1SYSTEMD(1)                          systemd                         SYSTEMD(1)


6       systemd, init - systemd system and service manager


9       /usr/lib/systemd/systemd [OPTIONS...]
11       init [OPTIONS...] {COMMAND}


14       systemd is a system and service manager for Linux operating systems.
15       When run as first process on boot (as PID 1), it acts as init system
16       that brings up and maintains userspace services. Separate instances are
17       started for logged-in users to start their services.
19       systemd is usually not invoked directly by the user, but is installed
20       as the /sbin/init symlink and started during early boot. The user
21       manager instances are started automatically through the
22       user@.service(5) service.
24       For compatibility with SysV, if the binary is called as init and is not
25       the first process on the machine (PID is not 1), it will execute
26       telinit and pass all command line arguments unmodified. That means init
27       and telinit are mostly equivalent when invoked from normal login
28       sessions. See telinit(8) for more information.
30       When run as a system instance, systemd interprets the configuration
31       file system.conf and the files in system.conf.d directories; when run
32       as a user instance, systemd interprets the configuration file user.conf
33       and the files in user.conf.d directories. See systemd-system.conf(5)
34       for more information.


37       systemd provides a dependency system between various entities called
38       "units" of 11 different types. Units encapsulate various objects that
39       are relevant for system boot-up and maintenance. The majority of units
40       are configured in unit configuration files, whose syntax and basic set
41       of options is described in systemd.unit(5), however some are created
42       automatically from other configuration, dynamically from system state
43       or programmatically at runtime. Units may be "active" (meaning started,
44       bound, plugged in, ..., depending on the unit type, see below), or
45       "inactive" (meaning stopped, unbound, unplugged, ...), as well as in
46       the process of being activated or deactivated, i.e. between the two
47       states (these states are called "activating", "deactivating"). A
48       special "failed" state is available as well, which is very similar to
49       "inactive" and is entered when the service failed in some way (process
50       returned error code on exit, or crashed, an operation timed out, or
51       after too many restarts). If this state is entered, the cause will be
52       logged, for later reference. Note that the various unit types may have
53       a number of additional substates, which are mapped to the five
54       generalized unit states described here.
56       The following unit types are available:
58        1. Service units, which start and control daemons and the processes
59           they consist of. For details, see systemd.service(5).
61        2. Socket units, which encapsulate local IPC or network sockets in the
62           system, useful for socket-based activation. For details about
63           socket units, see systemd.socket(5), for details on socket-based
64           activation and other forms of activation, see daemon(7).
66        3. Target units are useful to group units, or provide well-known
67           synchronization points during boot-up, see systemd.target(5).
69        4. Device units expose kernel devices in systemd and may be used to
70           implement device-based activation. For details, see
71           systemd.device(5).
73        5. Mount units control mount points in the file system, for details
74           see systemd.mount(5).
76        6. Automount units provide automount capabilities, for on-demand
77           mounting of file systems as well as parallelized boot-up. See
78           systemd.automount(5).
80        7. Timer units are useful for triggering activation of other units
81           based on timers. You may find details in systemd.timer(5).
83        8. Swap units are very similar to mount units and encapsulate memory
84           swap partitions or files of the operating system. They are
85           described in systemd.swap(5).
87        9. Path units may be used to activate other services when file system
88           objects change or are modified. See systemd.path(5).
90       10. Slice units may be used to group units which manage system
91           processes (such as service and scope units) in a hierarchical tree
92           for resource management purposes. See systemd.slice(5).
94       11. Scope units are similar to service units, but manage foreign
95           processes instead of starting them as well. See systemd.scope(5).
97       Units are named as their configuration files. Some units have special
98       semantics. A detailed list is available in systemd.special(7).
100       systemd knows various kinds of dependencies, including positive and
101       negative requirement dependencies (i.e.  Requires= and Conflicts=) as
102       well as ordering dependencies (After= and Before=). NB: ordering and
103       requirement dependencies are orthogonal. If only a requirement
104       dependency exists between two units (e.g.  foo.service requires
105       bar.service), but no ordering dependency (e.g.  foo.service after
106       bar.service) and both are requested to start, they will be started in
107       parallel. It is a common pattern that both requirement and ordering
108       dependencies are placed between two units. Also note that the majority
109       of dependencies are implicitly created and maintained by systemd. In
110       most cases, it should be unnecessary to declare additional dependencies
111       manually, however it is possible to do this.
113       Application programs and units (via dependencies) may request state
114       changes of units. In systemd, these requests are encapsulated as 'jobs'
115       and maintained in a job queue. Jobs may succeed or can fail, their
116       execution is ordered based on the ordering dependencies of the units
117       they have been scheduled for.
119       On boot systemd activates the target unit default.target whose job is
120       to activate on-boot services and other on-boot units by pulling them in
121       via dependencies. Usually, the unit name is just an alias (symlink) for
122       either graphical.target (for fully-featured boots into the UI) or
123       multi-user.target (for limited console-only boots for use in embedded
124       or server environments, or similar; a subset of graphical.target).
125       However, it is at the discretion of the administrator to configure it
126       as an alias to any other target unit. See systemd.special(7) for
127       details about these target units.
129       systemd only keeps a minimal set of units loaded into memory.
130       Specifically, the only units that are kept loaded into memory are those
131       for which at least one of the following conditions is true:
133        1. It is in an active, activating, deactivating or failed state (i.e.
134           in any unit state except for "inactive")
136        2. It has a job queued for it
138        3. It is a dependency of at least one other unit that is loaded into
139           memory
141        4. It has some form of resource still allocated (e.g. a service unit
142           that is inactive but for which a process is still lingering that
143           ignored the request to be terminated)
145        5. It has been pinned into memory programmatically by a D-Bus call
147       systemd will automatically and implicitly load units from disk — if
148       they are not loaded yet — as soon as operations are requested for them.
149       Thus, in many respects, the fact whether a unit is loaded or not is
150       invisible to clients. Use systemctl list-units --all to comprehensively
151       list all units currently loaded. Any unit for which none of the
152       conditions above applies is promptly unloaded. Note that when a unit is
153       unloaded from memory its accounting data is flushed out too. However,
154       this data is generally not lost, as a journal log record is generated
155       declaring the consumed resources whenever a unit shuts down.
157       Processes systemd spawns are placed in individual Linux control groups
158       named after the unit which they belong to in the private systemd
159       hierarchy. (see cgroups.txt[1] for more information about control
160       groups, or short "cgroups"). systemd uses this to effectively keep
161       track of processes. Control group information is maintained in the
162       kernel, and is accessible via the file system hierarchy (beneath
163       /sys/fs/cgroup/systemd/), or in tools such as systemd-cgls(1) or ps(1)
164       (ps xawf -eo pid,user,cgroup,args is particularly useful to list all
165       processes and the systemd units they belong to.).
167       systemd is compatible with the SysV init system to a large degree: SysV
168       init scripts are supported and simply read as an alternative (though
169       limited) configuration file format. The SysV /dev/initctl interface is
170       provided, and compatibility implementations of the various SysV client
171       tools are available. In addition to that, various established Unix
172       functionality such as /etc/fstab or the utmp database are supported.
174       systemd has a minimal transaction system: if a unit is requested to
175       start up or shut down it will add it and all its dependencies to a
176       temporary transaction. Then, it will verify if the transaction is
177       consistent (i.e. whether the ordering of all units is cycle-free). If
178       it is not, systemd will try to fix it up, and removes non-essential
179       jobs from the transaction that might remove the loop. Also, systemd
180       tries to suppress non-essential jobs in the transaction that would stop
181       a running service. Finally it is checked whether the jobs of the
182       transaction contradict jobs that have already been queued, and
183       optionally the transaction is aborted then. If all worked out and the
184       transaction is consistent and minimized in its impact it is merged with
185       all already outstanding jobs and added to the run queue. Effectively
186       this means that before executing a requested operation, systemd will
187       verify that it makes sense, fixing it if possible, and only failing if
188       it really cannot work.
190       Note that transactions are generated independently of a unit's state at
191       runtime, hence, for example, if a start job is requested on an already
192       started unit, it will still generate a transaction and wake up any
193       inactive dependencies (and cause propagation of other jobs as per the
194       defined relationships). This is because the enqueued job is at the time
195       of execution compared to the target unit's state and is marked
196       successful and complete when both satisfy. However, this job also pulls
197       in other dependencies due to the defined relationships and thus leads
198       to, in our example, start jobs for any of those inactive units getting
199       queued as well.
201       systemd contains native implementations of various tasks that need to
202       be executed as part of the boot process. For example, it sets the
203       hostname or configures the loopback network device. It also sets up and
204       mounts various API file systems, such as /sys/ or /proc/.
206       For more information about the concepts and ideas behind systemd,
207       please refer to the Original Design Document[2].
209       Note that some but not all interfaces provided by systemd are covered
210       by the Interface Portability and Stability Promise[3].
212       Units may be generated dynamically at boot and system manager reload
213       time, for example based on other configuration files or parameters
214       passed on the kernel command line. For details, see
215       systemd.generator(7).
217       The D-Bus API of systemd is described in org.freedesktop.systemd1(5)
218       and org.freedesktop.LogControl1(5).
220       Systems which invoke systemd in a container or initrd environment
221       should implement the Container Interface[4] or initrd Interface[5]
222       specifications, respectively.


225       System unit directories
226           The systemd system manager reads unit configuration from various
227           directories. Packages that want to install unit files shall place
228           them in the directory returned by pkg-config systemd
229           --variable=systemdsystemunitdir. Other directories checked are
230           /usr/local/lib/systemd/system and /usr/lib/systemd/system. User
231           configuration always takes precedence.  pkg-config systemd
232           --variable=systemdsystemconfdir returns the path of the system
233           configuration directory. Packages should alter the content of these
234           directories only with the enable and disable commands of the
235           systemctl(1) tool. Full list of directories is provided in
236           systemd.unit(5).
238       User unit directories
239           Similar rules apply for the user unit directories. However, here
240           the XDG Base Directory specification[6] is followed to find units.
241           Applications should place their unit files in the directory
242           returned by pkg-config systemd --variable=systemduserunitdir.
243           Global configuration is done in the directory reported by
244           pkg-config systemd --variable=systemduserconfdir. The enable and
245           disable commands of the systemctl(1) tool can handle both global
246           (i.e. for all users) and private (for one user) enabling/disabling
247           of units. Full list of directories is provided in systemd.unit(5).
249       SysV init scripts directory
250           The location of the SysV init script directory varies between
251           distributions. If systemd cannot find a native unit file for a
252           requested service, it will look for a SysV init script of the same
253           name (with the .service suffix removed).
255       SysV runlevel link farm directory
256           The location of the SysV runlevel link farm directory varies
257           between distributions. systemd will take the link farm into account
258           when figuring out whether a service shall be enabled. Note that a
259           service unit with a native unit configuration file cannot be
260           started by activating it in the SysV runlevel link farm.


263       SIGTERM
264           Upon receiving this signal the systemd system manager serializes
265           its state, reexecutes itself and deserializes the saved state
266           again. This is mostly equivalent to systemctl daemon-reexec.
268           systemd user managers will start the exit.target unit when this
269           signal is received. This is mostly equivalent to systemctl --user
270           start exit.target --job-mode=replace-irreversibly.
272       SIGINT
273           Upon receiving this signal the systemd system manager will start
274           the ctrl-alt-del.target unit. This is mostly equivalent to
275           systemctl start ctrl-alt-del.target
276           --job-mode=replace-irreversibly. If this signal is received more
277           than 7 times per 2s, an immediate reboot is triggered. Note that
278           pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del on the console will trigger this signal.
279           Hence, if a reboot is hanging, pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del more than 7
280           times in 2 seconds is a relatively safe way to trigger an immediate
281           reboot.
283           systemd user managers treat this signal the same way as SIGTERM.
285       SIGWINCH
286           When this signal is received the systemd system manager will start
287           the kbrequest.target unit. This is mostly equivalent to systemctl
288           start kbrequest.target.
290           This signal is ignored by systemd user managers.
292       SIGPWR
293           When this signal is received the systemd manager will start the
294           sigpwr.target unit. This is mostly equivalent to systemctl start
295           sigpwr.target.
297       SIGUSR1
298           When this signal is received the systemd manager will try to
299           reconnect to the D-Bus bus.
301       SIGUSR2
302           When this signal is received the systemd manager will log its
303           complete state in human-readable form. The data logged is the same
304           as printed by systemd-analyze dump.
306       SIGHUP
307           Reloads the complete daemon configuration. This is mostly
308           equivalent to systemctl daemon-reload.
310       SIGRTMIN+0
311           Enters default mode, starts the default.target unit. This is mostly
312           equivalent to systemctl isolate default.target.
314       SIGRTMIN+1
315           Enters rescue mode, starts the rescue.target unit. This is mostly
316           equivalent to systemctl isolate rescue.target.
318       SIGRTMIN+2
319           Enters emergency mode, starts the emergency.service unit. This is
320           mostly equivalent to systemctl isolate emergency.service.
322       SIGRTMIN+3
323           Halts the machine, starts the halt.target unit. This is mostly
324           equivalent to systemctl start halt.target
325           --job-mode=replace-irreversibly.
327       SIGRTMIN+4
328           Powers off the machine, starts the poweroff.target unit. This is
329           mostly equivalent to systemctl start poweroff.target
330           --job-mode=replace-irreversibly.
332       SIGRTMIN+5
333           Reboots the machine, starts the reboot.target unit. This is mostly
334           equivalent to systemctl start reboot.target
335           --job-mode=replace-irreversibly.
337       SIGRTMIN+6
338           Reboots the machine via kexec, starts the kexec.target unit. This
339           is mostly equivalent to systemctl start kexec.target
340           --job-mode=replace-irreversibly.
342       SIGRTMIN+13
343           Immediately halts the machine.
345       SIGRTMIN+14
346           Immediately powers off the machine.
348       SIGRTMIN+15
349           Immediately reboots the machine.
351       SIGRTMIN+16
352           Immediately reboots the machine with kexec.
354       SIGRTMIN+20
355           Enables display of status messages on the console, as controlled
356           via systemd.show_status=1 on the kernel command line.
358       SIGRTMIN+21
359           Disables display of status messages on the console, as controlled
360           via systemd.show_status=0 on the kernel command line.
362       SIGRTMIN+22
363           Sets the service manager's log level to "debug", in a fashion
364           equivalent to systemd.log_level=debug on the kernel command line.
366       SIGRTMIN+23
367           Restores the log level to its configured value. The configured
368           value is derived from – in order of priority – the value specified
369           with systemd.log-level= on the kernel command line, or the value
370           specified with LogLevel= in the configuration file, or the built-in
371           default of "info".
373       SIGRTMIN+24
374           Immediately exits the manager (only available for --user
375           instances).
377       SIGRTMIN+26
378           Restores the log target to its configured value. The configured
379           value is derived from – in order of priority – the value specified
380           with systemd.log-target= on the kernel command line, or the value
381           specified with LogTarget= in the configuration file, or the
382           built-in default.
384       SIGRTMIN+27, SIGRTMIN+28
385           Sets the log target to "console" on SIGRTMIN+27 (or "kmsg" on
386           SIGRTMIN+28), in a fashion equivalent to systemd.log_target=console
387           (or systemd.log_target=kmsg on SIGRTMIN+28) on the kernel command
388           line.


391       The environment block for the system manager is initially set by the
392       kernel. (In particular, "key=value" assignments on the kernel command
393       line are returned into environment variables for PID 1). For the user
394       manager, the system manager sets the environment as described in the
395       "Environment Variables in Spawned Processes" section of
396       systemd.exec(5). The DefaultEnvironment= setting in the system manager
397       applies to all services including user@.service. Additional entries may
398       be configured (as for any other service) through the Environment= and
399       EnvironmentFile= settings for user@.service (see systemd.exec(5)).
400       Also, additional environment variables may be set through the
401       ManagerEnvironment= setting in systemd-system.conf(5) and systemd-
402       user.conf(5).
404       Some of the variables understood by systemd:
407           The maximum log level of emitted messages (messages with a higher
408           log level, i.e. less important ones, will be suppressed). Either
409           one of (in order of decreasing importance) emerg, alert, crit, err,
410           warning, notice, info, debug, or an integer in the range 0...7. See
411           syslog(3) for more information.
413           This can be overridden with --log-level=.
416           A boolean. If true, messages written to the tty will be colored
417           according to priority.
419           This can be overridden with --log-color=.
422           A boolean. If true, log messages will be prefixed with a timestamp.
424           This can be overridden with --log-time=.
427           A boolean. If true, messages will be prefixed with a filename and
428           line number in the source code where the message originates.
430           This can be overridden with --log-location=.
432       $SYSTEMD_LOG_TID
433           A boolean. If true, messages will be prefixed with the current
434           numerical thread ID (TID).
437           The destination for log messages. One of console (log to the
438           attached tty), console-prefixed (log to the attached tty but with
439           prefixes encoding the log level and "facility", see syslog(3), kmsg
440           (log to the kernel circular log buffer), journal (log to the
441           journal), journal-or-kmsg (log to the journal if available, and to
442           kmsg otherwise), auto (determine the appropriate log target
443           automatically, the default), null (disable log output).
445           This can be overridden with --log-target=.
448           The systemd user manager uses these variables in accordance to the
449           XDG Base Directory specification[6] to find its configuration.
453           Controls where systemd looks for unit files and generators.
455           These variables may contain a list of paths, separated by colons
456           (":"). When set, if the list ends with an empty component ("...:"),
457           this list is prepended to the usual set of paths. Otherwise, the
458           specified list replaces the usual set of paths.
460       $SYSTEMD_PAGER
461           Pager to use when --no-pager is not given; overrides $PAGER. If
462           neither $SYSTEMD_PAGER nor $PAGER are set, a set of well-known
463           pager implementations are tried in turn, including less(1) and
464           more(1), until one is found. If no pager implementation is
465           discovered no pager is invoked. Setting this environment variable
466           to an empty string or the value "cat" is equivalent to passing
467           --no-pager.
469       $SYSTEMD_LESS
470           Override the options passed to less (by default "FRSXMK").
472           Users might want to change two options in particular:
474           K
475               This option instructs the pager to exit immediately when Ctrl+C
476               is pressed. To allow less to handle Ctrl+C itself to switch
477               back to the pager command prompt, unset this option.
479               If the value of $SYSTEMD_LESS does not include "K", and the
480               pager that is invoked is less, Ctrl+C will be ignored by the
481               executable, and needs to be handled by the pager.
483           X
484               This option instructs the pager to not send termcap
485               initialization and deinitialization strings to the terminal. It
486               is set by default to allow command output to remain visible in
487               the terminal even after the pager exits. Nevertheless, this
488               prevents some pager functionality from working, in particular
489               paged output cannot be scrolled with the mouse.
491           See less(1) for more discussion.
494           Override the charset passed to less (by default "utf-8", if the
495           invoking terminal is determined to be UTF-8 compatible).
498           Takes a boolean argument. When true, the "secure" mode of the pager
499           is enabled; if false, disabled. If $SYSTEMD_PAGERSECURE is not set
500           at all, secure mode is enabled if the effective UID is not the same
501           as the owner of the login session, see geteuid(2) and
502           sd_pid_get_owner_uid(3). In secure mode, LESSSECURE=1 will be set
503           when invoking the pager, and the pager shall disable commands that
504           open or create new files or start new subprocesses. When
505           $SYSTEMD_PAGERSECURE is not set at all, pagers which are not known
506           to implement secure mode will not be used. (Currently only less(1)
507           implements secure mode.)
509           Note: when commands are invoked with elevated privileges, for
510           example under sudo(8) or pkexec(1), care must be taken to ensure
511           that unintended interactive features are not enabled. "Secure" mode
512           for the pager may be enabled automatically as describe above.
513           Setting SYSTEMD_PAGERSECURE=0 or not removing it from the inherited
514           environment allows the user to invoke arbitrary commands. Note that
515           if the $SYSTEMD_PAGER or $PAGER variables are to be honoured,
516           $SYSTEMD_PAGERSECURE must be set too. It might be reasonable to
517           completely disable the pager using --no-pager instead.
520           Takes a boolean argument. When true, systemd and related utilities
521           will use colors in their output, otherwise the output will be
522           monochrome. Additionally, the variable can take one of the
523           following special values: "16", "256" to restrict the use of colors
524           to the base 16 or 256 ANSI colors, respectively. This can be
525           specified to override the automatic decision based on $TERM and
526           what the console is connected to.
529           The value must be a boolean. Controls whether clickable links
530           should be generated in the output for terminal emulators supporting
531           this. This can be specified to override the decision that systemd
532           makes based on $TERM and other conditions.
535           Set by systemd for supervised processes during socket-based
536           activation. See sd_listen_fds(3) for more information.
538       $NOTIFY_SOCKET
539           Set by systemd for supervised processes for status and start-up
540           completion notification. See sd_notify(3) for more information.
542       For further environment variables understood by systemd and its various
543       components, see Known Environment Variables[7].


546       When run as the system instance systemd parses a number of options
547       listed below. They can be specified as kernel command line
548       arguments[8], or through the "SystemdOptions" EFI variable (on EFI
549       systems). The kernel command line has higher priority. Following
550       variables are understood:
552       systemd.unit=, rd.systemd.unit=
553           Overrides the unit to activate on boot. Defaults to default.target.
554           This may be used to temporarily boot into a different boot unit,
555           for example rescue.target or emergency.service. See
556           systemd.special(7) for details about these units. The option
557           prefixed with "rd."  is honored only in the initial RAM disk
558           (initrd), while the one that is not prefixed only in the main
559           system.
561       systemd.dump_core
562           Takes a boolean argument or enables the option if specified without
563           an argument. If enabled, the systemd manager (PID 1) dumps core
564           when it crashes. Otherwise, no core dump is created. Defaults to
565           enabled.
567       systemd.crash_chvt
568           Takes a positive integer, or a boolean argument. Can be also
569           specified without an argument, with the same effect as a positive
570           boolean. If a positive integer (in the range 1–63) is specified,
571           the system manager (PID 1) will activate the specified virtual
572           terminal when it crashes. Defaults to disabled, meaning that no
573           such switch is attempted. If set to enabled, the virtual terminal
574           the kernel messages are written to is used instead.
576       systemd.crash_shell
577           Takes a boolean argument or enables the option if specified without
578           an argument. If enabled, the system manager (PID 1) spawns a shell
579           when it crashes, after a 10s delay. Otherwise, no shell is spawned.
580           Defaults to disabled, for security reasons, as the shell is not
581           protected by password authentication.
583       systemd.crash_reboot
584           Takes a boolean argument or enables the option if specified without
585           an argument. If enabled, the system manager (PID 1) will reboot the
586           machine automatically when it crashes, after a 10s delay.
587           Otherwise, the system will hang indefinitely. Defaults to disabled,
588           in order to avoid a reboot loop. If combined with
589           systemd.crash_shell, the system is rebooted after the shell exits.
591       systemd.confirm_spawn
592           Takes a boolean argument or a path to the virtual console where the
593           confirmation messages should be emitted. Can be also specified
594           without an argument, with the same effect as a positive boolean. If
595           enabled, the system manager (PID 1) asks for confirmation when
596           spawning processes using /dev/console. If a path or a console name
597           (such as "ttyS0") is provided, the virtual console pointed to by
598           this path or described by the give name will be used instead.
599           Defaults to disabled.
601       systemd.service_watchdogs=
602           Takes a boolean argument. If disabled, all service runtime
603           watchdogs (WatchdogSec=) and emergency actions (e.g.  OnFailure= or
604           StartLimitAction=) are ignored by the system manager (PID 1); see
605           systemd.service(5). Defaults to enabled, i.e. watchdogs and failure
606           actions are processed normally. The hardware watchdog is not
607           affected by this option.
609       systemd.show_status
610           Takes a boolean argument or the constants error and auto. Can be
611           also specified without an argument, with the same effect as a
612           positive boolean. If enabled, the systemd manager (PID 1) shows
613           terse service status updates on the console during bootup. With
614           error, only messages about failures are shown, but boot is
615           otherwise quiet.  auto behaves like false until there is a
616           significant delay in boot. Defaults to enabled, unless quiet is
617           passed as kernel command line option, in which case it defaults to
618           error. If specified overrides the system manager configuration file
619           option ShowStatus=, see systemd-system.conf(5).
621       systemd.status_unit_format=
622           Takes either name or description as the value. If name, the system
623           manager will use unit names in status messages. If specified,
624           overrides the system manager configuration file option
625           StatusUnitFormat=, see systemd-system.conf(5).
627       systemd.log_color, systemd.log_level=, systemd.log_location,
628       systemd.log_target=, systemd.log_time, systemd.log_tid
629           Controls log output, with the same effect as the
632           environment variables described above.  systemd.log_color,
633           systemd.log_location, systemd.log_time, and systemd.log_tid= can be
634           specified without an argument, with the same effect as a positive
635           boolean.
637       systemd.default_standard_output=, systemd.default_standard_error=
638           Controls default standard output and error output for services and
639           sockets. That is, controls the default for StandardOutput= and
640           StandardError= (see systemd.exec(5) for details). Takes one of
641           inherit, null, tty, journal, journal+console, kmsg, kmsg+console.
642           If the argument is omitted systemd.default-standard-output=
643           defaults to journal and systemd.default-standard-error= to inherit.
645       systemd.setenv=
646           Takes a string argument in the form VARIABLE=VALUE. May be used to
647           set default environment variables to add to forked child processes.
648           May be used more than once to set multiple variables.
650       systemd.machine_id=
651           Takes a 32 character hex value to be used for setting the
652           machine-id. Intended mostly for network booting where the same
653           machine-id is desired for every boot.
655       systemd.unified_cgroup_hierarchy
656           When specified without an argument or with a true argument, enables
657           the usage of unified cgroup hierarchy[9] (a.k.a. cgroups-v2). When
658           specified with a false argument, fall back to hybrid or full legacy
659           cgroup hierarchy.
661           If this option is not specified, the default behaviour is
662           determined during compilation (the -Ddefault-hierarchy= meson
663           option). If the kernel does not support unified cgroup hierarchy,
664           the legacy hierarchy will be used even if this option is specified.
666       systemd.legacy_systemd_cgroup_controller
667           Takes effect if the full unified cgroup hierarchy is not used (see
668           previous option). When specified without an argument or with a true
669           argument, disables the use of "hybrid" cgroup hierarchy (i.e. a
670           cgroups-v2 tree used for systemd, and legacy cgroup hierarchy[10],
671           a.k.a. cgroups-v1, for other controllers), and forces a full
672           "legacy" mode. When specified with a false argument, enables the
673           use of "hybrid" hierarchy.
675           If this option is not specified, the default behaviour is
676           determined during compilation (the -Ddefault-hierarchy= meson
677           option). If the kernel does not support unified cgroup hierarchy,
678           the legacy hierarchy will be used even if this option is specified.
680       quiet
681           Turn off status output at boot, much like systemd.show_status=no
682           would. Note that this option is also read by the kernel itself and
683           disables kernel log output. Passing this option hence turns off the
684           usual output from both the system manager and the kernel.
686       debug
687           Turn on debugging output. This is equivalent to
688           systemd.log_level=debug. Note that this option is also read by the
689           kernel itself and enables kernel debug output. Passing this option
690           hence turns on the debug output from both the system manager and
691           the kernel.
693       emergency, rd.emergency, -b
694           Boot into emergency mode. This is equivalent to
695           systemd.unit=emergency.target or rd.systemd.unit=emergency.target,
696           respectively, and provided for compatibility reasons and to be
697           easier to type.
699       rescue, rd.rescue, single, s, S, 1
700           Boot into rescue mode. This is equivalent to
701           systemd.unit=rescue.target or rd.systemd.unit=rescue.target,
702           respectively, and provided for compatibility reasons and to be
703           easier to type.
705       2, 3, 4, 5
706           Boot into the specified legacy SysV runlevel. These are equivalent
707           to systemd.unit=runlevel2.target, systemd.unit=runlevel3.target,
708           systemd.unit=runlevel4.target, and systemd.unit=runlevel5.target,
709           respectively, and provided for compatibility reasons and to be
710           easier to type.
712       locale.LANG=, locale.LANGUAGE=, locale.LC_CTYPE=, locale.LC_NUMERIC=,
713       locale.LC_TIME=, locale.LC_COLLATE=, locale.LC_MONETARY=,
714       locale.LC_MESSAGES=, locale.LC_PAPER=, locale.LC_NAME=,
715       locale.LC_ADDRESS=, locale.LC_TELEPHONE=, locale.LC_MEASUREMENT=,
716       locale.LC_IDENTIFICATION=
717           Set the system locale to use. This overrides the settings in
718           /etc/locale.conf. For more information, see locale.conf(5) and
719           locale(7).
721       For other kernel command line parameters understood by components of
722       the core OS, please refer to kernel-command-line(7).


725       systemd is only very rarely invoked directly, since it is started early
726       and is already running by the time users may interact with it.
727       Normally, tools like systemctl(1) are used to give commands to the
728       manager. Since systemd is usually not invoked directly, the options
729       listed below are mostly useful for debugging and special purposes.
731   Introspection and debugging options
732       Those options are used for testing and introspection, and systemd may
733       be invoked with them at any time:
735       --dump-configuration-items
736           Dump understood unit configuration items. This outputs a terse but
737           complete list of configuration items understood in unit definition
738           files.
740       --dump-bus-properties
741           Dump exposed bus properties. This outputs a terse but complete list
742           of properties exposed on D-Bus.
744       --test
745           Determine the initial start-up transaction (i.e. the list of jobs
746           enqueued at start-up), dump it and exit — without actually
747           executing any of the determined jobs. This option is useful for
748           debugging only. Note that during regular service manager start-up
749           additional units not shown by this operation may be started,
750           because hardware, socket, bus or other kinds of activation might
751           add additional jobs as the transaction is executed. Use --system to
752           request the initial transaction of the system service manager (this
753           is also the implied default), combine with --user to request the
754           initial transaction of the per-user service manager instead.
756       --system, --user
757           When used in conjunction with --test, selects whether to calculate
758           the initial transaction for the system instance or for a per-user
759           instance. These options have no effect when invoked without --test,
760           as during regular (i.e. non---test) invocations the service manager
761           will automatically detect whether it shall operate in system or
762           per-user mode, by checking whether the PID it is run as is 1 or
763           not. Note that it is not supported booting and maintaining a system
764           with the service manager running in --system mode but with a PID
765           other than 1.
767       -h, --help
768           Print a short help text and exit.
770       --version
771           Print a short version string and exit.
773   Options that duplicate kernel command line settings
774       Those options correspond directly to options listed above in "Kernel
775       Command Line". Both forms may be used equivalently for the system
776       manager, but it is recommended to use the forms listed above in this
777       context, because they are properly namespaced. When an option is
778       specified both on the kernel command line and as a normal command line
779       argument, the latter has higher precedence.
781       When systemd is used as a user manager, the kernel command line is
782       ignored and only the options described below are understood.
783       Nevertheless, systemd is usually started in this mode through the
784       user@.service(5) service, which is shared between all users. It may be
785       more convenient to use configuration files to modify settings (see
786       systemd-user.conf(5)), or environment variables. See the "Environment"
787       section above for a discussion of how the environment block is set.
789       --unit=
790           Set default unit to activate on startup. If not specified, defaults
791           to default.target. See systemd.unit= above.
793       --dump-core
794           Enable core dumping on crash. This switch has no effect when
795           running as user instance. Same as systemd.dump_core= above.
797       --crash-vt=VT
798           Switch to a specific virtual console (VT) on crash. This switch has
799           no effect when running as user instance. Same as
800           systemd.crash_chvt= above (but not the different spelling!).
802       --crash-shell
803           Run a shell on crash. This switch has no effect when running as
804           user instance. See systemd.crash_shell= above.
806       --crash-reboot
807           Automatically reboot the system on crash. This switch has no effect
808           when running as user instance. See systemd.crash_reboot above.
810       --confirm-spawn
811           Ask for confirmation when spawning processes. This switch has no
812           effect when run as user instance. See systemd.confirm_spawn above.
814       --show-status
815           Show terse unit status information on the console during boot-up
816           and shutdown. See systemd.show_status above.
818       --log-color
819           Highlight important log messages. See systemd.log_color above.
821       --log-level=
822           Set log level. See systemd.log_level above.
824       --log-location
825           Include code location in log messages. See systemd.log_location
826           above.
828       --log-target=
829           Set log target. See systemd.log_target above.
831       --log-time=
832           Prefix messages with timestamp. See systemd.log_time above.
834       --machine-id=
835           Override the machine-id set on the hard drive. See
836           systemd.machine_id= above.
838       --service-watchdogs
839           Globally enable/disable all service watchdog timeouts and emergency
840           actions. See systemd.service_watchdogs above.
842       --default-standard-output=, --default-standard-error=
843           Sets the default output or error output for all services and
844           sockets, respectively. See systemd.default_standard_output= and
845           systemd.default_standard_error= above.


848       /run/systemd/notify
849           Daemon status notification socket. This is an AF_UNIX datagram
850           socket and is used to implement the daemon notification logic as
851           implemented by sd_notify(3).
853       /run/systemd/private
854           Used internally as communication channel between systemctl(1) and
855           the systemd process. This is an AF_UNIX stream socket. This
856           interface is private to systemd and should not be used in external
857           projects.
859       /dev/initctl
860           Limited compatibility support for the SysV client interface, as
861           implemented by the systemd-initctl.service unit. This is a named
862           pipe in the file system. This interface is obsolete and should not
863           be used in new applications.


866       The systemd Homepage[11], systemd-system.conf(5), locale.conf(5),
867       systemctl(1), journalctl(1), systemd-notify(1), daemon(7), sd-
868       daemon(3), org.freedesktop.systemd1(5), systemd.unit(5),
869       systemd.special(7), pkg-config(1), kernel-command-line(7), bootup(7),
870       systemd.directives(7)


873        1. cgroups.txt
874           https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/cgroup-v1/cgroups.txt
876        2. Original Design Document
877           http://0pointer.de/blog/projects/systemd.html
879        3. Interface Portability and Stability Promise
880           https://systemd.io/PORTABILITY_AND_STABILITY/
882        4. Container Interface
883           https://systemd.io/CONTAINER_INTERFACE
885        5. initrd Interface
886           https://systemd.io/INITRD_INTERFACE/
888        6. XDG Base Directory specification
889           http://standards.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/basedir-spec-latest.html
891        7. Known Environment Variables
892           https://systemd.io/ENVIRONMENT
894        8. If run inside a Linux container these arguments may be passed as
895           command line arguments to systemd itself, next to any of the
896           command line options listed in the Options section above. If run
897           outside of Linux containers, these arguments are parsed from
898           /proc/cmdline instead.
900        9. unified cgroup hierarchy
901           https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/admin-guide/cgroup-v2.html
903       10. legacy cgroup hierarchy
904           https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/cgroup-v1/
906       11. systemd Homepage
907           https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/
911systemd 248                                                         SYSTEMD(1)