1Image::ExifTool::MIEUniUtsse(r3)Contributed Perl DocumenItmaatgieo:n:ExifTool::MIEUnits(3)
6 Image::ExifTool::MIEUnits - MIE units documentation
9 The MIE format allows units of measurement to be specified in brackets
10 at the end of a MIE tag name (eg. "Volume(m3)"). This document
11 describes the standard MIE units abbreviations.
14 The units string may contain any ASCII characters in the range 0x21
15 ('!') to 0x7d ('}'), excepting the bracket characters (0x28 and 0x29).
16 An empty string is allowed, and indicates a dimensionless value.
17 Standard units should be used where possible. In the standard units,
18 an underline ('_') is used to indicate a subscript, and multiple words
19 may be separated with a hyphen ('-').
21 Exponents should be positive, and require no separator (eg. "m2" for
22 square meters). Prefixes may be added to the standard units (eg.
23 "cm") except when the resulting name conflicts with another standard
24 unit.
26 Multiplication is indicated by '.', and division by '/'. Reciprocal
27 units (ie. the multiplicative inverse) are obtained through division
28 rather than the use of negative exponents (eg. "/in", not "in-1"). In
29 MIE units, multiplication has precedence over division, so everything
30 to the right of a '/' is in the denominator. (See "EXAMPLES" for a few
31 examples.)
33 Below is a table summarizing the special characters used in MIE units
34 strings.
36 . multiplication
37 / division (used for negative exponents)
38 - word separator
39 _ subscript
40 {} annotation
41 [] used to avoid name conflicts if necessary
42 0-9 exponentiation
45 dimensionless
46 [G] Newtonian constant of gravitation (unclassified)
47 [g] standard acceleration of free fall (acceleration)
48 [h] Planck constant (action)
49 [k] Boltzmann constant (unclassified)
50 {cfu} colony forming units (number)
51 {rbc} red blood cell count (number)
52 {tbl} tablets (number)
53 {tot} particles total count (number)
54 % percent (fraction)
55 10^N the number ten for arbitrary powers (number)
56 A Ampere (electric current)
57 a year (time)
58 a_g mean Gregorian year (time)
59 a_j mean Julian year (time)
60 a_t tropical year (time)
61 acr acre, U.S. (area)
62 acr_br acre, British (area)
63 Ao Angstrom (length)
64 APL-U APL unit (biologic activity of anticardiolipin IgA)
65 ar are (area)
66 arb-U arbitrary unit (arbitrary)
67 arcmin minute of arc (plane angle)
68 arcsec second of arc (plane angle)
69 atm standard atmosphere (pressure)
70 att technical atmosphere (pressure)
71 AU astronomic unit (length)
72 b barn (action area)
73 B bel (level)
74 B-kW bel kilowatt (power level)
75 B-mV bel millivolt (electric potential level)
76 B-SPL bel sound pressure (pressure level)
77 B-uV bel microvolt (electric potential level)
78 B-V bel volt (electric potential level)
79 B-W bel watt (power level)
80 bar bar (pressure)
81 bbl barrel (fluid volume)
82 Bd baud (signal transmission rate)
83 bdsk-U Bodansky unit (biologic activity of phosphatase)
84 beth-U Bethesda unit (biologic activity of factor VIII inhibitor)
85 bf board foot (volume)
86 Bi Biot (electric current)
87 bit bit (amount of information)
88 Bq Becquerel (radioactivity)
89 Btu British thermal unit (energy)
90 Btu_39 British thermal unit at 39 degF (energy)
91 Btu_59 British thermal unit at 59 degF (energy)
92 Btu_60 British thermal unit at 60 degF (energy)
93 Btu_IT international table British thermal unit (energy)
94 Btu_m mean British thermal unit (energy)
95 Btu_th thermochemical British thermal unit (energy)
96 bu bushel, U.S. (dry volume)
97 bu_br bushel, British (volume)
98 By byte (amount of information)
99 C Coulomb (electric charge)
100 c velocity of light (velocity)
101 cal calorie (energy)
102 Cal nutrition label Calories (energy)
103 cal_15 calorie at 15 degC (energy)
104 cal_20 calorie at 20 degC (energy)
105 cal_IT international table calorie (energy)
106 cal_m mean calorie (energy)
107 cal_th thermochemical calorie (energy)
108 car_Au carat of gold alloys (mass fraction)
109 car_m metric carat (mass)
110 cd candela (luminous intensity)
111 Cel degree Celsius (temperature)
112 Ch Charriere (gauge of catheters)
113 ch Gunter's chain, U.S. (length)
114 ch_br Gunter's chain, British (length)
115 Ci Curie (radioactivity)
116 cicero cicero (length)
117 circ circle (plane angle)
118 cml circular mil, international (area)
119 cr cord, international (volume)
120 crd_us cord, U.S. (fluid volume)
121 cup_us cup (volume)
122 d day (time)
123 deg degree (plane angle)
124 deg{mag} degree from magnetic north (plane angle)
125 degF degree Fahrenheit (temperature)
126 didot didot (length)
127 diop diopter (refraction of a lens)
128 dpt dry pint, U.S. (dry volume)
129 dqt dry quart, U.S. (dry volume)
130 dr dram (mass)
131 dr_ap dram, apothecary (mass)
132 drp drop (volume)
133 dye-U Dye unit (biologic activity of amylase)
134 dyn dyne (force)
135 e elementary charge (electric charge)
136 eps_0 permittivity of vacuum (electric permittivity)
137 eq equivalents (amount of substance)
138 erg erg (energy)
139 eV electronvolt (energy)
140 F Farad (electric capacitance)
141 fdr fluid dram, U.S. (fluid volume)
142 fdr_br fluid dram, British (volume)
143 foz fluid ounce, U.S. (fluid volume)
144 foz_br fluid ounce, British (volume)
145 ft foot, international (length)
146 ft_br foot, British (length)
147 ft_us foot, U.S. (length)
148 fth fathom, international (length)
149 fth_br fathom, British (length)
150 fth_us fathom, U.S. (length)
151 fur furlong, U.S. (length)
152 G Gauss (magnetic flux density)
153 g gram (mass)
154 g.m/{H-B} gram meter per heartbeat (prop. to ventricular stroke work)
155 g% gram percent (mass fraction)
156 Gal Gal (acceleration)
157 gal gallon, U.S. (fluid volume)
158 gal_br gallon, British (volume)
159 gal_wi historical winchester gallon (dry volume)
160 Gb Gilbert (magnetic tension)
161 gf gram-force (force)
162 gil gill, U.S. (fluid volume)
163 gil_br gill, British (volume)
164 gon gon (plane angle)
165 GPL-U GPL unit (biologic activity of anticardiolipin IgG)
166 gr grain (mass)
167 Gy Gray (energy dose)
168 H Henry (inductance)
169 h hour (time)
170 hd hand, international (height of horses)
171 hnsf-U Hounsfield unit (x-ray attenuation)
172 HP horsepower (power)
173 hp_C homeopathic potency of centesimal series (homeopathic potency)
174 hp_X homeopathic potency of decimal series (homeopathic potency)
175 HPF high power field (view area in microscope)
176 Hz Herz (frequency)
177 in inch, international (length)
178 in_br inch, British (length)
179 in_us inch, U.S. (length)
180 in-H2O inch of water column (pressure)
181 in-Hg inch of mercury column (pressure)
182 iU international unit (arbitrary)
183 J Joule (energy)
184 K Kelvin (temperature)
185 ka-U King-Armstrong unit (biologic activity of phosphatase)
186 kat katal (catalytic activity)
187 kg{wet-tis} kilogram of wet tissue (mass)
188 kn knot, international (velocity)
189 kn_br knot, British (velocity)
190 knk-U Kunkel unit (arbitrary biologic activity)
191 Ky Kayser (lineic number)
192 l liter (volume)
193 L liter (volume)
194 lb pound (mass)
195 lb_ap pound, apothecary (mass)
196 lb_tr pound, troy (mass)
197 lbf pound force (force)
198 lcwt long hunderdweight (mass)
199 ligne ligne (length)
200 lk link for Gunter's chain, U.S. (length)
201 lk_br link for Gunter's chain, British (length)
202 lm lumen (luminous flux)
203 Lmb Lambert (brightness)
204 lne line (length)
205 LPF low power field (view area in microscope)
206 lton long ton (mass)
207 lx lux (illuminance)
208 ly light-year (length)
209 m meter (length)
210 m_e electron mass (mass)
211 m_p proton mass (mass)
212 m-H2O meter of water column (pressure)
213 m-Hg meter of mercury column (pressure)
214 mclg-U Mac Lagan unit (arbitrary biologic activity)
215 mesh mesh, international (lineic number)
216 MET metabolic equivalent (metabolic cost of physical activity)
217 mg{creat} milligram of creatinine (mass)
218 mho mho (electric conductance)
219 mi mile, international (statute mile) (length)
220 mi_br mile, British (length)
221 mi_us mile, U.S. (length)
222 mil mil, international (length)
223 mil_us mil, U.S. (length)
224 min minute (time)
225 min_br minim, British (volume)
226 min_us minim, U.S. (fluid volume)
227 mo month (time)
228 mo_g mean Gregorian month (time)
229 mo_j mean Julian month (time)
230 mo_s synodal month (time)
231 mol mole (amount of substance)
232 MPL-U MPL unit (biologic activity of anticardiolipin IgM)
233 mu_0 permeability of vacuum (magnetic permeability)
234 Mx Maxwell (flux of magnetic induction)
235 N Newton (force)
236 nmi nautical mile, international (length)
237 nmi_br nautical mile, British (length)
238 Np neper (level)
239 Oe Oersted (magnetic field intensity)
240 Ohm Ohm (electric resistance)
241 osm osmole of dissolved particles (amount of substance)
242 oz ounce (mass)
243 oz_ap ounce, apothecary (mass)
244 oz_tr ounce, troy (mass)
245 P Poise (dynamic viscosity)
246 Pa Pascal (pressure)
247 pc parsec (length)
248 pc_br pace (length)
249 pca pica (length)
250 pca_pr Printer's pica (length)
251 pH pH (acidity)
252 ph phot (illuminance)
253 pi the number pi (number)
254 pied pied (length)
255 pk peck, U.S. (dry volume)
256 pk_br peck, British (volume)
257 pnt point (length)
258 pnt_pr Printer's point (length)
259 pouce pouce (length)
260 ppb parts per billion (fraction)
261 ppm parts per million (fraction)
262 ppth parts per thousand (fraction)
263 pptr parts per trillion (fraction)
264 PRU peripheral vascular resistance unit (fluid resistance)
265 psi pound per square inch (pressure)
266 pt pint, U.S. (fluid volume)
267 pt_br pint, British (volume)
268 pwt_tr pennyweight (mass)
269 qt quart, U.S. (fluid volume)
270 qt_br quart, British (volume)
271 R Roentgen (ion dose)
272 rad radian (plane angle)
273 RAD radiation absorbed dose (energy dose)
274 rch Ramden's chain, U.S. (length)
275 rd rod, U.S. (length)
276 rd_br rod, British (length)
277 REM radiation equivalent man (dose equivalent)
278 rlk_us link for Ramden's chain (length)
279 s second (time)
280 S Siemens (electric conductance)
281 sb stilb (lum. intensity density)
282 sc_ap scruple, apothecary (mass)
283 sct section (area)
284 scwt short hundredweight (mass)
285 smgy-U Somogyi unit (biologic activity of amylase)
286 sph spere (solid angle)
287 sr streadian (solid angle)
288 st stere (volume)
289 St Stokes (kinematic viscosity)
290 ston short ton (mass)
291 stone stone (mass)
292 Sv Sievert (dose equivalent)
293 Sv-U Svedberg unit (sedimentation coefficient)
294 T Tesla (magnetic flux density)
295 t tonne (mass)
296 tb-U tuberculin unit (biologic activity of tuberculin)
297 tbs tablespoon, U.S. (volume)
298 todd-U Todd unit (biologic activity antistreptolysin O)
299 tsp teaspoon, U.S. (volume)
300 twp township (area)
301 u unified atomic mass unit (mass)
302 U Unit (catalytic activity)
303 USP-U U.S. Pharmacopeia unit (arbitrary)
304 V Volt (electric potential)
305 W Watt (power)
306 Wb Weber (magnetic flux)
307 wk week (time)
308 yd yard, international (length)
309 yd_br yard, British (length)
310 yd_us yard, U.S. (length)
313 Standard SI prefixes:
315 y yocto (10^-24)
316 z zepto (10^-21)
317 a atto (10^-18)
318 f femto (10^-15)
319 p pico (10^-12)
320 n nano (10^-9)
321 u micro (10^-6)
322 m milli (10^-3)
323 c centi (10^-2)
324 d deci (10^-1)
325 da deka (10)
326 h hecto (10^2)
327 k kilo (10^3)
328 G giga (10^9)
329 M mega (10^6)
330 T tera (10^12)
331 P peta (10^15)
332 E exa (10^18)
333 Z zetta (10^21)
334 Y yotta (10^24)
336 Binary power prefixes:
338 Ki kibi (2^10)
339 Mi mebi (2^20)
340 Gi gibi (2^30)
341 Ti tebi (2^40)
344 A few examples of combined units strings:
346 /cm3 per cubic centimeter
347 in2 square inches
348 kg.m/s2 Newtons (N)
349 m3/kg.s2 units of [G]
350 10^100 googols
353 2006-12-14 - PH Created
356 Copyright 2003-2019, Phil Harvey (phil at owl.phy.queensu.ca)
358 This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
359 under the same terms as Perl itself.
362 <http://aurora.regenstrief.org/UCUM/>
365 Image::ExifTool::MIE(3pm), Image::ExifTool(3pm)
369perl v5.28.1 2019-01-10 Image::ExifTool::MIEUnits(3)