1NEWS.DAILY(8)               System Manager's Manual              NEWS.DAILY(8)


6       news.daily - do regular Usenet system administration


9       news.daily [ keyword...  ]


13       News.daily  performs  a number of important Usenet administrative func‐
14       tions.  This includes producing a  status  report,  removing  old  news
15       articles, processing log files, rotating the archived log files, renum‐
16       bering the active file, removing any old  socket  files  found  in  the
17       <pathrun  in inn.conf> directory, and collecting the output.  This pro‐
18       gram should be run under the news administrator's id, not as root.
20       By default, news.daily performs all of its functions and mails the out‐
21       put  to  the  news administrator, <USER specified with --with-news-mas‐
22       ter at configure>.  By specifying ``keywords'' on the command line,  it
23       is  possible  to  modify the functions performed, as well as change the
24       arguments given to expire(8) and expireover(8).
26       News.daily should be run once a day, typically out of cron(8).  It  may
27       be run more often, but such invocations should at least use the ``noro‐
28       tate'' keyword (or perhaps the ``notdaily'' keyword) to prevent the log
29       files from being processed and rotated too fast.
31       The shlock(1) program is used to prevent simultaneous executions.


34       The following keywords may be used:
36       delayrm
37              This  uses  the ``-z'' flag when invoking expire and expireover.
38              The names of articles to be removed are written to  a  temporary
39              file, and then renamed after expiration by calling expirerm(8).
41       expctl=path
42              Specify the file to use as the expire.ctl(5) file for expire.
44       expdir=path
45              By  default,  expire builds the new history(5) file and database
46              in the same directory as the current files.  Using this  keyword
47              specifies  a  different local to build the new files (by passing
48              the ``-d'' flag to expire), which will  then  be  moved  to  the
49              right location when finished.
51       nostat This  keyword  disables  the  status report generated by innstat
52              (see innstat(8)).  Without this keyword, the  status  report  is
53              the  first  function  performed,  just  prior  to  obtaining the
54              news.daily lock.
56       notdaily
57              By default news.daily expects to be run only once a day, and  it
58              does  various  things  (like rotating logs) that normally should
59              only be done on daily basis. Use this keyword  any  extra  times
60              news.daily  is  run in the day and the normal logfile processing
61              (and rotation) will not be done.
63       noexpire
64              By default, expire is  invoked  to  remove  old  news  articles.
65              Using this keyword disables this function.
67       noexpireover
68              By  default,  expireover is invoked to remove old overview data‐
69              base, if enableoverview is set in inn.conf.  Using this  keyword
70              disables this function.
72       noexplog
73              Expire    normally    appends   information   to   <pathlog   in
74              inn.conf>/expire.log  (see  newslog(5)).   Using  this   keyword
75              causes  the  expire output to be handled as part of news.daily's
76              output.  It has no effect if the ``noexpire'' keyword is used.
78       flags='args for expire'
79              By default, expire is invoked with argument ``-v1''.  Using this
80              keyword changes the arguments to those specified.  Be careful to
81              use quotes if multiple arguments are needed.  This  keyword  has
82              no effect if the ``noexpire'' keyword is used.
84       nologs After  expiration,  scanlogs(8)  is  invoked  to process the log
85              files.  Using this keyword disables  all  log  processing  func‐
86              tions.
88       norotate
89              By  default,  log  processing includes rotating and cleaning out
90              log files.  Using this keyword disables the rotating and  clean‐
91              ing  aspect  of  the  log  processing:  the  logs files are only
92              scanned for information and no contents are altered.
94              This keyword has no effect if the ``nologs''  keyword  is  used.
95              The  ``norotate''  keyword  is  passed  on  to scanlogs if it is
96              invoked.
98       norenumber
99              This keyword disables the ctlinnd(8) renumber  operation.   Nor‐
100              mally,  the  low-water  marks for all newsgroups (see active(5))
101              are reset.
103       norm   By default, any socket ctlinnd socket that has not been modified
104              for  two days will be removed.  Using this keyword disables this
105              function.
107       nomail News.daily normally sends a mail message containing the  results
108              to the administrator.  Using this keyword causes this message to
109              be sent to stdout and stderr instead.  Normally,  all  utilities
110              invoked  by  the  script have their stdout and stderr redirected
111              into a file.  If the file is empty, no message is sent.
113       expireover
114              The expireover program is called after expiration to  purge  the
115              overview  databases.   If  no  overview  data  is  created,  the
116              ``expireover'' keyword is not needed.  This is the case that the
117              server runs only for feeder(no reader).
119       expireoverflags='args for expireover'
120              If  the ``expireover'' keyword is used, this keyword may be used
121              to specify the  flags  to  be  passed  to  expireover.   If  the
122              ``delayrm''  keyword  is  used, then the default value is ``-z''
123              and the list of deleted files; otherwise, the default  value  is
124              ``-s''.
126       /full/path
127              The  program specified by the given path is executed just before
128              any expiration is done.  A typical use is to specify  an  alter‐
129              nate  expiration program and use the ``noexpire'' keyword.  Mul‐
130              tiple programs may be specified; they will be invoked in order.
132       postexec='post executed program'
133              The program specified by the given path is executed  just  after
134              all  expiration  is  done.   Multiple programs may be specified;
135              they will be invoked in order.
137       lowmark
138              If the ``lowmark'' keyword is used, ctlinnd(8) lowmark  is  used
139              for  renumbering  active.   Normal ctlinnd(8) renumber operation
140              will take long time.  With ``lowmark'' keyword  this  will  take
141              less  time.   If the ``lowmark'' keyword is used, ``norenumber''
142              keyword is not needed, since news.daily specifies it implicitly.
144       tmpdir=path
145              Sets the environment variable  TMPDIR  to  the  specified  path.
146              Various parts of the expire process, such as sort, will then use
147              this path as the directory for temporary files.


150       News.daily  and  this  manual  page  written  by   Landon   Curt   Noll
151       <chongo@toad.com> and Rich $alz <rsalz@uunet.uu.net>.  This is revision
152       6398, dated 2003-07-12.


155       active(5), ctlinnd(8), expire(8), fastrm(8),  inn.conf(5),  newslog(5),
156       innwatch.ctl(5), shlock(1).
160                                                                 NEWS.DAILY(8)