────────────┐
73                    │Name           │ Description                │
74                    ├───────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
75                    │name           │ a  string  identifying the │
76                    │               │ distribution, this  should │
77                    │               │ be something like rhel6.   │
78                    ├───────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
79                    │kernel         │ An   absolute   filesystem │
80                    │               │ path to a kernel image.    │
81                    ├───────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
82                    │initrd         │ An   absolute   filesystem │
83                    │               │ path to a initrd image.    │
84                    ├───────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
85                    │kopts          │ Sets  kernel  command-line │
86                    │               │ arguments that the distro, │
87                    │               │ and       profiles/systems │
88                    │               │ depending on it, will use. │
89                    │               │ To  remove  a kernel argu‐ │
90                    │               │ ment that may be added  by │
91                    │               │ a  higher  cobbler  object │
92                    │               │ (or  in  the  global  set‐ │
93                    │               │ tings),  you can prefix it │
94                    │               │ with a !.                  │
95                    ├───────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
96                    │               │ Example:  --kopts="foo=bar 
97                    │               │ baz=3 asdf !gulp"          
98                    ├───────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
99                    │               │ This  example  passes  the │
100                    │               │ arguments  foo=bar   baz=3 
101                    │               │ asdf  but  will  make sure │
102                    │               │ gulp is not passed even if │
103                    │               │ it   was  requested  at  a │
104                    │               │ level  higher  up  in  the │
105                    │               │ cobbler configuration.     │
106                    ├───────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
107                    │kopts-post     │ This is just like --kopts, │
108                    │               │ though it  governs  kernel │
109                    │               │ options  on  the installed │
110                    │               │ OS, as opposed  to  kernel │
111                    │               │ options  fed  to  the  in‐ │
112                    │               │ staller.  The  syntax   is │
113                    │               │ exactly   the  same.  This │
114                    │               │ requires   some    special │
115                    │               │ snippets  to  be  found in │
116                    │               │ your  automatic  installa‐ │
117                    │               │ tion template in order for │
118                    │               │ this  to  work.  Automatic │
119                    │               │ installation templating is │
120                    │               │ described later on in this │
121                    │               │ document.                  │
122                    ├───────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
123                    │               │ Example: noapic            
124                    ├───────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
125                    │arch           │ Sets  the architecture for │
126                    │               │ the  PXE  bootloader   and │
127                    │               │ also  controls  how koan's │
128                    │               │ --replace-self option will │
129                    │               │ operate.                   │
130                    └───────────────┴────────────────────────────┘
133                    │               │ The default setting (stan‐ 
134                    │               │ dard) will  use  pxelinux. │
135                    │               │ Set  to  ppc  and ppc64 to │
136                    │               │ use yaboot.                │
137                    ├───────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
138                    │               │ x86 and x86_64 effectively │
139                    │               │ do the same thing as stan‐ │
140                    │               │ dard.                      │
141                    ├───────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
142                    │               │ If you perform  a  cobbler 
143                    │               │ import,   the  arch  field │
144                    │               │ will be auto-assigned.     │
145                    ├───────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
146                    │ksmeta         │ This is an  advanced  fea‐ │
147                    │               │ ture  that  sets automatic │
148                    │               │ installation      template │
149                    │               │ variables  to  substitute, │
150                    │               │ thus enabling those  files │
151                    │               │ to   be  treated  as  tem‐ │
152                    │               │ plates. Templates are pow‐ │
153                    │               │ ered using Cheetah and are │
154                    │               │ described further along in │
155                    │               │ this manpage as well as on │
156                    │               │ the Cobbler Wiki.          │
157                    ├───────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
158                    │               │ Example: --ksmeta="foo=bar 
159                    │               │ baz=3 asdf"                
160                    ├───────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
161                    │               │ See  the section on "Kick‐ │
162                    │               │ start Templating" for fur‐ │
163                    │               │ ther information.          │
164                    ├───────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
165                    │breed          │ Controls how various phys‐ │
166                    │               │ ical and  virtual  parame‐ │
167                    │               │ ters,   including   kernel │
168                    │               │ arguments  for   automatic │
169                    │               │ installation,  are  to  be │
170                    │               │ treated. Defaults to  red‐ 
171                    │               │ hat,  which  is a suitable │
172                    │               │ value for Fedora and  Cen‐ │
173                    │               │ tOS as well. It means any‐ │
174                    │               │ thing redhat based.        │
175                    ├───────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
176                    │               │ There is  limited  experi‐ │
177                    │               │ mental  support for speci‐ │
178                    │               │ fying "debian",  "ubuntu", │
179                    │               │ or  "suse",  which  treats │
180                    │               │ the automatic installation │
181                    │               │ template  file  as  a pre‐ │
182                    │               │ seed/autoyast file  format │
183                    │               │ and   changes  the  kernel │
184                    │               │ arguments   appropriately. │
185                    │               │ Support for other types of │
186                    │               │ distributions is  possible │
187                    │               │ in  the  future.  See  the │
188                    │               │ Wiki for the latest infor‐ │
189                    │               │ mation  about  support for │
190                    │               │ these distributions.       │
191                    ├───────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
192                    │               │ The  file  used  for   the │
193                    │               │ answer file, regardless of │
194                    │               │ the breed setting, is  the │
195                    │               │ value  used for --autoinst 
196                    │               │ when creating the profile. │
197                    └───────────────┴────────────────────────────┘
199                    │os-version     │ Generally this  field  can │
200                    │               │ be ignored. It is intended │
201                    │               │ to  alter  some   hardware │
202                    │               │ setup    for   virtualized │
203                    │               │ instances when  provision‐ │
204                    │               │ ing  guests with koan. The │
205                    │               │ valid     options      for │
206                    │               │ --os-version  vary depend‐ │
207                    │               │ ing on what  is  specified │
208                    │               │ for  --breed. If you spec‐ │
209                    │               │ ify an invalid option, the │
210                    │               │ error message will contain │
211                    │               │ a list of  valid  os  ver‐ │
212                    │               │ sions that can be used. If │
213                    │               │ you don't know the os ver‐ │
214                    │               │ sion or it does not appear │
215                    │               │ in the list, omitting this │
216                    │               │ argument  or  using  other 
217                    │               │ should be perfectly  fine. │
218                    │               │ If you don't encounter any │
219                    │               │ problems with  virtualized │
220                    │               │ instances, this option can │
221                    │               │ be safely ignored.         │
222                    ├───────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
223                    │owners         │ Users with small sites and │
224                    │               │ a limited number of admins │
225                    │               │ can probably  ignore  this │
226                    │               │ option.     All    cobbler │
227                    │               │ objects   (distros,   pro‐ │
228                    │               │ files, systems, and repos) │
229                    │               │ can take a --owners param‐ │
230                    │               │ eter  to specify what cob‐ │
231                    │               │ bler users can  edit  par‐ │
232                    │               │ ticular  objects.This only │
233                    │               │ applies  to  the   Cobbler │
234                    │               │ WebUI  and  XMLRPC  inter‐ │
235                    │               │ face,  not  the  "cobbler" │
236                    │               │ command line tool run from │
237                    │               │ the  shell.   Furthermore, │
238                    │               │ this  is only respected by │
239                    │               │ the authz_ownership module │
240                    │               │ which  must  be enabled in │
241                    │               │ /etc/cobbler/modules.conf. │
242                    │               │ The  value for --owners is │
243                    │               │ a space separated list  of │
244                    │               │ users and groups as speci‐ │
245                    │               │ fied     in      /etc/cob‐ 
246                    │               │ bler/users.conf.  For more │
247                    │               │ information    see     the │
248                    │               │ users.conf file as well as │
249                    │               │ the Cobbler Wiki.  In  the │
250                    │               │ default Cobbler configura‐ │
251                    │               │ tion, this value  is  com‐ │
252                    │               │ pletely   ignored,  as  is │
253                    │               │ users.conf.                │
254                    └───────────────┴────────────────────────────┘
265                    │template-files │ This feature  allows  cob‐ │
266                    │               │ bler  to be used as a con‐ │
267                    │               │ figuration management sys‐ │
268                    │               │ tem.  The  argument  is  a │
269                    │               │ space delimited string  of │
270                    │               │ key=value  pairs. Each key │
271                    │               │ is the path to a  template │
272                    │               │ file,  each  value  is the │
273                    │               │ path to install  the  file │
274                    │               │ on  the  system.  This  is │
275                    │               │ described    in    further │
276                    │               │ detail on the Cobbler Wiki │
277                    │               │ and is  implemented  using │
278                    │               │ special  code  in the post │
279                    │               │ install.   Koan    alsocan │
280                    │               │ retrieve  these files from │
281                    │               │ a   cobbler   server    on │
282                    │               │ demand, effectively allow‐ │
283                    │               │ ing cobbler to function as │
284                    │               │ a   lightweight  templated │
285                    │               │ configuration   management │
286                    │               │ system.                    │
287                    └───────────────┴────────────────────────────┘
289   cobbler profile
290       A  profile associates a distribution to additional specialized options,
291       such as a installation automation file. Profiles are the core  unit  of
292       provisioning and at least one profile must exist for every distribution
293       to be provisioned. A profile  might  represent,  for  instance,  a  web
294       server or desktop configuration. In this way, profiles define a role to
295       be performed.
297          $ cobbler profile add --name=string --distro=string [--autoinst=path] [--kopts=string] [--ksmeta=string] [--name-servers=string] [--name-servers-search=string] [--virt-file-size=gigabytes] [--virt-ram=megabytes] [--virt-type=string] [--virt-cpus=integer] [--virt-path=string] [--virt-bridge=string] [--server] [--parent=profile]
299       Arguments are the same  as  listed  for  distributions,  save  for  the
300       removal of "arch" and "breed", and with the additions listed below:
302                 ┌────────────────────┬────────────────────────────┐
303                 │Name                │ Description                │
304                 ├────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
305                 │name                │ A  descriptive  name. This │
306                 │                    │ could  be  something  like │
307                 │                    │ rhel5webservers or f9desk‐ 
308                 │                    │ tops.                      │
309                 ├────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
310                 │distro              │ The name of  a  previously │
311                 │                    │ defined  cobbler distribu‐ │
312                 │                    │ tion.   This   value    is │
313                 │                    │ required.                  │
314                 ├────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
315                 │autoinst            │ Local filesystem path to a │
316                 │                    │ automatic     installation │
317                 │                    │ file, the file must reside │
318                 │                    │ under        /var/lib/cob‐ 
319                 │                    │ bler/autoinstall_templates 
320                 └────────────────────┴────────────────────────────┘
331                 │name-servers        │ If  your  nameservers  are │
332                 │                    │ not provided by DHCP,  you │
333                 │                    │ can  specify a space sepa‐ │
334                 │                    │ rated  list  of  addresses │
335                 │                    │ here  to configure each of │
336                 │                    │ the installed nodes to use │
337                 │                    │ them  (provided  the auto‐ │
338                 │                    │ matic  installation  files │
339                 │                    │ used  are  installed  on a │
340                 │                    │ per-system  basis).  Users │
341                 │                    │ with  DHCP  setups  should │
342                 │                    │ not  need  to   use   this │
343                 │                    │ option.  This is available │
344                 │                    │ to  set  in  profiles   to │
345                 │                    │ avoid  having  to  set  it │
346                 │                    │ repeatedly for each system │
347                 │                    │ record.                    │
348                 ├────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
349                 │name-servers-search │ You  can  specify  a space │
350                 │                    │ separated list  of  domain │
351                 │                    │ names to configure each of │
352                 │                    │ the installed nodes to use │
353                 │                    │ them   as   domain  search │
354                 │                    │ path.  This  is  available │
355                 │                    │ to   set  in  profiles  to │
356                 │                    │ avoid  having  to  set  it │
357                 │                    │ repeatedly for each system │
358                 │                    │ record.                    │
359                 ├────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
360                 │virt-file-size      │ (Virt-only) How large  the │
361                 │                    │ disk  image  should  be in │
362                 │                    │ Gigabytes. The default  is │
363                 │                    │ 5.  This  can  be  a comma │
364                 │                    │ separated list (ex: 5,6,7) │
365                 │                    │ to   allow   for  multiple │
366                 │                    │ disks of  different  sizes │
367                 │                    │ depending on what is given │
368                 │                    │ to    --virt-path.    This │
369                 │                    │ should be input as a inte‐ │
370                 │                    │ ger or decimal value with‐ │
371                 │                    │ out units.                 │
372                 ├────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
373                 │virt-ram            │ (Virt-only)    How    many │
374                 │                    │ megabytes of RAM  to  con‐ │
375                 │                    │ sume.  The  default is 512 │
376                 │                    │ MB. This should  be  input │
377                 │                    │ as   an   integer  without │
378                 │                    │ units.                     │
379                 └────────────────────┴────────────────────────────┘
397                 │virt-type           │ (Virt-only)    Koan    can │
398                 │                    │ install    images    using │
399                 │                    │ either    Xen     paravirt │
400                 │                    │ (xenpv)     or    QEMU/KVM │
401                 │                    │ (qemu). Choose one or  the │
402                 │                    │ other  strings to specify, │
403                 │                    │ or values will default  to │
404                 │                    │ attempting  to find a com‐ │
405                 │                    │ patible installation  type │
406                 │                    │ on    the    client   sys‐ │
407                 │                    │ tem("auto").    See    the │
408                 │                    │ "koan"  manpage  for  more │
409                 │                    │ documentation. The default │
410                 │                    │ --virt-type can be config‐ │
411                 │                    │ ured in the  cobbler  set‐ │
412                 │                    │ tings  file such that this │
413                 │                    │ parameter does not have to │
414                 │                    │ be  provided. Other virtu‐ │
415                 │                    │ alization types  are  sup‐ │
416                 │                    │ ported, for information on │
417                 │                    │ those  options  (such   as │
418                 │                    │ VMware),  see  the Cobbler │
419                 │                    │ Wiki.                      │
420                 ├────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
421                 │virt-cpus           │ (Virt-only) How many  vir‐ │
422                 │                    │ tual CPUs should koan give │
423                 │                    │ the virtual  machine?  The │
424                 │                    │ default  is  1. This is an │
425                 │                    │ integer.                   │
426                 ├────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
427                 │virt-path           │ (Virt-only) Where to store │
428                 │                    │ the  virtual  image on the │
429                 │                    │ host  system.  Except  for │
430                 │                    │ advanced    cases,    this │
431                 │                    │ parameter can  usually  be │
432                 │                    │ omitted.  For disk images, │
433                 │                    │ the value  is  usually  an │
434                 │                    │ absolute path to an exist‐ │
435                 │                    │ ing  directory   with   an │
436                 │                    │ optional  filename  compo‐ │
437                 │                    │ nent. There is support for │
438                 │                    │ specifying      partitions │
439                 │                    │ /dev/sda4 or volume groups │
440                 │                    │ VolGroup00, etc.           │
441                 ├────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
442                 │                    │ For  multiple disks, sepa‐ │
443                 │                    │ rate the values with  com‐ │
444                 │                    │ mas     such    as    Vol‐ 
445                 │                    │ Group00,VolGroup00      or │
446                 │                    │ /dev/sda4,/dev/sda5.  Both │
447                 │                    │ those examples would  cre‐ │
448                 │                    │ ate two disks for the VM.  │
449                 └────────────────────┴────────────────────────────┘
463                 │virt-bridge         │ (Virt-only) This specifies │
464                 │                    │ the default bridge to  use │
465                 │                    │ for  all  systems  defined │
466                 │                    │ under this profile. If not │
467                 │                    │ specified,  itwill  assume │
468                 │                    │ the default value  in  the │
469                 │                    │ cobbler   settings   file, │
470                 │                    │ which as  shipped  in  the │
471                 │                    │ RPM  is  xenbr0.  If using │
472                 │                    │ KVM, this is  most  likely │
473                 │                    │ not  correct. You may want │
474                 │                    │ to override  this  setting │
475                 │                    │ in   the   system  object. │
476                 │                    │ Bridge settings are impor‐ │
477                 │                    │ tant  as  they  define how │
478                 │                    │ outside  networking   will │
479                 │                    │ reach  the guest. For more │
480                 │                    │ information on bridge set‐ │
481                 │                    │ up,  see the Cobbler Wiki, │
482                 │                    │ where there is  a  section │
483                 │                    │ describing koan usage.     │
484                 ├────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
485                 │repos               │ This  is a space delimited │
486                 │                    │ list  of  all  the   repos │
487                 │                    │ (created with cobbler repo 
488                 │                    │ add and updated with  cob‐ 
489                 │                    │ bler   reposync)that  this │
490                 │                    │ profile can  make  use  of │
491                 │                    │ during automated installa‐ │
492                 │                    │ tion.  For   example,   an │
493                 │                    │ example      might      be │
494                 │                    │ --repos="fc6i386updates    
495                 │                    │ fc6i386extras" if the pro‐ │
496                 │                    │ file wants to access these │
497                 │                    │ two   mirrors   that   are │
498                 │                    │ already  mirrored  on  the │
499                 │                    │ cobbler  server. Repo man‐ │
500                 │                    │ agement  is  described  in │
501                 │                    │ greater depth later in the │
502                 │                    │ manpage.                   │
503                 ├────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
504                 │parent              │ This is an  advanced  fea‐ │
505                 │                    │ ture.                      │
506                 ├────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
507                 │                    │ Profiles  may inherit from │
508                 │                    │ other profiles in lieu  of │
509                 │                    │ specifying       --distro. │
510                 │                    │ Inherited  profiles   will │
511                 │                    │ override    any   settings │
512                 │                    │ specified in their parent, │
513                 │                    │ with   the   exception  of │
514                 │                    │ --ksmeta (templating)  and │
515                 │                    │ --kopts  (kernel options), │
516                 │                    │ which  will   be   blended │
517                 │                    │ together.                  │
518                 ├────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
519                 │                    │ Example:  If profile A has │
520                 │                    │ --kopts="x=7    y=2",    B │
521                 │                    │ inherits from A, and B has │
522                 │                    │ --kopts="x=9   z=2",   the │
523                 │                    │ actual kernel options that │
524                 │                    │ will be used for B are x=9 
525                 │                    │ y=2 z=2.                   │
526                 └────────────────────┴────────────────────────────┘
529                 │                    │ Example:  If profile B has │
530                 │                    │ --virt-ram=256 and  A  has │
531                 │                    │ --virt-ram=512,  profile B │
532                 │                    │ will use the value 256.    │
533                 ├────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
534                 │                    │ Example: If profile A  has │
535                 │                    │ a --virt-file-size=5 and B │
536                 │                    │ does not specify a size, B │
537                 │                    │ will use the value from A. │
538                 ├────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
539                 │server              │ This  parameter  should be │
540                 │                    │ useful only in select cir‐ │
541                 │                    │ cumstances.   If  machines │
542                 │                    │ are on a subnet that  can‐ │
543                 │                    │ not   access  the  cobbler │
544                 │                    │ server using  the  name/IP │
545                 │                    │ as  configured in the cob‐ │
546                 │                    │ bler  settings  file,  use │
547                 │                    │ this parameter to override │
548                 │                    │ that servername. See  also │
549                 │                    │ --dhcp-tag for configuring │
550                 │                    │ the next server  and  DHCP │
551                 │                    │ information  of the system │
552                 │                    │ if you are also  usingCob‐ │
553                 │                    │ bler  to  help manage your │
554                 │                    │ DHCP configuration.        │
555                 └────────────────────┴────────────────────────────┘
557   cobbler system
558       System records map a piece of hardware (or a virtual machine) with  the
559       cobbler  profile to be assigned to run on it. This may be thought of as
560       choosing a role for a specific system.
562       Note that if provisioning via koan and  PXE  menus  alone,  it  is  not
563       required  to  create  system records in cobbler, though they are useful
564       when system specific customizations are required. One  such  customiza‐
565       tion  would  be  defining  the MAC address. If there is a specific role
566       intended for a given machine, system records should be created for it.
568       System commands have a wider variety of control  offered  over  network
569       details.  In  order  to  use  these to the fullest possible extent, the
570       automatic installation template used by cobbler  must  contain  certain
571       automatic  installation snippets (sections of code specifically written
572       for Cobbler to make these values become reality).  Compare  your  auto‐
573       matic  installation  templates  with  the  stock  ones in /var/lib/cob‐
574       bler/autoinstall_templates if you have upgraded, to make sure  you  can
575       take  advantage of all options to their fullest potential. If you are a
576       new cobbler user, base your automatic  installation  templates  off  of
577       these templates.
579       Read        more        about        networking        setup        at:
580       https://github.com/cobbler/cobbler/wiki/Advanced-networking
582       Example:
584          $ cobbler system add --name=string --profile=string [--mac=macaddress] [--ip-address=ipaddress] [--hostname=hostname] [--kopts=string] [--ksmeta=string] [--autoinst=path] [--netboot-enabled=Y/N] [--server=string] [--gateway=string] [--dns-name=string] [--static-routes=string] [--power-address=string] [--power-type=string] [--power-user=string] [--power-pass=string] [--power-id=string]
586       Adds a cobbler System to the configuration. Arguments are specified  as
587       per "profile add" with the following changes:
590│Name                       │ Description                                                 │
595│name                       │ The system name works like                                  │
596│                           │ the name option for  other                                  │
597│                           │ commands.                                                   │
599│                           │ If  the  name looks like a                                  │
600│                           │ MAC address or an IP,  the                                  │
601│                           │ name  will  implicitly  be                                  │
602│                           │ used for either  --mac  or                                  │
603│                           │ --ip  of  the  firstinter‐                                  │
604│                           │ face,  respectively.  How‐                                  │
605│                           │ ever,  it's usually better                                  │
606│                           │ to give a descriptive name                                  │
607│                           │ --   don't  rely  on  this                                  │
608│                           │ behavior.                                                   │
610│                           │ A system created with name                                  │
611│                           │ "default"    has   special                                  │
612│                           │ semantics.  If  a  default                                  │
613│                           │ system  object  exists, it                                  │
614│                           │ sets all  undefinedsystems                                  │
615│                           │ to  PXE to a specific pro‐                                  │
616│                           │ file.  Without a "default"                                  │
617│                           │ system  name  created, PXE                                  │
618│                           │ will fall through to local                                  │
619│                           │ boot  forunconfigured sys‐                                  │
620│                           │ tems.                                                       │
622│                           │ When using "default" name,                                  │
623│                           │ don't  specify  any  other                                  │
624│                           │ arguments  than  --profile                                  │
625│                           │ ... they won't be used.                                     │
627│mac                        │ Specifying  a  mac address                                  │
628│                           │ via --mac allows the  sys‐                                  │
629│                           │ tem    object    to   boot                                  │
630│                           │ directly  to  a   specific                                  │
631│                           │ profile  via  PXE, bypass‐                                  │
632│                           │ ingcobbler's PXE menu.  If                                  │
633│                           │ the  name  of  the cobbler                                  │
634│                           │ system already looks  like                                  │
635│                           │ a  mac  address,  this  is                                  │
636│                           │ inferred  from   thesystem                                  │
637│                           │ name  and does not need to                                  │
638│                           │ be specified.                                               │
640│                           │ MAC  addresses  have   the                                  │
641│                           │ format  AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF.                                  │
642│                           │ It's highly recommended to                                  │
643│                           │ register              your                                  │
644│                           │ MAC-addresses  in  Cobbler                                  │
645│                           │ ifyou're    using   static                                  │
646│                           │ addressing  with  multiple                                  │
647│                           │ interfaces,  or if you are                                  │
648│                           │ using any of the  advanced                                  │
649│                           │ networking    featureslike                                  │
650│                           │ bonding, bridges or VLANs.                                  │
661│                           │ Cobbler  does  contain   a                                  │
662│                           │ feature     (enabled    in                                  │
663│                           │ /etc/cobbler/settings)                                      │
664│                           │ that can automatically add                                  │
665│                           │ new  system  records  when                                  │
666│                           │ itfinds   profiles   being                                  │
667│                           │ provisioned on hardware it                                  │
668│                           │ has seen before.  This may                                  │
669│                           │ help if you do not have  a                                  │
670│                           │ report   of   all   theMAC                                  │
671│                           │ addresses in your datacen‐                                  │
672│                           │ ter/lab configuration.                                      │
674│ip-address                 │ If  cobbler  is configured                                  │
675│                           │ to generate a DHCP config‐                                  │
676│                           │ uration (see advanced sec‐                                  │
677│                           │ tion), use this setting to                                  │
678│                           │ define  a  specificIP  for                                  │
679│                           │ this   system   in   DHCP.                                  │
680│                           │ Leaving off this parameter                                  │
681│                           │ will  result  in  no  DHCP                                  │
682│                           │ management  for  this par‐                                  │
683│                           │ ticular system.                                             │
685│                           │ Example:                                                    │
686│                           │ --ip-address=                                   │
688│                           │ If DHCP management is dis‐                                  │
689│                           │ abled and the interface is                                  │
690│                           │ labelled  --static=1, this                                  │
691│                           │ setting will be  used  for                                  │
692│                           │ static IPconfiguration.                                     │
694│                           │ Special  feature:  To con‐                                  │
695│                           │ trol   the   default   PXE                                  │
696│                           │ behavior   for  an  entire                                  │
697│                           │ subnet,  this  field   can                                  │
698│                           │ also  be  passed  in using                                  │
699│                           │ CIDRnotation.  If --ip  is                                  │
700│                           │ CIDR,  do  not specify any                                  │
701│                           │ other arguments other than                                  │
702│                           │ --name and --profile.                                       │
704│                           │ When  using the CIDR nota‐                                  │
705│                           │ tion trick, don't  specify                                  │
706│                           │ any  arguments  other than                                  │
707│                           │ --name  and   --profile...                                  │
708│                           │ they won't be used.                                         │
710│dns-name                   │ If  using  the DNS manage‐                                  │
711│                           │ ment feature (see advanced                                  │
712│                           │ section  --  cobbler  sup‐                                  │
713│                           │ ports auto-setup  of  BIND                                  │
714│                           │ and  dnsmasq),  use thisto                                  │
715│                           │ define a hostname for  the                                  │
716│                           │ system   to  receive  from                                  │
717│                           │ DNS.                                                        │
719│                           │ Example: --dns-name=mycom‐                                  │
720│                           │ puter.example.com                                           │
727│                           │ This  is  a  per-interface                                  │
728│                           │ parameter.   If  you  have                                  │
729│                           │ multiple   interfaces,  it                                  │
730│                           │ may be different for  each                                  │
731│                           │ interface,     forexample,                                  │
732│                           │ assume a DMZ /  dual-homed                                  │
733│                           │ setup.                                                      │
735│gateway and netmask        │ If you are using static IP                                  │
736│                           │ configurations   and   the                                  │
737│                           │ interface    is    flagged                                  │
738│                           │ --static=1, these will  be                                  │
739│                           │ applied.                                                    │
741│                           │ Netmask is a per-interface                                  │
742│                           │ parameter. Because of  the                                  │
743│                           │ way  gateway  is stored on                                  │
744│                           │ the installed OS,  gateway                                  │
745│                           │ is  a globalparameter. You                                  │
746│                           │ may  use   --static-routes                                  │
747│                           │ for   per-interface   cus‐                                  │
748│                           │ tomizations if required.                                    │
750│if-gateway                 │ If you are using static IP                                  │
751│                           │ configurations   and  have                                  │
752│                           │ multiple  interfaces,  use                                  │
753│                           │ this  to  define different                                  │
754│                           │ gateway for eachinterface.                                  │
756│                           │ This  is  a  per-interface                                  │
757│                           │ setting.                                                    │
759│hostname                   │ This  field corresponds to                                  │
760│                           │ the hostname set in a sys‐                                  │
761│                           │ tems   /etc/sysconfig/net‐                                  │
762│                           │ work file.   This  has  no                                  │
763│                           │ bearing  on  DNS, evenwhen                                  │
764│                           │ manage_dns   is   enabled.                                  │
765│                           │ Use --dns-name instead for                                  │
766│                           │ that feature.                                               │
768│                           │ This parameter is assigned                                  │
769│                           │ once per system, it is not                                  │
770│                           │ a per-interface setting.                                    │
772│power-address, power-type, │ Cobbler contains  features                                  │
773│power-user,    power-pass, │ that   enable  integration                                  │
774│power-id                   │ with power management  for                                  │
775│                           │ easier installation, rein‐                                  │
776│                           │ stallation,  andmanagement                                  │
777│                           │ of  machines in a datacen‐                                  │
778│                           │ ter  environment.    These                                  │
779│                           │ parameters  are  described                                  │
780│                           │ online                                                      │
781│                           │ athttps://github.com/cob‐                                   │
782│                           │ bler/cob‐                                                   │
783│                           │ bler/wiki/Power-manage‐                                     │
784│                           │ ment.  If   you   have   a                                  │
785│                           │ power-managed     datacen‐                                  │
786│                           │ ter/lab    setup,    usage                                  │
787│                           │ ofthese  features  may  be                                  │
788│                           │ something you  are  inter‐                                  │
789│                           │ ested in.                                                   │
793│static                     │ Indicates that this inter‐                                  │
794│                           │ face is statically config‐                                  │
795│                           │ ured.   Many  fields (such                                  │
796│                           │ as  gateway/netmask)  will                                  │
797│                           │ not   be  used  unlessthis                                  │
798│                           │ field is enabled.                                           │
800│                           │ This  is  a  per-interface                                  │
801│                           │ setting.                                                    │
803│static-routes              │ This  is a space delimited                                  │
804│                           │ list  of   ip/mask:gateway                                  │
805│                           │ routing   information   in                                  │
806│                           │ that format. Most  systems                                  │
807│                           │ will not need thisinforma‐                                  │
808│                           │ tion.                                                       │
810│                           │ This  is  a  per-interface                                  │
811│                           │ setting.                                                    │
813│virt-bridge                │ (Virt-only)          While                                  │
814│                           │ --virt-bridge  is  present                                  │
815│                           │ in the profile object (see                                  │
816│                           │ above), here it  works  on                                  │
817│                           │ an interface by interface‐                                  │
818│                           │ basis.  For  instance   it                                  │
819│                           │ would  be possible to have                                  │
820│                           │ --virt-bridge0=xenbr0  and                                  │
821│                           │ --virt-bridge1=xenbr1.  If                                  │
822│                           │ not  specified   incobbler                                  │
823│                           │ for  each  interface, koan                                  │
824│                           │ will  use  the  value   as                                  │
825│                           │ specified  in  the profile                                  │
826│                           │ for each interface,  which                                  │
827│                           │ may  not  alwaysbe what is                                  │
828│                           │ intended, but will be suf‐                                  │
829│                           │ ficient in most cases.                                      │
831│                           │ This  is  a  per-interface                                  │
832│                           │ setting.                                                    │
859│autoinst                   │ While  it  is  recommended                                  │
860│                           │ that the --autoinst param‐                                  │
861│                           │ eter is only  used  within                                  │
862│                           │ for the "profile add" com‐                                  │
863│                           │ mand,   there   arelimited                                  │
864│                           │ scenarios  when an install                                  │
865│                           │ base switching to  cobbler                                  │
866│                           │ may  have legacy automatic                                  │
867│                           │ installation files created                                  │
868│                           │ on  aper-system basis (one                                  │
869│                           │ automatic     installation                                  │
870│                           │ file   for   each  system,                                  │
871│                           │ nothing  shared)  and  may                                  │
872│                           │ not  want  to  immediately                                  │
873│                           │ makeuse  of  the   cobbler                                  │
874│                           │ templating   system.  This                                  │
875│                           │ allows specifying a  auto‐                                  │
876│                           │ matic   installation  file                                  │
877│                           │ for use on a per-systemba‐                                  │
878│                           │ sis.  Creation of a parent                                  │
879│                           │ profile is still required.                                  │
880│                           │ If the automatic installa‐                                  │
881│                           │ tion file is a  filesystem                                  │
882│                           │ location,  itwill still be                                  │
883│                           │ treated as a cobbler  tem‐                                  │
884│                           │ plate.                                                      │
886│netboot-enabled            │ If  set  false, the system                                  │
887│                           │ will   be    provisionable                                  │
888│                           │ through   koan   but   not                                  │
889│                           │ through standard PXE. This                                  │
890│                           │ will   allow   the  system                                  │
891│                           │ tofall back to default PXE                                  │
892│                           │ boot    behavior   without                                  │
893│                           │ deleting the cobbler  sys‐                                  │
894│                           │ tem  object.  The  default                                  │
895│                           │ value allows PXE. Cobbler‐                                  │
896│                           │ contains  a  PXE boot loop                                  │
897│                           │ prevention         feature                                  │
898│                           │ (pxe_just_once,   can   be                                  │
899│                           │ enabled    in    /etc/cob‐                                  │
900│                           │ bler/settings) that canau‐                                  │
901│                           │ tomatically trip off  this                                  │
902│                           │ value  after a system gets                                  │
903│                           │ done installing. This  can                                  │
904│                           │ prevent    installs   from                                  │
905│                           │ appearing   in   anendless                                  │
906│                           │ loop  when  the  system is                                  │
907│                           │ set to PXE  first  in  the                                  │
908│                           │ BIOS order.                                                 │
910│repos-enabled              │ If   set  true,  koan  can                                  │
911│                           │ reconfigure   repositories                                  │
912│                           │ after  installation.  This                                  │
913│                           │ is  described  further  on                                  │
914│                           │ the                Cobbler                                  │
915│                           │ Wiki,https://github.com/cob‐                                │
916│                           │ bler/cobbler/wiki/Man‐                                      │
917│                           │ age-yum-repos.                                              │
925│dhcp-tag                   │ If you are setting up a  PXE                                │
926│                           │ environment   with  multiple                                │
927│                           │ subnets/gateways,  and   are                                │
928│                           │ using  cobbler  to  manage a                                │
929│                           │ DHCPconfiguration, you  will                                │
930│                           │ probably  want  to  use this                                │
931│                           │ option. If not,  it  can  be                                │
932│                           │ ignored.                                                    │
934│                           │ By default, the dhcp tag for                                │
935│                           │ all systems is "default" and                                │
936│                           │ means  that in the DHCP tem‐                                │
937│                           │ plate files the systems will                                │
938│                           │ expandout where $insert_cob‐                                │
939│                           │ bler_systems_definitions  is                                │
940│                           │ found  in the DHCP template.                                │
941│                           │ However, you may  want  cer‐                                │
942│                           │ tain systems toexpand out in                                │
943│                           │ other  places  in  the  DHCP                                │
944│                           │ config     file.     Setting                                │
945│                           │ --dhcp-tag=subnet2       for                                │
946│                           │ instance,  will  cause  that                                │
947│                           │ system  toexpand  out  where                                │
948│                           │ $insert_cobbler_system_defi‐                                │
949│                           │ nitions_subnet2  is   found,                                │
950│                           │ allowing   you   to   insert                                │
951│                           │ directives to specifydiffer‐                                │
952│                           │ ent subnets (or other param‐                                │
953│                           │ eters) before the DHCP  con‐                                │
954│                           │ figuration entries for those                                │
955│                           │ particular systems.                                         │
957│                           │ This is described further on                                │
958│                           │ the Cobbler Wiki.                                           │
960│interface                  │ By  default flags like --ip,                                │
961│                           │ --mac,           --dhcp-tag,                                │
962│                           │ --dns-name,       --netmask,                                │
963│                           │ --virt-bridge,           and                                │
964│                           │ --static-routes  operate  on                                │
965│                           │ thefirst  network  interface                                │
966│                           │ defined for a system (eth0).                                │
967│                           │ However, cobbler supports an                                │
968│                           │ arbitrary  number  of inter‐                                │
969│                           │ faces. Using--interface=eth1                                │
970│                           │ for   instance,  will  allow                                │
971│                           │ creating and  editing  of  a                                │
972│                           │ second interface.                                           │
974│                           │ Interface naming notes:                                     │
976│                           │ Additional interfaces can be                                │
977│                           │ specified   (for    example:                                │
978│                           │ eth1,  or any name you like,                                │
979│                           │ as long as it does not  con‐                                │
980│                           │ flict withany reserved names                                │
981│                           │ such as kernel module names)                                │
982│                           │ for  use  with the edit com‐                                │
983│                           │ mand.  Defining  VLANs  this                                │
984│                           │ way is alsosupported, of you                                │
985│                           │ want to add VLAN 5 on inter‐                                │
986│                           │ face  eth0, simply name your                                │
987│                           │ interface eth0.5.                                           │
991│                           │ Example:                                                    │
993│                           │ cobbler     system      edit                                │
994│                           │ --name=foo                                                  │
995│                           │ --ip-address=                                   │
996│                           │ --mac=AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:A0                                     │
998│                           │ cobbler      system     edit                                │
999│                           │ --name=foo  --interface=eth0                                │
1000│                           │ --ip-address=                                   │
1001│                           │ --mac=AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:A1                                     │
1003│                           │ cobbler system report foo                                   │
1005│                           │ Interfaces  can  be  deleted                                │
1006│                           │ using the --delete-interface                                │
1007│                           │ option.                                                     │
1009│                           │ Example:                                                    │
1011│                           │ cobbler     system      edit                                │
1012│                           │ --name=foo  --interface=eth2                                │
1013│                           │ --delete-interface                                          │
1015│interface-type,     inter‐ │ One of  the  other  advanced                                │
1016│face-master    and   bond‐ │ networking   features   sup‐                                │
1017│ing-opts/bridge-opts       │ ported  by  Cobbler  is  NIC                                │
1018│                           │ bonding,  bridging, and BMC.                                │
1019│                           │ You can use thisto bond mul‐                                │
1020│                           │ tiple    physical    network                                │
1021│                           │ interfaces  to  one   single                                │
1022│                           │ logical  interface to reduce                                │
1023│                           │ single points of failure  in                                │
1024│                           │ yournetwork,    to    create                                │
1025│                           │ bridged    interfaces    for                                │
1026│                           │ things like tunnels and vir‐                                │
1027│                           │ tual machine networks, or to                                │
1028│                           │ manage BMC interfaceby DHCP.                                │
1029│                           │ Supported  values  for   the                                │
1030│                           │ --interface-type   parameter                                │
1031│                           │ are  "bond",   "bond_slave",                                │
1032│                           │ "bridge",                                                   │
1033│                           │ "bridge_slave","bonded_bridge_slave"                        │
1034│                           │ and  "bmc".   If  one of the                                │
1035│                           │ "_slave" options  is  speci‐                                │
1036│                           │ fied,   you   also  need  to                                │
1037│                           │ define   themaster-interface                                │
1038│                           │ for this bond using --inter‐                                │
1039│                           │ face-master=INTERFACE. Bond‐                                │
1040│                           │ ing  and  bridge options for                                │
1041│                           │ the  master-interfacemay  be                                │
1042│                           │ specified    using   --bond‐                                │
1043│                           │ ing-opts="foo=1  bar=2"   or                                │
1044│                           │ --bridge-opts="foo=1 bar=2",                                │
1045│                           │ respectively.                                               │
1047│                           │ Example:                                                    │
1049│                           │ cobbler   system   edit   --name=foo                        │
1050│                           │ --interface=eth0                                            │
1051│                           │ --mac=AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:00     --inter‐                        │
1052│                           │ face-type=bond_slave        --inter‐                        │
1053│                           │ face-master=bond0                                           │
1057│                           │ cobbler   system   edit   --name=foo                        │
1058│                           │ --interface=eth1                                            │
1059│                           │ --mac=AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:01     --inter‐                        │
1060│                           │ face-type=bond_slave        --inter‐                        │
1061│                           │ face-master=bond0                                           │
1063│                           │ cobbler   system   edit   --name=foo                        │
1064│                           │ --interface=bond0           --inter‐                        │
1065│                           │ face-type=bond               --bond‐                        │
1066│                           │ ing-opts="mode=active-backup                                │
1067│                           │ miimon=100"                                                 │
1068│                           │ --ip-address=     --net‐                        │
1069│                           │ mask=           --gate‐                        │
1070│                           │ way= --static=1                                  │
1072│                           │ More  information  about  networking                        │
1073│                           │ setup      is      available      at                        │
1074│                           │ https://github.com/cobbler/cobbler/wiki/Advanced-networking
1076│                           │ To review what networking configuration you  have  for  any │
1077│                           │ object, run "cobbler system report" at any time:            │
1079│                           │ Example:                                                    │
1081│                           │ cobbler system report --name=foo                            │
1084   cobbler repo
1085       Repository  mirroring  allows  cobbler to mirror not only install trees
1086       ("cobbler import" does this for you) but also  optional  packages,  3rd
1087       party  content, and even updates. Mirroring all of this content locally
1088       on your network will result in faster,  more  up-to-date  installations
1089       and  faster  updates.  If  you are only provisioning a home setup, this
1090       will probably be overkill, though it can be very useful for larger set‐
1091       ups (labs, datacenters, etc).
1093          $ cobbler repo add --mirror=url --name=string [--rpmlist=list] [--creatrepo-flags=string] [--keep-updated=Y/N] [--priority=number] [--arch=string] [--mirror-locally=Y/N] [--breed=yum|rsync|rhn]
1095       ┌─────────────────┬───────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
1096       │Name             │ Description                                       │
1097       ├─────────────────┼───────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
1098       │mirror           │ The  address  of  the  yum                        │
1099       │                 │ mirror.  This  can  be  an                        │
1100       │                 │ rsync://-URL, an ssh loca‐                        │
1101       │                 │ tion,  or  a  http://   or                        │
1102       │                 │ ftp://   mirror  location.                        │
1103       │                 │ Filesystem   paths    also                        │
1104       │                 │ work.                                             │
1105       ├─────────────────┼───────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
1106       │                 │ The  mirror address should                        │
1107       │                 │ specify an  exact  reposi‐                        │
1108       │                 │ tory to mirror -- just one                        │
1109       │                 │ architecture and just  one                        │
1110       │                 │ distribution.  If you have                        │
1111       │                 │ a separate repo to  mirror                        │
1112       │                 │ for  a different arch, add                        │
1113       │                 │ that repo separately.                             │
1114       ├─────────────────┼───────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
1115       │                 │ Here's an example of  what                        │
1116       │                 │ looks like a good URL:                            │
1117       └─────────────────┴───────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
1123       │                 │                                                   │
1124       │                 │        · rsync://yourmir‐                         
1125       │                 │          ror.exam‐                                
1126       │                 │          ple.com/fedora-linux-core/updates/6/i386 
1127       │                 │          (for rsync proto‐                        │
1128       │                 │          col)                                     │
1129       │                 │                                                   │
1130       │                 │        · http://mir
1131       │                 │          rors.ker‐                                
1132       │                 │          nel.org/fedora/extras/6/i386/            
1133       │                 │          (for http)                               │
1134       │                 │                                                   │
1135       │                 │        · user@yourmir‐                            
1136       │                 │          ror.exam‐                                
1137       │                 │          ple.com/fedora-linux-core/updates/6/i386 
1138       │                 │          (for SSH)                                │
1139       ├─────────────────┼───────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
1140       │                 │ Experimental support is also provided for mirror‐ │
1141       │                 │ ing RHN content when you need a fast  local  mir‐ │
1142       │                 │ ror.   The  mirror  syntax  for  this  is  --mir‐ 
1143       │                 │ ror=rhn://channel-name and you must have entitle‐ │
1144       │                 │ ments for this to work. This requires the cobbler │
1145       │                 │ server to be installed on  RHEL5  or  later.  You │
1146       │                 │ will  also  need  a version of yum-utils equal or │
1147       │                 │ greater to 1.0.4.                                 │
1148       ├─────────────────┼───────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
1149       │name             │ This name is used as the save  location  for  the │
1150       │                 │ mirror.  If  the  mirror represented, say, Fedora │
1151       │                 │ Core  6  i386  updates,  a  good  name  would  be │
1152       │                 │ fc6i386updates. Again, be specific.               │
1153       ├─────────────────┼───────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
1154       │                 │ This  name  corresponds  with values given to the │
1155       │                 │ --repos parameter of cobbler profile add.   If  a │
1156       │                 │ profile has a --repos-value that matches the name │
1157       │                 │ given here, that repo can be automatically set up │
1158       │                 │ during    provisioning   (when   supported)   and │
1159       │                 │ installed systems will also use the  boot  server │
1160       │                 │ as  a  mirror  (unless yum_post_install_mirror is │
1161       │                 │ disabled in the settings file).  By  default  the │
1162       │                 │ provisioning  server will act as a mirror to sys‐ │
1163       │                 │ tems it installs, which may not be desirable  for │
1164       │                 │ laptop configurations, etc.                       │
1165       ├─────────────────┼───────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
1166       │                 │ Distros  that  can  make  use of yum repositories │
1167       │                 │ during automatic  installation  include  FC6  and │
1168       │                 │ later, RHEL 5 and later, and derivative distribu‐ │
1169       │                 │ tions.                                            │
1170       ├─────────────────┼───────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
1171       │                 │ See the documentation on cobbler profile add  for │
1172       │                 │ more information.                                 │
1173       ├─────────────────┼───────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
1174       │rpm-list         │ By  specifying  a space-delimited list of package │
1175       │                 │ names for --rpm-list, one can  decide  to  mirror │
1176       │                 │ only  a  part  of  a  repo  (the list of packages │
1177       │                 │ given, plus dependencies). This may be helpful in │
1178       │                 │ conserving  time/space/bandwidth.  For  instance, │
1179       │                 │ when mirroring FC6 Extras, it may be  desired  to │
1180       │                 │ mirror just cobbler and koan, and skip all of the │
1181       │                 │ game packages. To do this,  use  --rpm-list="cob‐ 
1182       │                 │ bler koan".                                       │
1183       └─────────────────┴───────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
1189       │                 │ This  option  only  works  for http:// and ftp:// 
1190       │                 │ repositories (as it is powered by yumdownloader). │
1191       │                 │ It  will  be ignored for other mirror types, such │
1192       │                 │ as local paths and rsync:// mirrors.              │
1193       ├─────────────────┼───────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
1194       │createrepo-flags │ Specifies optional flags to feed  into  the  cre‐ │
1195       │                 │ aterepo   tool,  which  is  called  when  cobbler 
1196       │                 │ reposync is run for  the  given  repository.  The │
1197       │                 │ defaults are -c cache.                            │
1198       ├─────────────────┼───────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
1199       │keep-updated     │ Specifies that the named repository should not be │
1200       │                 │ updated during a normal "cobbler  reposync".  The │
1201       │                 │ repo may still beupdated by name. The repo should │
1202       │                 │ be synced at least  once  before  disabling  this │
1203       │                 │ feature. See "cobbler reposync" below.            │
1204       ├─────────────────┼───────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
1205       │mirror-locally   │ When set to N, specifies that this yum repo is to │
1206       │                 │ be referenced directly via automatic installation │
1207       │                 │ files  and  not  mirrored  locally on the cobbler │
1208       │                 │ server. Only http:// and ftp:// mirror  urls  are │
1209       │                 │ supported when using --mirror-locally=N, you can‐ │
1210       │                 │ not use filesystem URLs.                          │
1211       ├─────────────────┼───────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
1212       │priority         │ Specifies the priority  of  the  repository  (the │
1213       │                 │ lower the number, the higher the priority), which │
1214       │                 │ applies to installed machines using the reposito‐ │
1215       │                 │ ries  that  also  have  the yum priorities plugin │
1216       │                 │ installed. The default priority for  the  plugins │
1217       │                 │ 99,  as is that of all cobbler mirrored reposito‐ │
1218       │                 │ ries.                                             │
1219       ├─────────────────┼───────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
1220       │arch             │ Specifies what architecture the repository should │
1221       │                 │ use.  By  default the current system arch (of the │
1222       │                 │ server) is used,which may not be desirable. Using │
1223       │                 │ this  to override the default arch allows mirror‐ │
1224       │                 │ ing of source repositories(using --arch=src).     │
1225       ├─────────────────┼───────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
1226       │yumopts          │ Sets values for additional yum options  that  the │
1227       │                 │ repo   should   use  on  installed  systems.  For │
1228       │                 │ instance if a yum plugin takes a certain  parame‐ │
1229       │                 │ ter   "alpha"  and  "beta",  use  something  like │
1230       │                 │ --yumopts="alpha=2 beta=3".                       │
1231       ├─────────────────┼───────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
1232       │breed            │ Ordinarily cobbler's repo system will  understand │
1233       │                 │ what  you  mean without supplying this parameter, │
1234       │                 │ though you can set it explicitly if needed.       │
1235       └─────────────────┴───────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
1237   cobbler image
1238       Example:
1240          $ cobbler image
1242   cobbler mgmtclass
1243       Management classes allows cobbler to function as an configuration  man‐
1244       agement  system.  Cobbler  currently  supports  the  following resource
1245       types:
1247       1. Packages
1249       2. Files
1251       Resources are executed in the order listed above.
1253          $ cobbler mgmtclass add --name=string --comment=string [--packages=list] [--files=list]
1255                       ┌─────────┬────────────────────────────┐
1256                       │Name     │ Description                │
1257                       ├─────────┼────────────────────────────┤
1258                       │name     │ The name of the mgmtclass. │
1259                       │         │ Use  this name when adding │
1260                       │         │ a management  class  to  a │
1261                       │         │ system,  profile,  or dis‐ │
1262                       │         │ tro.  To add amgmtclass to │
1263                       │         │ an   existing  system  use │
1264                       │         │ something  like   (cobbler 
1265                       │         │ system  edit  --name="mad‐ 
1266                       │         │ hatter"                    
1267                       │         │ --mgmt-classes="http       
1268                       │         │ mysql").                   │
1269                       ├─────────┼────────────────────────────┤
1270                       │comment  │ A comment  that  describes │
1271                       │         │ the  functions of the man‐ │
1272                       │         │ agement class.             │
1273                       ├─────────┼────────────────────────────┤
1274                       │packages │ Specifies a list of  pack‐ │
1275                       │         │ age  resources required by │
1276                       │         │ the management class.      │
1277                       ├─────────┼────────────────────────────┤
1278                       │files    │ Specifies a list  of  file │
1279                       │         │ resources  required by the │
1280                       │         │ management class.          │
1281                       └─────────┴────────────────────────────┘
1283   cobbler package
1284       Package resources are managed using cobbler package add
1286       Actions:
1288                      ┌──────────┬────────────────────────────┐
1289                      │Name      │ Description                │
1290                      ├──────────┼────────────────────────────┤
1291                      │install   │ Install    the    package. │
1292                      │          │ [Default]                  │
1293                      ├──────────┼────────────────────────────┤
1294                      │uninstall │ Uninstall the package.     │
1295                      └──────────┴────────────────────────────┘
1297       Attributes:
1299                      ┌──────────┬────────────────────────────┐
1300                      │Name      │ Description                │
1301                      ├──────────┼────────────────────────────┤
1302                      │installer │ Which  package  manager to │
1303                      │          │ use,     vaild     options │
1304                      │          │ [rpm|yum].                 │
1305                      ├──────────┼────────────────────────────┤
1306                      │version   │ Which version of the pack‐ │
1307                      │          │ age to install.            │
1308                      └──────────┴────────────────────────────┘
1310       Example:
1312          $ cobbler package add --name=string --comment=string [--action=install|uninstall] --installer=string [--version=string]
1314   cobbler file
1315       Actions:
1317                        ┌───────┬────────────────────────────┐
1318                        │Name   │ Description                │
1319                        └───────┴────────────────────────────┘
1321                        │create │ Create the file. [Default] │
1322                        ├───────┼────────────────────────────┤
1323                        │remove │ Remove the file.           │
1324                        └───────┴────────────────────────────┘
1326       Attributes:
1328                       ┌─────────┬────────────────────────────┐
1329                       │Name     │ Description                │
1330                       ├─────────┼────────────────────────────┤
1331                       │mode     │ Permission  mode  (as   in │
1332                       │         │ chmod).                    │
1333                       ├─────────┼────────────────────────────┤
1334                       │group    │ The  group  owner  of  the │
1335                       │         │ file.                      │
1336                       ├─────────┼────────────────────────────┤
1337                       │user     │ The user for the file.     │
1338                       ├─────────┼────────────────────────────┤
1339                       │path     │ The path for the file.     │
1340                       ├─────────┼────────────────────────────┤
1341                       │template │ The template for the file. │
1342                       └─────────┴────────────────────────────┘
1344       Example:
1346          $ cobbler file add --name=string --comment=string [--action=string] --mode=string --group=string --owner=string --path=string [--template=string]
1348   cobbler aclsetup
1349       Example:
1351          $ cobbler aclsetup
1353   cobbler buildiso
1354       Example:
1356          $ cobbler buildiso
1358   cobbler import
1359       Example:
1361          $ cobbler import
1363   cobbler list
1364       This list all the names grouped by type. Identically to cobbler  report
1365       there  are  subcommands  for  most of the other cobbler commands. (Cur‐
1366       rently: distro, profile, system, repo, image, mgmtclass, package, file)
1368          $ cobbler list
1370   cobbler replicate
1371       Cobbler can replicate configurations from a master cobbler server. Each
1372       cobbler  server  is still expected to have a locally relevant /etc/cob‐
1373       bler/cobbler.conf and modules.conf, as these files are not synced.
1375       This feature is intended for load-balancing, disaster-recovery, backup,
1376       or multiple geography support.
1378       Cobbler can replicate data from a central server.
1380       Objects  that need to be replicated should be specified with a pattern,
1381       such  as  --profiles="webservers*  dbservers*"  or   --systems="*.exam‐
1382       ple.org".  All  objects matched by the pattern, and all dependencies of
1383       those objects matched by the pattern (recursively) will be  transferred
1384       from  the  remote  server  to the central server. This is to say if you
1385       intend to transfer *.example.org and the definition of the systems have
1386       not  changed, but a profile above them has changed, the changes to that
1387       profile will also be transferred.
1389       In the case where objects are more recent on the  local  server,  those
1390       changes will not be overridden locally.
1392       Common  data  locations  will be rsync'ed from the master server unless
1393       --omit-data is specified.
1395       To delete objects that are no longer present on the master server,  use
1396       --prune.
1398       Warning:  This  will  delete all object types not present on the remote
1399       server from the local server, and is recursive.  If you use  prune,  it
1400       is  best to manage cobbler centrally and not expect changes made on the
1401       slave servers to be preserved. It is not  currently  possible  to  just
1402       prune objects of a specific type.
1404       Example:
1406          $ cobbler replicate --master=cobbler.example.org [--distros=pattern] [--profiles=pattern] [--systems=pattern] [--repos-pattern] [--images=pattern] [--prune] [--omit-data]
1408   cobbler report
1409       This  lists  all  configuration which cobbler can obtain from the saved
1410       data. There are also report subcommands for most of the  other  cobbler
1411       commands.  (Currently: distro, profile, system, repo, image, mgmtclass,
1412       package, file)
1414          $ cobbler report --name=[object-name]
1416       --name=[object-name]
1418       Optional parameter which filters for object with the given name.
1420   cobbler reposync
1421       Example:
1423          $ cobbler reposync
1425   cobbler sync
1426       The sync command is very important, though very often  unnecessary  for
1427       most situations. It's primary purpose is to force a rewrite of all con‐
1428       figuration files, distribution files in the TFTP root, and  to  restart
1429       managed services. So why is it unnecessary? Because in most common sit‐
1430       uations (after an object is edited, for example), Cobbler executes what
1431       is known as a "lite sync" which rewrites most critical files.
1433       When is a full sync required? When you are using manage_dhcpd (Managing
1434       DHCP) with systems that use static leases.  In that case, a  full  sync
1435       is  required  to  rewrite  the dhcpd.conf file and to restart the dhcpd
1436       service.
1438       Cobbler sync is used to repair or rebuild  the  contents  /tftpboot  or
1439       /var/www/cobbler  when  something  has  changed  behind  the scenes. It
1440       brings the filesystem up to date with the configuration  as  understood
1441       by cobbler.
1443       Sync  should  be  run  whenever  files in /var/lib/cobbler are manually
1444       edited (which is not recommended except for the settings file) or  when
1445       making  changes  to  automatic  installation  files.  In practice, this
1446       should not happen often, though running sync too many  times  does  not
1447       cause any adverse effects.
1449       If  using  cobbler to manage a DHCP and/or DNS server (see the advanced
1450       section of this manpage), sync does need to be run  after  systems  are
1451       added to regenerate and reload the DHCP/DNS configurations.
1453       The sync process can also be kicked off from the web interface.
1455       Example:
1457          $ cobbler sync
1459   cobbler validate-autoinstalls
1460       Example:
1462          $ cobbler validate-autoinstalls
1464   cobbler version
1465       Example:
1467          $ cobbler version
1469   cobbler signature
1470       Example:
1472          $ cobbler signature
1474   cobbler get-loaders
1475       Example:
1477          $ cobbler get-loaders
1479   cobbler hardlink
1480       Example:
1482          $ cobbler hardlink


1485       cobbler's  command  line  returns  a  zero for success and non-zero for
1486       failure.


1489       We  have  a  Gitter  Channel  and  you  also  can  ask   questions   as
1490       Github-Issues.  The  IRC  Channel  on  Freenode  (#cobbler) is not that
1491       active but sometimes there are people who can help you.
1493       The way we would prefer are Github-Issues as they  are  easily  search‐
1494       able.


1497       Jörgen Maas
1500       2020, Jörgen Maas
15053.0                              Feb 21, 2020                       COBBLER(1)