1Tk_CreatePhotoImageFormat(3) Tk Library ProceduresTk_CreatePhotoImageFormat(3)


8       Tk_CreatePhotoImageFormat - define new file format for photo images


11       #include <tk.h>
13       Tk_CreatePhotoImageFormat(formatPtr)


16       Tk_PhotoImageFormat   *formatPtr   (in)      Structure that defines the
17                                                    new file format.


22       Tk_CreatePhotoImageFormat is invoked to define a new  file  format  for
23       image  data  for  use  with  photo images.  The code that implements an
24       image file format is called an image file format  handler,  or  handler
25       for  short.  The photo image code maintains a list of handlers that can
26       be used to read and write data to or from a file.   Some  handlers  may
27       also  support reading image data from a string or converting image data
28       to a string format.  The user can specify which handler to use with the
29       -format  image  configuration  option or the -format option to the read
30       and write photo image subcommands.
32       An image file format handler consists of  a  collection  of  procedures
33       plus  a  Tk_PhotoImageFormat  structure, which contains the name of the
34       image file format and pointers to six procedures provided by  the  han‐
35       dler to deal with files and strings in this format.  The Tk_PhotoImage‐
36       Format structure contains the following fields:
37              typedef struct Tk_PhotoImageFormat {
38                char *name;
39                Tk_ImageFileMatchProc *fileMatchProc;
40                Tk_ImageStringMatchProc *stringMatchProc;
41                Tk_ImageFileReadProc *fileReadProc;
42                Tk_ImageStringReadProc *stringReadProc;
43                Tk_ImageFileWriteProc *fileWriteProc;
44                Tk_ImageStringWriteProc *stringWriteProc;
45              } Tk_PhotoImageFormat;
47       The handler need not provide implementations  of  all  six  procedures.
48       For  example,  the procedures that handle string data would not be pro‐
49       vided for a format in which the image data are stored  in  binary,  and
50       could  therefore  contain  null  characters.   If  any procedure is not
51       implemented,  the  corresponding  pointer  in  the  Tk_PhotoImageFormat
52       structure  should  be  set  to  NULL.   The  handler  must  provide the
53       fileMatchProc procedure if it provides the fileReadProc procedure,  and
54       the  stringMatchProc procedure if it provides the stringReadProc proce‐
55       dure.


59       In Tk 8.2 and earlier, a different interface  was  used.  Tk  8.3  will
60       still  support  the  old format handlers if the format name is in upper
61       case. If you still want to compile old format handlers with Tk8.3,  use
62       the  flag -DUSE_OLD_IMAGE. This will restore all function prototypes to
63       match the pre-8.3 situation.


67       formatPtr->name provides a name for the image type.  Once Tk_CreatePho‐
68       toImageFormat returns, this name may be used in the -format photo image
69       configuration and subcommand option.  The manual  page  for  the  photo
70       image  (photo(n))  describes how image file formats are chosen based on
71       their names and the value given to the -format option. For  new  format
72       handlers, the name should be in lower case. Pre-8.3 format handlers are
73       assumed to be in upper case.


77       formatPtr->fileMatchProc provides the address of a procedure for Tk  to
78       call when it is searching for an image file format handler suitable for
79       reading data in a given file.  formatPtr->fileMatchProc must match  the
80       following prototype:
81              typedef int Tk_ImageFileMatchProc(
82                Tcl_Channel chan,
83                CONST char *fileName,
84                Tcl_Obj *format,
85                int *widthPtr,
86                int *heightPtr,
87                Tcl_Interp *interp);
88       The  fileName  argument  is  the  name of the file containing the image
89       data, which is open for reading as chan.  The format argument  contains
90       the  value  given for the -format option, or NULL if the option was not
91       specified.  If the data in the file appears to be in  the  format  sup‐
92       ported  by  this handler, the formatPtr->fileMatchProc procedure should
93       store the width and height of the image  in  *widthPtr  and  *heightPtr
94       respectively, and return 1.  Otherwise it should return 0.


98       formatPtr->stringMatchProc  provides  the address of a procedure for Tk
99       to call when it is searching for an image file format handler for suit‐
100       able  for reading data from a given string.  formatPtr->stringMatchProc
101       must match the following prototype:
102              typedef int Tk_ImageStringMatchProc(
103                Tcl_Obj *data,
104                Tcl_Obj *format,
105                int *widthPtr,
106                int *heightPtr,
107                Tcl_Interp *interp);
108       The data argument points to the object containing the image data.   The
109       format  argument  contains  the  value given for the -format option, or
110       NULL if the option was not  specified.   If  the  data  in  the  string
111       appears  to  be  in  the  format  supported  by  this handler, the for‐
112       matPtr->stringMatchProc procedure should store the width and height  of
113       the image in *widthPtr and *heightPtr respectively, and return 1.  Oth‐
114       erwise it should return 0.


118       formatPtr->fileReadProc provides the address of a procedure for  Tk  to
119       call  to  read  data  from  an  image  file  into  a photo image.  for‐
120       matPtr->fileReadProc must match the following prototype:
121              typedef int Tk_ImageFileReadProc(
122                Tcl_Interp *interp,
123                Tcl_Channel chan,
124                CONST char *fileName,
125                Tcl_Obj *format,
126                PhotoHandle imageHandle,
127                int destX, int destY,
128                int width, int height,
129                int srcX, int srcY);
130       The interp argument is the interpreter in which the command was invoked
131       to  read  the image; it should be used for reporting errors.  The image
132       data is in the file named fileName, which is open for reading as  chan.
133       The format argument contains the value given for the -format option, or
134       NULL if the option was not specified.  The image data in the file, or a
135       subimage  of  it,  is to be read into the photo image identified by the
136       handle imageHandle.  The subimage of the data in the file is of  dimen‐
137       sions  width  x  height  and  has  its  top-left  corner at coordinates
138       (srcX,srcY).  It is to be stored in the photo image with  its  top-left
139       corner  at  coordinates (destX,destY) using the Tk_PhotoPutBlock proce‐
140       dure.  The return value is a standard Tcl return value.


144       formatPtr->stringReadProc provides the address of a procedure for Tk to
145       call   to   read   data  from  a  string  into  a  photo  image.   for‐
146       matPtr->stringReadProc must match the following prototype:
147              typedef int Tk_ImageStringReadProc(
148                Tcl_Interp *interp,
149                Tcl_Obj *data,
150                Tcl_Obj *format,
151                PhotoHandle imageHandle,
152                int destX, int destY,
153                int width, int height,
154                int srcX, int srcY);
155       The interp argument is the interpreter in which the command was invoked
156       to  read  the  image; it should be used for reporting errors.  The data
157       argument points to the image data in object form.  The format  argument
158       contains  the value given for the -format option, or NULL if the option
159       was not specified.  The image data in the string, or a subimage of  it,
160       is  to  be read into the photo image identified by the handle imageHan‐
161       dle.  The subimage of the data in the string is of dimensions  width  x
162       height  and  has its top-left corner at coordinates (srcX,srcY).  It is
163       to be stored in the photo image with its top-left corner at coordinates
164       (destX,destY)  using  the Tk_PhotoPutBlock procedure.  The return value
165       is a standard Tcl return value.


169       formatPtr->fileWriteProc provides the address of a procedure for Tk  to
170       call   to   write   data   from   a   photo  image  to  a  file.   for‐
171       matPtr->fileWriteProc must match the following prototype:
172              typedef int Tk_ImageFileWriteProc(
173                Tcl_Interp *interp,
174                CONST char *fileName,
175                Tcl_Obj *format,
176                Tk_PhotoImageBlock *blockPtr);
177       The interp argument is the interpreter in which the command was invoked
178       to  write the image; it should be used for reporting errors.  The image
179       data to be written are in memory and are described by  the  Tk_PhotoIm‐
180       ageBlock  structure  pointed  to by blockPtr; see the manual page Find‐
181       Photo(3) for details.  The fileName argument points to the string  giv‐
182       ing  the name of the file in which to write the image data.  The format
183       argument contains the value given for the -format option,  or  NULL  if
184       the  option  was  not  specified.   The format string can contain extra
185       characters after the name of the  format.   If  appropriate,  the  for‐
186       matPtr->fileWriteProc procedure may interpret these characters to spec‐
187       ify further details about the image file.  The return value is a  stan‐
188       dard Tcl return value.


192       formatPtr->stringWriteProc  provides  the address of a procedure for Tk
193       to call to translate image data from a photo image into a string.  for‐
194       matPtr->stringWriteProc must match the following prototype:
195              typedef int Tk_ImageStringWriteProc(
196                Tcl_Interp *interp,
197                Tcl_Obj *format,
198                Tk_PhotoImageBlock *blockPtr);
199       The interp argument is the interpreter in which the command was invoked
200       to convert the image; it should be  used  for  reporting  errors.   The
201       image  data  to  be  converted  are  in memory and are described by the
202       Tk_PhotoImageBlock structure pointed to by  blockPtr;  see  the  manual
203       page  FindPhoto(3)  for details.  The data for the string should be put
204       in the interpreter interp result.  The  format  argument  contains  the
205       value given for the -format option, or NULL if the option was not spec‐
206       ified.  The format string can contain extra characters after  the  name
207       of  the  format.  If appropriate, the formatPtr->stringWriteProc proce‐
208       dure may interpret these characters to specify  further  details  about
209       the image file.  The return value is a standard Tcl return value.


213       Tk_FindPhoto, Tk_PhotoPutBlock


217       photo image, image file
221Tk                                    8.3         Tk_CreatePhotoImageFormat(3)