1wxGUI.modules(1)              Grass User's Manual             wxGUI.modules(1)

wxGUI Module dialogs


7       GRASS GIS functionality is organized into modules, which are standalone
8       programs with defined interface. Their graphical user  interface  (GUI)
9       is  a  dialog  with  several tabs which organize module parameters into
10       groups.
12       Each parameter can have different type of  input  fields,  for  example
13       text entry or drop-down list.  Flags are represented as checkboxes. The
14       parameter (or flag) name is visible on the right  side  of  each  input
15       field  so that it is simple to understand how the module dialog relates
16       to the command representation which is used in the manuals and  tutori‐
17       als.   The commands can be used to call the module in the command line,
18       Shell scripts or, with a slight modification, in a Python script.
20   Tabs
21       Module parameters and flags are organized  in  tabs.  Their  names  can
22       depend  on  a module, however every module has Command output tab where
23       the progress can be observed, and  the  module  output  including  text
24       results or warnings are printed.  The last Manual tab contains descrip‐
25       tion of module’s parameters and examples. The same information  can  be
26       found in the online manual as well.
28       The  style of the tabs can be changed through GUI settings - Appearance
29       - Module dialog style. Note that the style appearance  depends  on  the
30       platform  and  some  styles  might be more suitable for different plat‐
31       forms.
32       Figure: Example of style "left" and "top" on Ubuntu.
34   Flags
35       Module flags are represented as checkboxes with description. There  are
36       three  special flags - overwrite, verbose and quiet.  Flags verbose and
37       quiet set the level of verbosity of the module (how detailed  the  mes‐
38       sages should be).
40       Modules  which  output  a new map or a new file have the flag overwrite
41       which must be used when the specified output map  or  file  is  already
42       present.   If  the  map or file of the specified name already exist and
43       overwrite flag is not used, an error message appears:
44       r.slope.aspect elevation=elevation slope=slope
45       ERROR: option <slope>: <slope> exists. To overwrite, use the --overwrite flag
46       If using the command instead of GUI, these flags are unlike other flags
47       prefixed with double dash:
48       r.slope.aspect elevation=elevation slope=slope --overwrite --quiet
50   Current working directory
51       Certain  modules  require  a  file as input or output.  Either the full
52       path to the file needs to be specified or a path relative to  the  cur‐
53       rent  working  directory  is  enough,  for example only the name of the
54       file.  Current working directory is a directory where GRASS would  look
55       for  or  output files to if the full path is not specified.  By default
56       working directory is user’s home folder.  It can be  changed  in  wxGUI
57       menu  Settings  - GRASS working environment - Change working directory,
58       or by typing cd and pressing Enter in the wxGUI  Command  console.   If
59       the  working  directory is changed to a directory where the input files
60       are, then it is enough to specify just the name of the file instead  of
61       the full path.
63       This  applies  to  external  files such as text files or GeoTiff files.
64       This does not apply to raster maps, vector maps  and  other  geospatial
65       data  stored  in GRASS database which do not need any path to be speci‐
66       fied.
68   Special widgets
69       For raster, vector or 3D raster input, there is a special widget  which
70       after  clicking  on  the  arrow to the right pops up a list of existing
71       maps from different mapsets.  Selecting a map from the popup list  will
72       add  it  to  the  entry  field.  In case multiple maps can be specified
73       (denoted by [multiple] label), selecting a map from the popup list will
74       append the map names with comma in between.
76       If  the  input  file  is  supposed to be a text file (for example color
77       rules in r.colors), it is possible to type the text in the provided box
78       directly instead of creating a new file in a text editor and saving it.
79       A temporary file is created in this case. By pressing the Save as  but‐
80       ton,  the content of the box is then saved into user specified file, so
81       that user’s workflow can be reproduced later. With Load button  we  can
82       display the content of selected file and edit it directly in the box.
84       Figure:  In  the first image, user specified a full path to a file.  In
85       the second image, user typed color  rules  conveniently  into  the  box
86       below, however the rules will not be stored permanently.


89       Dialogs  are  generated automatically based on module interface defined
90       using g.parser.  Command line interface can be  obtained  when  running
91       the module with a --help flag. The options and flags are the same as in
92       the module GUI.
93       r.neighbors --help
94       Description:
95        Makes each cell category value a function of the category
96       values assigned to the cells around it, and stores new cell
97       values in an output raster map layer.
98       Keywords:
99        raster, algebra, statistics, aggregation, neighbor, focal
100       statistics, filter
101       Usage:
102        r.neighbors [-ac] input=name [selection=name]
103       output=name[,name,...]
104          [method=string[,string,...]] [size=value] [title=phrase]
105       [weight=name]
106          [gauss=value] [quantile=value[,value,...]] [--overwrite]
107       [--help]
108          [--verbose] [--quiet] [--ui]
109       Flags:
110         -a   Do not align output with the input
111         -c   Use circular neighborhood
112        --o   Allow output files to overwrite existing files
113        --h   Print usage summary
114        --v   Verbose module output
115        --q   Quiet module output
116        --ui  Force launching GUI dialog
117       Parameters:
118             input   Name of input raster map
119         selection   Name of an input raster map to select the
120       cells which should be processed
121            output   Name for output raster map
122            method   Neighborhood operation
123                     options:
124       average,median,mode,minimum,maximum,range,stddev,sum,
125       count,variance,diversity,interspersion,quart1,quart3,
126                              perc90,quantile
127                     default: average
128              size   Neighborhood size
129                     default: 3
130             title   Title for output raster map
131            weight   Text file containing weights
132             gauss   Sigma (in cells) for Gaussian filter
133          quantile   Quantile to calculate for method=quantile
134                     options: 0.0-1.0


137        wxGUI
138       wxGUI components


141       GRASS Development Team
142       manual by Anna Petrasova, OSGeoREL, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech
143       Technical University in Prague
144       Vaclav  Petras, OSGeoREL, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical
145       University in Prague
147       $Date: 2016-04-09 18:43:25 +0200 (Sat, 09 Apr 2016) $


150       Available at: wxGUI Module dialogs source code (history)
152       Main index | Wxgui index | Topics index | Keywords  index  |  Graphical
153       index | Full index
155       © 2003-2019 GRASS Development Team, GRASS GIS 7.4.4 Reference Manual
159GRASS 7.4.4                                                   wxGUI.modules(1)