1Tk_CreatePhotoImageFormat(3) Tk Library ProceduresTk_CreatePhotoImageFormat(3)


8       Tk_CreatePhotoImageFormat - define new file format for photo images


11       #include <tk.h>
13       Tk_CreatePhotoImageFormat(formatPtr)


16       const Tk_PhotoImageFormat *formatPtr (in)          Structure  that  de‐
17                                                          fines the  new  file
18                                                          format.


22       Tk_CreatePhotoImageFormat  is  invoked  to define a new file format for
23       image data for use with photo images.  The code that implements an  im‐
24       age  file format is called an image file format handler, or handler for
25       short.  The photo image code maintains a list of handlers that  can  be
26       used  to read and write data to or from a file.  Some handlers may also
27       support reading image data from a string or converting image data to  a
28       string  format.   The  user  can  specify which handler to use with the
29       -format image configuration option or the -format option  to  the  read
30       and write photo image subcommands.
32       An  image  file  format  handler consists of a collection of procedures
33       plus a Tk_PhotoImageFormat structure, which contains the  name  of  the
34       image  file  format and pointers to six procedures provided by the han‐
35       dler to deal with files and strings in this format.  The Tk_PhotoImage‐
36       Format structure contains the following fields:
37              typedef struct Tk_PhotoImageFormat {
38                  const char *name;
39                  Tk_ImageFileMatchProc *fileMatchProc;
40                  Tk_ImageStringMatchProc *stringMatchProc;
41                  Tk_ImageFileReadProc *fileReadProc;
42                  Tk_ImageStringReadProc *stringReadProc;
43                  Tk_ImageFileWriteProc *fileWriteProc;
44                  Tk_ImageStringWriteProc *stringWriteProc;
45              } Tk_PhotoImageFormat;
47       The  handler  need  not  provide implementations of all six procedures.
48       For example, the procedures that handle string data would not  be  pro‐
49       vided  for  a  format in which the image data are stored in binary, and
50       could therefore contain null characters.  If any procedure is  not  im‐
51       plemented,  the corresponding pointer in the Tk_PhotoImageFormat struc‐
52       ture should be set to NULL.  The handler must provide the fileMatchProc
53       procedure  if  it  provides the fileReadProc procedure, and the string‐
54       MatchProc procedure if it provides the stringReadProc procedure.
56   NAME
57       formatPtr->name provides a name for the image type.  Once Tk_CreatePho‐
58       toImageFormat returns, this name may be used in the -format photo image
59       configuration and subcommand option.  The manual page for the photo im‐
60       age  (photo(n))  describes  how  image file formats are chosen based on
61       their names and the value given to the -format option. The first  char‐
62       acter  of  formatPtr->name  must not be an uppercase character from the
63       ASCII character set (that is, one of the characters A-Z).   Such  names
64       are used only for legacy interface support (see below).
67       formatPtr->fileMatchProc  provides the address of a procedure for Tk to
68       call when it is searching for an image file format handler suitable for
69       reading  data in a given file.  formatPtr->fileMatchProc must match the
70       following prototype:
71              typedef int Tk_ImageFileMatchProc(
72                      Tcl_Channel chan,
73                      const char *fileName,
74                      Tcl_Obj *format,
75                      int *widthPtr,
76                      int *heightPtr,
77                      Tcl_Interp *interp);
78       The fileName argument is the name of  the  file  containing  the  image
79       data,  which is open for reading as chan.  The format argument contains
80       the value given for the -format option, or NULL if the option  was  not
81       specified.   If  the  data in the file appears to be in the format sup‐
82       ported by this handler, the formatPtr->fileMatchProc  procedure  should
83       store the width and height of the image in *widthPtr and *heightPtr re‐
84       spectively, and return 1.  Otherwise it should return 0.
87       formatPtr->stringMatchProc provides the address of a procedure  for  Tk
88       to call when it is searching for an image file format handler for suit‐
89       able for reading data from a given string.   formatPtr->stringMatchProc
90       must match the following prototype:
91              typedef int Tk_ImageStringMatchProc(
92                      Tcl_Obj *data,
93                      Tcl_Obj *format,
94                      int *widthPtr,
95                      int *heightPtr,
96                      Tcl_Interp *interp);
97       The  data argument points to the object containing the image data.  The
98       format argument contains the value given for  the  -format  option,  or
99       NULL  if  the  option was not specified.  If the data in the string ap‐
100       pears to  be  in  the  format  supported  by  this  handler,  the  for‐
101       matPtr->stringMatchProc  procedure should store the width and height of
102       the image in *widthPtr and *heightPtr respectively, and return 1.  Oth‐
103       erwise it should return 0.
106       formatPtr->fileReadProc  provides  the address of a procedure for Tk to
107       call to read data  from  an  image  file  into  a  photo  image.   for‐
108       matPtr->fileReadProc must match the following prototype:
109              typedef int Tk_ImageFileReadProc(
110                      Tcl_Interp *interp,
111                      Tcl_Channel chan,
112                      const char *fileName,
113                      Tcl_Obj *format,
114                      PhotoHandle imageHandle,
115                      int destX, int destY,
116                      int width, int height,
117                      int srcX, int srcY);
118       The interp argument is the interpreter in which the command was invoked
119       to read the image; it should be used for reporting errors.   The  image
120       data  is in the file named fileName, which is open for reading as chan.
121       The format argument contains the value given for the -format option, or
122       NULL if the option was not specified.  The image data in the file, or a
123       subimage of it, is to be read into the photo image  identified  by  the
124       handle  imageHandle.  The subimage of the data in the file is of dimen‐
125       sions width x  height  and  has  its  top-left  corner  at  coordinates
126       (srcX,srcY).   It  is to be stored in the photo image with its top-left
127       corner at coordinates (destX,destY) using the  Tk_PhotoPutBlock  proce‐
128       dure.  The return value is a standard Tcl return value.
131       formatPtr->stringReadProc provides the address of a procedure for Tk to
132       call  to  read  data  from  a  string  into  a   photo   image.    for‐
133       matPtr->stringReadProc must match the following prototype:
134              typedef int Tk_ImageStringReadProc(
135                      Tcl_Interp *interp,
136                      Tcl_Obj *data,
137                      Tcl_Obj *format,
138                      PhotoHandle imageHandle,
139                      int destX, int destY,
140                      int width, int height,
141                      int srcX, int srcY);
142       The interp argument is the interpreter in which the command was invoked
143       to read the image; it should be used for reporting  errors.   The  data
144       argument  points to the image data in object form.  The format argument
145       contains the value given for the -format option, or NULL if the  option
146       was  not specified.  The image data in the string, or a subimage of it,
147       is to be read into the photo image identified by the  handle  imageHan‐
148       dle.   The  subimage of the data in the string is of dimensions width x
149       height and has its top-left corner at coordinates (srcX,srcY).   It  is
150       to be stored in the photo image with its top-left corner at coordinates
151       (destX,destY) using the Tk_PhotoPutBlock procedure.  The  return  value
152       is a standard Tcl return value.
155       formatPtr->fileWriteProc  provides the address of a procedure for Tk to
156       call  to  write  data  from  a   photo   image   to   a   file.    for‐
157       matPtr->fileWriteProc must match the following prototype:
158              typedef int Tk_ImageFileWriteProc(
159                      Tcl_Interp *interp,
160                      const char *fileName,
161                      Tcl_Obj *format,
162                      Tk_PhotoImageBlock *blockPtr);
163       The interp argument is the interpreter in which the command was invoked
164       to write the image; it should be used for reporting errors.  The  image
165       data  to  be written are in memory and are described by the Tk_PhotoIm‐
166       ageBlock structure pointed to by blockPtr; see the  manual  page  Find‐
167       Photo(3)  for details.  The fileName argument points to the string giv‐
168       ing the name of the file in which to write the image data.  The  format
169       argument  contains  the  value given for the -format option, or NULL if
170       the option was not specified.  The  format  string  can  contain  extra
171       characters  after  the  name  of  the format.  If appropriate, the for‐
172       matPtr->fileWriteProc procedure may interpret these characters to spec‐
173       ify  further details about the image file.  The return value is a stan‐
174       dard Tcl return value.
177       formatPtr->stringWriteProc provides the address of a procedure  for  Tk
178       to call to translate image data from a photo image into a string.  for‐
179       matPtr->stringWriteProc must match the following prototype:
180              typedef int Tk_ImageStringWriteProc(
181                      Tcl_Interp *interp,
182                      Tcl_Obj *format,
183                      Tk_PhotoImageBlock *blockPtr);
184       The interp argument is the interpreter in which the command was invoked
185       to  convert the image; it should be used for reporting errors.  The im‐
186       age data to be converted are in memory and are described by the Tk_Pho‐
187       toImageBlock  structure  pointed  to  by  blockPtr; see the manual page
188       FindPhoto(3) for details.  The data for the string should be put in the
189       interpreter  interp  result.   The  format  argument contains the value
190       given for the -format option, or NULL if the option was not  specified.
191       The  format  string  can contain extra characters after the name of the
192       format.  If appropriate, the formatPtr->stringWriteProc  procedure  may
193       interpret  these  characters to specify further details about the image
194       file.  The return value is a standard Tcl return value.


197       In Tk 8.2 and earlier, the definition of all the function pointer types
198       stored in fields of a Tk_PhotoImageFormat struct were incompatibly dif‐
199       ferent.  Legacy programs and libraries dating from those days may still
200       contain code that defines extended Tk photo image formats using the old
201       interface.  The Tk header file will still support this legacy interface
202       if the code is compiled with the macro USE_OLD_IMAGE defined.  Alterna‐
203       tively, the legacy interfaces are used if the first character  of  for‐
204       matPtr->name  is an uppercase ASCII character (A-Z), and explicit casts
205       are used to forgive the type mismatch.  For example,
206              static Tk_PhotoImageFormat myFormat = {
207                  "MyFormat",
208                  (Tk_ImageFileMatchProc *) FileMatch,
209                  NULL,
210                  (Tk_ImageFileReadProc *) FileRead,
211                  NULL,
212                  NULL,
213                  NULL
214              };
215       would define a minimal Tk_PhotoImageFormat that operates  provide  only
216       file  reading  capability, where FileMatch and FileRead are written ac‐
217       cording to the legacy interfaces of Tk 8.2 or earlier.
219       Any stub-enabled extension providing an extended photo image format via
220       the  legacy  interface  enabled by the USE_OLD_IMAGE macro that is com‐
221       piled against Tk 8.5 headers and linked against the Tk 8.5 stub library
222       will produce a file that can be loaded only into interps with Tk 8.5 or
223       later; that is, the normal stub-compatibility rules.   If  a  developer
224       needs  to  generate from such code a file that is loadable into interps
225       with Tk 8.4 or earlier, they must use Tk 8.4 headers and stub libraries
226       to do so.
228       Any  new  code  written  today should not make use of the legacy inter‐
229       faces.  Expect their support to go away in Tk 9.


232       Tk_FindPhoto, Tk_PhotoPutBlock


235       photo image, image file
239Tk                                    8.5         Tk_CreatePhotoImageFormat(3)