1yambar-modules-river(5)       File Formats Manual      yambar-modules-river(5)


6       river - This module provides information about the river tags


9       This module uses river's (https://github.com/ifreund/river, a dynamic
10       tiling Wayland compositor) status protocol to provide information about
11       the river tags.
13       It has an interface similar to the i3/sway module.
15       The configuration for the river module specifies one title particle,
16       which will be instantiated once for each seat, with tags representing
17       the seats' name and the title of the seats' currently focused view.
19       It also specifies a content template particle, which is instantiated
20       once for all 32 river tags. This means you probably want to use a map
21       particle to hide unused river tags.


24       ┌─────────┬────────┬─────────────────────┐
25Name     Type   Description         
26       ├─────────┼────────┼─────────────────────┤
27       │id       │ int    │ River tag number    │
28       ├─────────┼────────┼─────────────────────┤
29       │urgent   │ bool   │ True if the river   │
30       │         │        │ tag has at least    │
31       │         │        │ one urgent view.    │
32       ├─────────┼────────┼─────────────────────┤
33       │visible  │ bool   │ True if the river   │
34       │         │        │ tag is focused by   │
35       │         │        │ at least one output │
36       │         │        │ (i.e. visible on at │
37       │         │        │ least one monitor). │
38       ├─────────┼────────┼─────────────────────┤
39       │focused  │ bool   │ True if the river   │
40       │         │        │ tag is visible and  │
41       │         │        │ has keyboard focus. │
42       ├─────────┼────────┼─────────────────────┤
43       │occupied │ bool   │ True if the river   │
44       │         │        │ tag has views (i.e. │
45       │         │        │ windows).           │
46       ├─────────┼────────┼─────────────────────┤
47       │state    │ string │ Set to urgent if    │
48       │         │        │ urgent is true, fo‐ 
49       │         │        │ cused if focused is │
50       │         │        │ true, unfocused if  │
51       │         │        │ visible is true,    │
52       │         │        │ but focused is      │
53       │         │        │ false, or invisible 
54       │         │        │ if the river tag is │
55       │         │        │ not visible on any  │
56       │         │        │ monitors.           │
57       ├─────────┼────────┼─────────────────────┤
58       │seat     │ string │ The name of the     │
59       │         │        │ seat (title parti‐  │
60       │         │        │ cle only, see CON‐  │
61       │         │        │ FIGURATION)         │
62       ├─────────┼────────┼─────────────────────┤
63       │title    │ string │ The seat's focused  │
64       │         │        │ view's title (title 
65       │         │        │ particle only, see  │
66       │         │        │ CONFIGURATION)      │
67       └─────────┴────────┴─────────────────────┘


70       ┌─────────────┬──────────┬─────┬──────────────────┐
71Name         Type     Req Description      
72       ├─────────────┼──────────┼─────┼──────────────────┤
73       │title        │ particle │ no  │ Particle that    │
74       │             │          │     │ will be instan‐  │
75       │             │          │     │ tiated with the  │
76       │             │          │     │ seat and title
77       │             │          │     │ tags.            │
78       ├─────────────┼──────────┼─────┼──────────────────┤
79       │content      │ particle │ yes │ Template parti‐  │
80       │             │          │     │ cle that will be │
81       │             │          │     │ instantiated     │
82       │             │          │     │ once for all of  │
83       │             │          │     │ the 32 river     │
84       │             │          │     │ tags.            │
85       ├─────────────┼──────────┼─────┼──────────────────┤
86       │all-monitors │ bool     │ no  │ When set to      │
87       │             │          │     │ false (the de‐   │
88       │             │          │     │ fault), tags re‐ │
89       │             │          │     │ flect river tags │
90       │             │          │     │ and seats for    │
91       │             │          │     │ the monitor yam‐ │
92       │             │          │     │ bar is on only.  │
93       │             │          │     │ When set to      │
94       │             │          │     │ true, tags re‐   │
95       │             │          │     │ flect the union  │
96       │             │          │     │ of all monitors. │
97       └─────────────┴──────────┴─────┴──────────────────┘


100           bar:
101             left:
102               - river:
103                   title: {string: { text: "{seat} - {title}" }}
104                   content:
105                     map:
106                       tag: occupied
107                       values:
108                         false: {empty: {}}
109                         true:
110                           string:
111                             margin: 5
112                             text: "{id}: {state}"


115       yambar-modules(5), yambar-particles(5), yambar-tags(5), yambar-decora‐
116       tions(5)
118                                  2022-08-26           yambar-modules-river(5)