1Dumbbench(3)          User Contributed Perl Documentation         Dumbbench(3)


6       Dumbbench - More reliable benchmarking with the least amount of
7       thinking


10       Command line interface: (See "dumbbench --help")
12         dumbbench -p 0.005 -- ./testprogram --testprogramoption
14       This will start churning for a while and then prints something like:
16         Ran 23 iterations of the command.
17         Rejected 3 samples as outliers.
18         Rounded run time per iteration (seconds): 9.519e-01 +/- 3.7e-03 (0.4%)
20       As a module:
22         use Dumbbench;
24         my $bench = Dumbbench->new(
25           target_rel_precision => 0.005, # seek ~0.5%
26           initial_runs         => 20,    # the higher the more reliable
27         );
28         $bench->add_instances(
29           Dumbbench::Instance::Cmd->new(command => [qw(perl -e 'something')]),
30           Dumbbench::Instance::PerlEval->new(code => 'for(1..1e7){something}'),
31           Dumbbench::Instance::PerlSub->new(code => sub {for(1..1e7){something}}),
32         );
33         # (Note: Comparing the run of externals commands with
34         #  evals/subs probably isn't reliable)
35         $bench->run;
36         $bench->report;


39       This module attempts to implement reasonably robust benchmarking with
40       little extra effort and expertise required from the user. That is to
41       say, benchmarking using this module is likely an improvement over
43         time some-command --to --benchmark
45       or
47         use Benchmark qw/timethis/;
48         timethis(1000, 'system("some-command", ...)');
50       The module currently works similar to the former command line, except
51       (in layman terms) it will run the command many times, estimate the
52       uncertainty of the result and keep iterating until a certain user-
53       defined precision has been reached. Then, it calculates the resulting
54       uncertainty and goes through some pain to discard bad runs and subtract
55       overhead from the timings. The reported timing includes an uncertainty,
56       so that multiple benchmarks can more easily be compared.
58       Please note that "Dumbbench" works entirely with wallclock time as
59       reported by "Time::HiRes"' "time()" function.


62       In addition to the methods listed here, there are read-only accessors
63       for all named arguments of the constructor (which are also object
64       attributes).
66   new
67       Constructor that takes the following arguments (with defaults):
69         verbosity            => 0,     # 0, 1, or 2
70         target_rel_precision => 0.05,  # 5% target precision
71         target_abs_precision => 0,     # no target absolute precision (in s)
72         intial_runs          => 20,    # no. of guaranteed initial runs
73         max_iterations       => 10000, # hard max. no of iterations
74         variability_measure  => 'mad', # method for calculating uncertainty
75         outlier_rejection    => 3,     # no. of "sigma"s for the outlier rejection
77       "variability_measure" and "outlier_rejection" probably make sense after
78       reading "HOW IT WORKS" below. Setting "outlier_rejection" to 0 will
79       turn it off entirely.
81   add_instances
82       Takes one or more instances of subclasses of Dumbbench::Instance as
83       argument. Each of those is one benchmark, really.  They are run in
84       sequence and reported separately.
86       Right now, there are the following "Dumbbench::Instance"
87       implementations: Dumbbench::Instance::Cmd for running/benchmarking
88       external commands, Dumbbench::Instance::PerlEval for
89       running/benchmarking Perl code in this same process using "eval", and
90       Dumbbench::Instance::PerlSub for running/benchmarking Perl code in this
91       same process using a subroutine reference.
93   run
94       Runs the dry-run and benchmark run.
96   report
97       Prints a short report about the benchmark results.
99   instances
100       Returns a list of all instance objects in this benchmark set.  The
101       instance objects each have a "result()" and "dry_result()" method for
102       accessing the numeric benchmark results.
104   box_plot
105       Returns a Dumbbench::BoxPlot instance. Note that you need SOOT
106       installed to use that module, but this does not require it as a
107       prerequisite since it's not a trivial installation.
109       A Dumbbench::BoxPlot is a nice an easy way to get a graphic chart if
110       you're in the mood instead of getting the same results from "report".
112       If you don't want to get into the details of Dumbbench::BoxPlot, you
113       can do:
115         # $bench is your Dumbbench instance
116         eval { $bench->box_plot->show };


119   Why it doesn't work and why we try regardless
120       Recall that the goal is to obtain a reliable estimate of the run-time
121       of a certain operation or command. Now, please realize that this is
122       impossible since the run-time of an operation may depend on many things
123       that can change rapidly: Modern CPUs change their frequency dynamically
124       depending on load. CPU caches may be invalidated at odd moments and
125       page faults provide less fine-grained distration.  Naturally, OS
126       kernels will do weird things just to spite you. It's almost hopeless.
128       Since people (you, I, everybody!) insist on benchmarking anyway, this
129       is a best-effort at estimating the run-time. Naturally, it includes
130       estimating the uncertainty of the run time. This is extremely important
131       for comparing multiple benchmarks and that is usually the ultimate
132       goal. In order to get an estimate of the expectation value and its
133       uncertainty, we need a model of the underlying distribution:
135   A model for timing results
136       Let's take a step back and think about how the run-time of multiple
137       invocations of the same code will be distributed. Having a qualitative
138       idea what the distribution of many (MANY) measurements looks like is
139       extremely important for estimating the expectation value and
140       uncertainty from a sample of few measurements.
142       In a perfect, deterministic, single-tasking computer, we will get N
143       times the exact same timing. In the real world, there are at least a
144       million ways that this assumption is broken on a small scale. For each
145       run, the load of the computer will be slightly different. The content
146       of main memory and CPU caches may differ. All of these small effects
147       will make a given run a tiny bit slower or faster than any other.
148       Thankfully, this is a case where statistics (more precisely the Central
149       Limit Theorem) provides us with the qualitative result: The
150       measurements will be normally distributed (i.e. following a Gaussian
151       distribution) around some expectation value (which happens to be the
152       mean in this case).  Good. Unfortunately, benchmarks are more evil than
153       that. In addition to the small-scale effects that smear the result,
154       there are things that (at the given run time of the benchmark) may be
155       large enough to cause a large jump in run time. Assuming these are
156       comparatively rare and typically cause extraordinarily long run-times
157       (as opposed to extraordinarily low run-times), we arrive at an overall
158       model of having a central, smooth-ish normal distribution with a few
159       outliers towards long run-times.
161       So in this model, if we perform "N" measurements, almost all "N" times
162       will be close to the expectation value and a fraction will be
163       significantly higher.  This is troublesome because the outliers create
164       a bias in the uncertainty estimation and the asymmetry of the overall
165       distribution will bias a simple calculation of the mean.
167       What we would like to report to the user is the mean and uncertainty of
168       the main distribution while ignoring the outliers.
170   A robust estimation of the expectation value
171       Given the previously discussed model, we estimate the expectation value
172       with the following algorithm:
174       1)
175         Calculate the median of the whole distribution.  The median is a
176         fairly robust estimator of the expectation value with respect to
177         outliers (assuming they're comparatively rare).
179       2)
180         Calculate the median-absolute-deviation from the whole distribution
181         (MAD, see wikipedia). The MAD needs rescaling to become a measure of
182         variability. The MAD will be our initial guess for an uncertainty.
183         Like the median, it is quite robust against outliers.
185       3)
186         We use the median and MAD to remove the tails of our distribution.
187         All timings that deviate from the median by more than $X times the
188         MAD are rejected. This measure should cut outliers without
189         introducing much bias both in symmetric and asymmetric source
190         distributions.
192         An alternative would be to use an ordinary truncated mean (that is
193         the mean of all timings while disregarding the $N largest and $N
194         smallest results). But the truncated mean can produce a biased result
195         in asymmetric source distributions. The resulting expectation value
196         would be artificially increased.
198         In summary: Using the median as the initial guess for the expectation
199         value and the MAD as the guess for the variability keeps the bias
200         down in the general case.
202       4)
203         Finally, the use the mean of the truncated distribution as the
204         expectation value and the MAD of the truncated distribution as a
205         measure of variability.  To get the uncertainty on the expectation
206         value, we take "MAD / sqrt($N)" where $N is the number of remaining
207         measurements.
209   Conclusion
210       I hope I could convince you that interpreting less sophisticated
211       benchmarks is a dangerous if not futile exercise. The reason this
212       module exists is that not everybody is willing to go through such
213       contortions to arrive at a reliable conclusion, but everybody loves
214       benchmarking. So let's at least get the basics right.  Do not compare
215       raw timings of meaningless benchmarks but robust estimates of the run
216       time of meaningless benchmarks instead.


219       Dumbbench::Instance, Dumbbench::Instance::Cmd,
220       Dumbbench::Instance::PerlEval, Dumbbench::Instance::PerlSub,
221       Dumbbench::Result
223       Benchmark
225       Number::WithError does the Gaussian error propagation.
227       <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Median_absolute_deviation>


230       Steffen Mueller, <smueller@cpan.org>
233       Copyright (C) 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 by Steffen Mueller
235       This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
236       under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.1 or, at
237       your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
241perl v5.36.0                      2022-07-22                      Dumbbench(3)