1PERLLOCALE(1)          Perl Programmers Reference Guide          PERLLOCALE(1)


6       perllocale - Perl locale handling (internationalization and
7       localization)


10       In the beginning there was ASCII, the "American Standard Code for
11       Information Interchange", which works quite well for Americans with
12       their English alphabet and dollar-denominated currency.  But it doesn't
13       work so well even for other English speakers, who may use different
14       currencies, such as the pound sterling (as the symbol for that currency
15       is not in ASCII); and it's hopelessly inadequate for many of the
16       thousands of the world's other languages.
18       To address these deficiencies, the concept of locales was invented
19       (formally the ISO C, XPG4, POSIX 1.c "locale system").  And
20       applications were and are being written that use the locale mechanism.
21       The process of making such an application take account of its users'
22       preferences in these kinds of matters is called internationalization
23       (often abbreviated as i18n); telling such an application about a
24       particular set of preferences is known as localization (l10n).
26       Perl has been extended to support certain types of locales available in
27       the locale system.  This is controlled per application by using one
28       pragma, one function call, and several environment variables.
30       Perl supports single-byte locales that are supersets of ASCII, such as
31       the ISO 8859 ones, and one multi-byte-type locale, UTF-8 ones,
32       described in the next paragraph.  Perl doesn't support any other multi-
33       byte locales, such as the ones for East Asian languages.
35       Unfortunately, there are quite a few deficiencies with the design (and
36       often, the implementations) of locales.  Unicode was invented (see
37       perlunitut for an introduction to that) in part to address these design
38       deficiencies, and nowadays, there is a series of "UTF-8 locales", based
39       on Unicode.  These are locales whose character set is Unicode, encoded
40       in UTF-8.  Starting in v5.20, Perl fully supports UTF-8 locales, except
41       for sorting and string comparisons like "lt" and "ge".  Starting in
42       v5.26, Perl can handle these reasonably as well, depending on the
43       platform's implementation.  However, for earlier releases or for better
44       control, use Unicode::Collate.  Perl continues to support the old non
45       UTF-8 locales as well.  There are currently no UTF-8 locales for EBCDIC
46       platforms.
48       (Unicode is also creating "CLDR", the "Common Locale Data Repository",
49       <http://cldr.unicode.org/> which includes more types of information
50       than are available in the POSIX locale system.  At the time of this
51       writing, there was no CPAN module that provides access to this XML-
52       encoded data.  However, it is possible to compute the POSIX locale data
53       from them, and earlier CLDR versions had these already extracted for
54       you as UTF-8 locales <http://unicode.org/Public/cldr/2.0.1/>.)


57       A locale is a set of data that describes various aspects of how various
58       communities in the world categorize their world.  These categories are
59       broken down into the following types (some of which include a brief
60       note here):
62       Category "LC_NUMERIC": Numeric formatting
63           This indicates how numbers should be formatted for human
64           readability, for example the character used as the decimal point.
66       Category "LC_MONETARY": Formatting of monetary amounts
69       Category "LC_TIME": Date/Time formatting
72       Category "LC_MESSAGES": Error and other messages
73           This is used by Perl itself only for accessing operating system
74           error messages via $! and $^E.
76       Category "LC_COLLATE": Collation
77           This indicates the ordering of letters for comparison and sorting.
78           In Latin alphabets, for example, "b", generally follows "a".
80       Category "LC_CTYPE": Character Types
81           This indicates, for example if a character is an uppercase letter.
83       Other categories
84           Some platforms have other categories, dealing with such things as
85           measurement units and paper sizes.  None of these are used directly
86           by Perl, but outside operations that Perl interacts with may use
87           these.  See "Not within the scope of "use locale"" below.
89       More details on the categories used by Perl are given below in "LOCALE
90       CATEGORIES".
92       Together, these categories go a long way towards being able to
93       customize a single program to run in many different locations.  But
94       there are deficiencies, so keep reading.


97       Perl itself (outside the POSIX module) will not use locales unless
98       specifically requested to (but again note that Perl may interact with
99       code that does use them).  Even if there is such a request, all of the
100       following must be true for it to work properly:
102       ·   Your operating system must support the locale system.  If it does,
103           you should find that the "setlocale()" function is a documented
104           part of its C library.
106       ·   Definitions for locales that you use must be installed.  You, or
107           your system administrator, must make sure that this is the case.
108           The available locales, the location in which they are kept, and the
109           manner in which they are installed all vary from system to system.
110           Some systems provide only a few, hard-wired locales and do not
111           allow more to be added.  Others allow you to add "canned" locales
112           provided by the system supplier.  Still others allow you or the
113           system administrator to define and add arbitrary locales.  (You may
114           have to ask your supplier to provide canned locales that are not
115           delivered with your operating system.)  Read your system
116           documentation for further illumination.
118       ·   Perl must believe that the locale system is supported.  If it does,
119           "perl -V:d_setlocale" will say that the value for "d_setlocale" is
120           "define".
122       If you want a Perl application to process and present your data
123       according to a particular locale, the application code should include
124       the "use locale" pragma (see "The "use locale" pragma") where
125       appropriate, and at least one of the following must be true:
127       1.  The locale-determining environment variables (see "ENVIRONMENT")
128           must be correctly set up at the time the application is started,
129           either by yourself or by whomever set up your system account; or
131       2.  The application must set its own locale using the method described
132           in "The setlocale function".


135   The "use locale" pragma
136       Starting in Perl 5.28, this pragma may be used in multi-threaded
137       applications on systems that have thread-safe locale ability.  Some
138       caveats apply, see "Multi-threaded" below.  On systems without this
139       capability, or in earlier Perls, do NOT use this pragma in scripts that
140       have multiple threads active.  The locale in these cases is not local
141       to a single thread.  Another thread may change the locale at any time,
142       which could cause at a minimum that a given thread is operating in a
143       locale it isn't expecting to be in.  On some platforms, segfaults can
144       also occur.  The locale change need not be explicit; some operations
145       cause perl to change the locale itself.  You are vulnerable simply by
146       having done a "use locale".
148       By default, Perl itself (outside the POSIX module) ignores the current
149       locale.  The "use locale" pragma tells Perl to use the current locale
150       for some operations.  Starting in v5.16, there are optional parameters
151       to this pragma, described below, which restrict which operations are
152       affected by it.
154       The current locale is set at execution time by setlocale() described
155       below.  If that function hasn't yet been called in the course of the
156       program's execution, the current locale is that which was determined by
157       the "ENVIRONMENT" in effect at the start of the program.  If there is
158       no valid environment, the current locale is whatever the system default
159       has been set to.   On POSIX systems, it is likely, but not necessarily,
160       the "C" locale.  On Windows, the default is set via the computer's
161       "Control Panel->Regional and Language Options" (or its current
162       equivalent).
164       The operations that are affected by locale are:
166       Not within the scope of "use locale"
167           Only certain operations (all originating outside Perl) should be
168           affected, as follows:
170           ·   The current locale is used when going outside of Perl with
171               operations like system() or qx//, if those operations are
172               locale-sensitive.
174           ·   Also Perl gives access to various C library functions through
175               the POSIX module.  Some of those functions are always affected
176               by the current locale.  For example, "POSIX::strftime()" uses
177               "LC_TIME"; "POSIX::strtod()" uses "LC_NUMERIC";
178               "POSIX::strcoll()" and "POSIX::strxfrm()" use "LC_COLLATE".
179               All such functions will behave according to the current
180               underlying locale, even if that locale isn't exposed to Perl
181               space.
183               This applies as well to I18N::Langinfo.
185           ·   XS modules for all categories but "LC_NUMERIC" get the
186               underlying locale, and hence any C library functions they call
187               will use that underlying locale.  For more discussion, see
188               "CAVEATS" in perlxs.
190           Note that all C programs (including the perl interpreter, which is
191           written in C) always have an underlying locale.  That locale is the
192           "C" locale unless changed by a call to setlocale().  When Perl
193           starts up, it changes the underlying locale to the one which is
194           indicated by the "ENVIRONMENT".  When using the POSIX module or
195           writing XS code, it is important to keep in mind that the
196           underlying locale may be something other than "C", even if the
197           program hasn't explicitly changed it.
201       Lingering effects of "use locale"
202           Certain Perl operations that are set-up within the scope of a "use
203           locale" retain that effect even outside the scope.  These include:
205           ·   The output format of a write() is determined by an earlier
206               format declaration ("format" in perlfunc), so whether or not
207               the output is affected by locale is determined by if the
208               "format()" is within the scope of a "use locale", not whether
209               the "write()" is.
211           ·   Regular expression patterns can be compiled using qr// with
212               actual matching deferred to later.  Again, it is whether or not
213               the compilation was done within the scope of "use locale" that
214               determines the match behavior, not if the matches are done
215               within such a scope or not.
219       Under ""use locale";"
220           ·   All the above operations
222           ·   Format declarations ("format" in perlfunc) and hence any
223               subsequent "write()"s use "LC_NUMERIC".
225           ·   stringification and output use "LC_NUMERIC".  These include the
226               results of "print()", "printf()", "say()", and "sprintf()".
228           ·   The comparison operators ("lt", "le", "cmp", "ge", and "gt")
229               use "LC_COLLATE".  "sort()" is also affected if used without an
230               explicit comparison function, because it uses "cmp" by default.
232               Note: "eq" and "ne" are unaffected by locale: they always
233               perform a char-by-char comparison of their scalar operands.
234               What's more, if "cmp" finds that its operands are equal
235               according to the collation sequence specified by the current
236               locale, it goes on to perform a char-by-char comparison, and
237               only returns 0 (equal) if the operands are char-for-char
238               identical.  If you really want to know whether two
239               strings--which "eq" and "cmp" may consider different--are equal
240               as far as collation in the locale is concerned, see the
241               discussion in "Category "LC_COLLATE": Collation".
243           ·   Regular expressions and case-modification functions ("uc()",
244               "lc()", "ucfirst()", and "lcfirst()") use "LC_CTYPE"
246           ·   The variables $! (and its synonyms $ERRNO and $OS_ERROR) and
247               $^E (and its synonym $EXTENDED_OS_ERROR) when used as strings
248               use "LC_MESSAGES".
250       The default behavior is restored with the "no locale" pragma, or upon
251       reaching the end of the block enclosing "use locale".  Note that "use
252       locale" calls may be nested, and that what is in effect within an inner
253       scope will revert to the outer scope's rules at the end of the inner
254       scope.
256       The string result of any operation that uses locale information is
257       tainted, as it is possible for a locale to be untrustworthy.  See
258       "SECURITY".
260       Starting in Perl v5.16 in a very limited way, and more generally in
261       v5.22, you can restrict which category or categories are enabled by
262       this particular instance of the pragma by adding parameters to it.  For
263       example,
265        use locale qw(:ctype :numeric);
267       enables locale awareness within its scope of only those operations
268       (listed above) that are affected by "LC_CTYPE" and "LC_NUMERIC".
270       The possible categories are: ":collate", ":ctype", ":messages",
271       ":monetary", ":numeric", ":time", and the pseudo category ":characters"
272       (described below).
274       Thus you can say
276        use locale ':messages';
278       and only $! and $^E will be locale aware.  Everything else is
279       unaffected.
281       Since Perl doesn't currently do anything with the "LC_MONETARY"
282       category, specifying ":monetary" does effectively nothing.  Some
283       systems have other categories, such as "LC_PAPER", but Perl also
284       doesn't do anything with them, and there is no way to specify them in
285       this pragma's arguments.
287       You can also easily say to use all categories but one, by either, for
288       example,
290        use locale ':!ctype';
291        use locale ':not_ctype';
293       both of which mean to enable locale awarness of all categories but
294       "LC_CTYPE".  Only one category argument may be specified in a
295       "use locale" if it is of the negated form.
297       Prior to v5.22 only one form of the pragma with arguments is available:
299        use locale ':not_characters';
301       (and you have to say "not_"; you can't use the bang "!" form).  This
302       pseudo category is a shorthand for specifying both ":collate" and
303       ":ctype".  Hence, in the negated form, it is nearly the same thing as
304       saying
306        use locale qw(:messages :monetary :numeric :time);
308       We use the term "nearly", because ":not_characters" also turns on
309       "use feature 'unicode_strings'" within its scope.  This form is less
310       useful in v5.20 and later, and is described fully in "Unicode and
311       UTF-8", but briefly, it tells Perl to not use the character portions of
312       the locale definition, that is the "LC_CTYPE" and "LC_COLLATE"
313       categories.  Instead it will use the native character set (extended by
314       Unicode).  When using this parameter, you are responsible for getting
315       the external character set translated into the native/Unicode one
316       (which it already will be if it is one of the increasingly popular
317       UTF-8 locales).  There are convenient ways of doing this, as described
318       in "Unicode and UTF-8".
320   The setlocale function
321       WARNING!  Prior to Perl 5.28 or on a system that does not support
322       thread-safe locale operations, do NOT use this function in a thread.
323       The locale will change in all other threads at the same time, and
324       should your thread get paused by the operating system, and another
325       started, that thread will not have the locale it is expecting.  On some
326       platforms, there can be a race leading to segfaults if two threads call
327       this function nearly simultaneously.
329       You can switch locales as often as you wish at run time with the
330       "POSIX::setlocale()" function:
332               # Import locale-handling tool set from POSIX module.
333               # This example uses: setlocale -- the function call
334               #                    LC_CTYPE -- explained below
335               # (Showing the testing for success/failure of operations is
336               # omitted in these examples to avoid distracting from the main
337               # point)
339               use POSIX qw(locale_h);
340               use locale;
341               my $old_locale;
343               # query and save the old locale
344               $old_locale = setlocale(LC_CTYPE);
346               setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "fr_CA.ISO8859-1");
347               # LC_CTYPE now in locale "French, Canada, codeset ISO 8859-1"
349               setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "");
350               # LC_CTYPE now reset to the default defined by the
351               # LC_ALL/LC_CTYPE/LANG environment variables, or to the system
352               # default.  See below for documentation.
354               # restore the old locale
355               setlocale(LC_CTYPE, $old_locale);
357       The first argument of "setlocale()" gives the category, the second the
358       locale.  The category tells in what aspect of data processing you want
359       to apply locale-specific rules.  Category names are discussed in
360       "LOCALE CATEGORIES" and "ENVIRONMENT".  The locale is the name of a
361       collection of customization information corresponding to a particular
362       combination of language, country or territory, and codeset.  Read on
363       for hints on the naming of locales: not all systems name locales as in
364       the example.
366       If no second argument is provided and the category is something other
367       than "LC_ALL", the function returns a string naming the current locale
368       for the category.  You can use this value as the second argument in a
369       subsequent call to "setlocale()", but on some platforms the string is
370       opaque, not something that most people would be able to decipher as to
371       what locale it means.
373       If no second argument is provided and the category is "LC_ALL", the
374       result is implementation-dependent.  It may be a string of concatenated
375       locale names (separator also implementation-dependent) or a single
376       locale name.  Please consult your setlocale(3) man page for details.
378       If a second argument is given and it corresponds to a valid locale, the
379       locale for the category is set to that value, and the function returns
380       the now-current locale value.  You can then use this in yet another
381       call to "setlocale()".  (In some implementations, the return value may
382       sometimes differ from the value you gave as the second argument--think
383       of it as an alias for the value you gave.)
385       As the example shows, if the second argument is an empty string, the
386       category's locale is returned to the default specified by the
387       corresponding environment variables.  Generally, this results in a
388       return to the default that was in force when Perl started up: changes
389       to the environment made by the application after startup may or may not
390       be noticed, depending on your system's C library.
392       Note that when a form of "use locale" that doesn't include all
393       categories is specified, Perl ignores the excluded categories.
395       If "set_locale()" fails for some reason (for example, an attempt to set
396       to a locale unknown to the system), the locale for the category is not
397       changed, and the function returns "undef".
399       Starting in Perl 5.28, on multi-threaded perls compiled on systems that
400       implement POSIX 2008 thread-safe locale operations, this function
401       doesn't actually call the system "setlocale".  Instead those thread-
402       safe operations are used to emulate the "setlocale" function, but in a
403       thread-safe manner.
405       For further information about the categories, consult setlocale(3).
407   Multi-threaded operation
408       Beginning in Perl 5.28, multi-threaded locale operation is supported on
409       systems that implement either the POSIX 2008 or Windows-specific
410       thread-safe locale operations.  Many modern systems, such as various
411       Unix variants and Darwin do have this.
413       You can tell if using locales is safe on your system by looking at the
414       read-only boolean variable "${^SAFE_LOCALES}".  The value is 1 if the
415       perl is not threaded, or if it is using thread-safe locale operations.
417       Thread-safe operations are supported in Windows starting in Visual
418       Studio 2005, and in systems compatible with POSIX 2008.  Some platforms
419       claim to support POSIX 2008, but have buggy implementations, so that
420       the hints files for compiling to run on them turn off attempting to use
421       thread-safety.  "${^SAFE_LOCALES}" will be 0 on them.
423       Be aware that writing a multi-threaded application will not be portable
424       to a platform which lacks the native thread-safe locale support.  On
425       systems that do have it, you automatically get this behavior for
426       threaded perls, without having to do anything.  If for some reason, you
427       don't want to use this capability (perhaps the POSIX 2008 support is
428       buggy on your system), you can manually compile Perl to use the old
429       non-thread-safe implementation by passing the argument
430       "-Accflags='-DNO_THREAD_SAFE_LOCALE'" to Configure.  Except on Windows,
431       this will continue to use certain of the POSIX 2008 functions in some
432       situations.  If these are buggy, you can pass the following to
433       Configure instead or additionally:
434       "-Accflags='-DNO_POSIX_2008_LOCALE'".  This will also keep the code
435       from using thread-safe locales.  "${^SAFE_LOCALES}" will be 0 on
436       systems that turn off the thread-safe operations.
438       The initial program is started up using the locale specified from the
439       environment, as currently, described in "ENVIRONMENT".   All newly
440       created threads start with "LC_ALL" set to "C">.  Each thread may use
441       "POSIX::setlocale()" to query or switch its locale at any time, without
442       affecting any other thread.  All locale-dependent operations
443       automatically use their thread's locale.
445       This should be completely transparent to any applications written
446       entirely in Perl (minus a few rarely encountered caveats given in the
447       "Multi-threaded" section).  Information for XS module writers is given
448       in "Locale-aware XS code" in perlxs.
450   Finding locales
451       For locales available in your system, consult also setlocale(3) to see
452       whether it leads to the list of available locales (search for the SEE
453       ALSO section).  If that fails, try the following command lines:
455               locale -a
457               nlsinfo
459               ls /usr/lib/nls/loc
461               ls /usr/lib/locale
463               ls /usr/lib/nls
465               ls /usr/share/locale
467       and see whether they list something resembling these
469               en_US.ISO8859-1     de_DE.ISO8859-1     ru_RU.ISO8859-5
470               en_US.iso88591      de_DE.iso88591      ru_RU.iso88595
471               en_US               de_DE               ru_RU
472               en                  de                  ru
473               english             german              russian
474               english.iso88591    german.iso88591     russian.iso88595
475               english.roman8                          russian.koi8r
477       Sadly, even though the calling interface for "setlocale()" has been
478       standardized, names of locales and the directories where the
479       configuration resides have not been.  The basic form of the name is
480       language_territory.codeset, but the latter parts after language are not
481       always present.  The language and country are usually from the
482       standards ISO 3166 and ISO 639, the two-letter abbreviations for the
483       countries and the languages of the world, respectively.  The codeset
484       part often mentions some ISO 8859 character set, the Latin codesets.
485       For example, "ISO 8859-1" is the so-called "Western European codeset"
486       that can be used to encode most Western European languages adequately.
487       Again, there are several ways to write even the name of that one
488       standard.  Lamentably.
490       Two special locales are worth particular mention: "C" and "POSIX".
491       Currently these are effectively the same locale: the difference is
492       mainly that the first one is defined by the C standard, the second by
493       the POSIX standard.  They define the default locale in which every
494       program starts in the absence of locale information in its environment.
495       (The default default locale, if you will.)  Its language is (American)
496       English and its character codeset ASCII or, rarely, a superset thereof
497       (such as the "DEC Multinational Character Set (DEC-MCS)").  Warning.
498       The C locale delivered by some vendors may not actually exactly match
499       what the C standard calls for.  So beware.
501       NOTE: Not all systems have the "POSIX" locale (not all systems are
502       POSIX-conformant), so use "C" when you need explicitly to specify this
503       default locale.
506       You may encounter the following warning message at Perl startup:
508               perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
509               perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
510                       LC_ALL = "En_US",
511                       LANG = (unset)
512                   are supported and installed on your system.
513               perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C").
515       This means that your locale settings had "LC_ALL" set to "En_US" and
516       LANG exists but has no value.  Perl tried to believe you but could not.
517       Instead, Perl gave up and fell back to the "C" locale, the default
518       locale that is supposed to work no matter what.  (On Windows, it first
519       tries falling back to the system default locale.)  This usually means
520       your locale settings were wrong, they mention locales your system has
521       never heard of, or the locale installation in your system has problems
522       (for example, some system files are broken or missing).  There are
523       quick and temporary fixes to these problems, as well as more thorough
524       and lasting fixes.
526   Testing for broken locales
527       If you are building Perl from source, the Perl test suite file
528       lib/locale.t can be used to test the locales on your system.  Setting
529       the environment variable "PERL_DEBUG_FULL_TEST" to 1 will cause it to
530       output detailed results.  For example, on Linux, you could say
532        PERL_DEBUG_FULL_TEST=1 ./perl -T -Ilib lib/locale.t > locale.log 2>&1
534       Besides many other tests, it will test every locale it finds on your
535       system to see if they conform to the POSIX standard.  If any have
536       errors, it will include a summary near the end of the output of which
537       locales passed all its tests, and which failed, and why.
539   Temporarily fixing locale problems
540       The two quickest fixes are either to render Perl silent about any
541       locale inconsistencies or to run Perl under the default locale "C".
543       Perl's moaning about locale problems can be silenced by setting the
544       environment variable "PERL_BADLANG" to "0" or "".  This method really
545       just sweeps the problem under the carpet: you tell Perl to shut up even
546       when Perl sees that something is wrong.  Do not be surprised if later
547       something locale-dependent misbehaves.
549       Perl can be run under the "C" locale by setting the environment
550       variable "LC_ALL" to "C".  This method is perhaps a bit more civilized
551       than the "PERL_BADLANG" approach, but setting "LC_ALL" (or other locale
552       variables) may affect other programs as well, not just Perl.  In
553       particular, external programs run from within Perl will see these
554       changes.  If you make the new settings permanent (read on), all
555       programs you run see the changes.  See "ENVIRONMENT" for the full list
556       of relevant environment variables and "USING LOCALES" for their effects
557       in Perl.  Effects in other programs are easily deducible.  For example,
558       the variable "LC_COLLATE" may well affect your sort program (or
559       whatever the program that arranges "records" alphabetically in your
560       system is called).
562       You can test out changing these variables temporarily, and if the new
563       settings seem to help, put those settings into your shell startup
564       files.  Consult your local documentation for the exact details.  For
565       Bourne-like shells (sh, ksh, bash, zsh):
567               LC_ALL=en_US.ISO8859-1
568               export LC_ALL
570       This assumes that we saw the locale "en_US.ISO8859-1" using the
571       commands discussed above.  We decided to try that instead of the above
572       faulty locale "En_US"--and in Cshish shells (csh, tcsh)
574               setenv LC_ALL en_US.ISO8859-1
576       or if you have the "env" application you can do (in any shell)
578               env LC_ALL=en_US.ISO8859-1 perl ...
580       If you do not know what shell you have, consult your local helpdesk or
581       the equivalent.
583   Permanently fixing locale problems
584       The slower but superior fixes are when you may be able to yourself fix
585       the misconfiguration of your own environment variables.  The
586       mis(sing)configuration of the whole system's locales usually requires
587       the help of your friendly system administrator.
589       First, see earlier in this document about "Finding locales".  That
590       tells how to find which locales are really supported--and more
591       importantly, installed--on your system.  In our example error message,
592       environment variables affecting the locale are listed in the order of
593       decreasing importance (and unset variables do not matter).  Therefore,
594       having LC_ALL set to "En_US" must have been the bad choice, as shown by
595       the error message.  First try fixing locale settings listed first.
597       Second, if using the listed commands you see something exactly (prefix
598       matches do not count and case usually counts) like "En_US" without the
599       quotes, then you should be okay because you are using a locale name
600       that should be installed and available in your system.  In this case,
601       see "Permanently fixing your system's locale configuration".
603   Permanently fixing your system's locale configuration
604       This is when you see something like:
606               perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
607                       LC_ALL = "En_US",
608                       LANG = (unset)
609                   are supported and installed on your system.
611       but then cannot see that "En_US" listed by the above-mentioned
612       commands.  You may see things like "en_US.ISO8859-1", but that isn't
613       the same.  In this case, try running under a locale that you can list
614       and which somehow matches what you tried.  The rules for matching
615       locale names are a bit vague because standardization is weak in this
616       area.  See again the "Finding locales" about general rules.
618   Fixing system locale configuration
619       Contact a system administrator (preferably your own) and report the
620       exact error message you get, and ask them to read this same
621       documentation you are now reading.  They should be able to check
622       whether there is something wrong with the locale configuration of the
623       system.  The "Finding locales" section is unfortunately a bit vague
624       about the exact commands and places because these things are not that
625       standardized.
627   The localeconv function
628       The "POSIX::localeconv()" function allows you to get particulars of the
629       locale-dependent numeric formatting information specified by the
630       current underlying "LC_NUMERIC" and "LC_MONETARY" locales (regardless
631       of whether called from within the scope of "use locale" or not).  (If
632       you just want the name of the current locale for a particular category,
633       use "POSIX::setlocale()" with a single parameter--see "The setlocale
634       function".)
636               use POSIX qw(locale_h);
638               # Get a reference to a hash of locale-dependent info
639               $locale_values = localeconv();
641               # Output sorted list of the values
642               for (sort keys %$locale_values) {
643                   printf "%-20s = %s\n", $_, $locale_values->{$_}
644               }
646       "localeconv()" takes no arguments, and returns a reference to a hash.
647       The keys of this hash are variable names for formatting, such as
648       "decimal_point" and "thousands_sep".  The values are the corresponding,
649       er, values.  See "localeconv" in POSIX for a longer example listing the
650       categories an implementation might be expected to provide; some provide
651       more and others fewer.  You don't need an explicit "use locale",
652       because "localeconv()" always observes the current locale.
654       Here's a simple-minded example program that rewrites its command-line
655       parameters as integers correctly formatted in the current locale:
657           use POSIX qw(locale_h);
659           # Get some of locale's numeric formatting parameters
660           my ($thousands_sep, $grouping) =
661                   @{localeconv()}{'thousands_sep', 'grouping'};
663           # Apply defaults if values are missing
664           $thousands_sep = ',' unless $thousands_sep;
666           # grouping and mon_grouping are packed lists
667           # of small integers (characters) telling the
668           # grouping (thousand_seps and mon_thousand_seps
669           # being the group dividers) of numbers and
670           # monetary quantities.  The integers' meanings:
671           # 255 means no more grouping, 0 means repeat
672           # the previous grouping, 1-254 means use that
673           # as the current grouping.  Grouping goes from
674           # right to left (low to high digits).  In the
675           # below we cheat slightly by never using anything
676           # else than the first grouping (whatever that is).
677           if ($grouping) {
678               @grouping = unpack("C*", $grouping);
679           } else {
680               @grouping = (3);
681           }
683           # Format command line params for current locale
684           for (@ARGV) {
685               $_ = int;    # Chop non-integer part
686               1 while
687               s/(\d)(\d{$grouping[0]}($|$thousands_sep))/$1$thousands_sep$2/;
688               print "$_";
689           }
690           print "\n";
692       Note that if the platform doesn't have "LC_NUMERIC" and/or
693       "LC_MONETARY" available or enabled, the corresponding elements of the
694       hash will be missing.
696   I18N::Langinfo
697       Another interface for querying locale-dependent information is the
698       "I18N::Langinfo::langinfo()" function.
700       The following example will import the "langinfo()" function itself and
701       three constants to be used as arguments to "langinfo()": a constant for
702       the abbreviated first day of the week (the numbering starts from Sunday
703       = 1) and two more constants for the affirmative and negative answers
704       for a yes/no question in the current locale.
706           use I18N::Langinfo qw(langinfo ABDAY_1 YESSTR NOSTR);
708           my ($abday_1, $yesstr, $nostr)
709                       = map { langinfo } qw(ABDAY_1 YESSTR NOSTR);
711           print "$abday_1? [$yesstr/$nostr] ";
713       In other words, in the "C" (or English) locale the above will probably
714       print something like:
716           Sun? [yes/no]
718       See I18N::Langinfo for more information.


721       The following subsections describe basic locale categories.  Beyond
722       these, some combination categories allow manipulation of more than one
723       basic category at a time.  See "ENVIRONMENT" for a discussion of these.
725   Category "LC_COLLATE": Collation: Text Comparisons and Sorting
726       In the scope of a "use locale" form that includes collation, Perl looks
727       to the "LC_COLLATE" environment variable to determine the application's
728       notions on collation (ordering) of characters.  For example, "b"
729       follows "a" in Latin alphabets, but where do "a" and "aa" belong?  And
730       while "color" follows "chocolate" in English, what about in traditional
731       Spanish?
733       The following collations all make sense and you may meet any of them if
734       you "use locale".
736               A B C D E a b c d e
737               A a B b C c D d E e
738               a A b B c C d D e E
739               a b c d e A B C D E
741       Here is a code snippet to tell what "word" characters are in the
742       current locale, in that locale's order:
744               use locale;
745               print +(sort grep /\w/, map { chr } 0..255), "\n";
747       Compare this with the characters that you see and their order if you
748       state explicitly that the locale should be ignored:
750               no locale;
751               print +(sort grep /\w/, map { chr } 0..255), "\n";
753       This machine-native collation (which is what you get unless
754       "use locale" has appeared earlier in the same block) must be used for
755       sorting raw binary data, whereas the locale-dependent collation of the
756       first example is useful for natural text.
758       As noted in "USING LOCALES", "cmp" compares according to the current
759       collation locale when "use locale" is in effect, but falls back to a
760       char-by-char comparison for strings that the locale says are equal. You
761       can use "POSIX::strcoll()" if you don't want this fall-back:
763               use POSIX qw(strcoll);
764               $equal_in_locale =
765                   !strcoll("space and case ignored", "SpaceAndCaseIgnored");
767       $equal_in_locale will be true if the collation locale specifies a
768       dictionary-like ordering that ignores space characters completely and
769       which folds case.
771       Perl uses the platform's C library collation functions "strcoll()" and
772       "strxfrm()".  That means you get whatever they give.  On some
773       platforms, these functions work well on UTF-8 locales, giving a
774       reasonable default collation for the code points that are important in
775       that locale.  (And if they aren't working well, the problem may only be
776       that the locale definition is deficient, so can be fixed by using a
777       better definition file.  Unicode's definitions (see "Freely available
778       locale definitions") provide reasonable UTF-8 locale collation
779       definitions.)  Starting in Perl v5.26, Perl's use of these functions
780       has been made more seamless.  This may be sufficient for your needs.
781       For more control, and to make sure strings containing any code point
782       (not just the ones important in the locale) collate properly, the
783       Unicode::Collate module is suggested.
785       In non-UTF-8 locales (hence single byte), code points above 0xFF are
786       technically invalid.  But if present, again starting in v5.26, they
787       will collate to the same position as the highest valid code point does.
788       This generally gives good results, but the collation order may be
789       skewed if the valid code point gets special treatment when it forms
790       particular sequences with other characters as defined by the locale.
791       When two strings collate identically, the code point order is used as a
792       tie breaker.
794       If Perl detects that there are problems with the locale collation
795       order, it reverts to using non-locale collation rules for that locale.
797       If you have a single string that you want to check for "equality in
798       locale" against several others, you might think you could gain a little
799       efficiency by using "POSIX::strxfrm()" in conjunction with "eq":
801               use POSIX qw(strxfrm);
802               $xfrm_string = strxfrm("Mixed-case string");
803               print "locale collation ignores spaces\n"
804                   if $xfrm_string eq strxfrm("Mixed-casestring");
805               print "locale collation ignores hyphens\n"
806                   if $xfrm_string eq strxfrm("Mixedcase string");
807               print "locale collation ignores case\n"
808                   if $xfrm_string eq strxfrm("mixed-case string");
810       "strxfrm()" takes a string and maps it into a transformed string for
811       use in char-by-char comparisons against other transformed strings
812       during collation.  "Under the hood", locale-affected Perl comparison
813       operators call "strxfrm()" for both operands, then do a char-by-char
814       comparison of the transformed strings.  By calling "strxfrm()"
815       explicitly and using a non locale-affected comparison, the example
816       attempts to save a couple of transformations.  But in fact, it doesn't
817       save anything: Perl magic (see "Magic Variables" in perlguts) creates
818       the transformed version of a string the first time it's needed in a
819       comparison, then keeps this version around in case it's needed again.
820       An example rewritten the easy way with "cmp" runs just about as fast.
821       It also copes with null characters embedded in strings; if you call
822       "strxfrm()" directly, it treats the first null it finds as a
823       terminator.  Don't expect the transformed strings it produces to be
824       portable across systems--or even from one revision of your operating
825       system to the next.  In short, don't call "strxfrm()" directly: let
826       Perl do it for you.
828       Note: "use locale" isn't shown in some of these examples because it
829       isn't needed: "strcoll()" and "strxfrm()" are POSIX functions which use
830       the standard system-supplied "libc" functions that always obey the
831       current "LC_COLLATE" locale.
833   Category "LC_CTYPE": Character Types
834       In the scope of a "use locale" form that includes "LC_CTYPE", Perl
835       obeys the "LC_CTYPE" locale setting.  This controls the application's
836       notion of which characters are alphabetic, numeric, punctuation, etc.
837       This affects Perl's "\w" regular expression metanotation, which stands
838       for alphanumeric characters--that is, alphabetic, numeric, and the
839       platform's native underscore.  (Consult perlre for more information
840       about regular expressions.)  Thanks to "LC_CTYPE", depending on your
841       locale setting, characters like "ae", "d`", "ss", and "o" may be
842       understood as "\w" characters.  It also affects things like "\s", "\D",
843       and the POSIX character classes, like "[[:graph:]]".  (See
844       perlrecharclass for more information on all these.)
846       The "LC_CTYPE" locale also provides the map used in transliterating
847       characters between lower and uppercase.  This affects the case-mapping
848       functions--"fc()", "lc()", "lcfirst()", "uc()", and "ucfirst()"; case-
849       mapping interpolation with "\F", "\l", "\L", "\u", or "\U" in double-
850       quoted strings and "s///" substitutions; and case-insensitive regular
851       expression pattern matching using the "i" modifier.
853       Starting in v5.20, Perl supports UTF-8 locales for "LC_CTYPE", but
854       otherwise Perl only supports single-byte locales, such as the ISO 8859
855       series.  This means that wide character locales, for example for Asian
856       languages, are not well-supported.  Use of these locales may cause core
857       dumps.  If the platform has the capability for Perl to detect such a
858       locale, starting in Perl v5.22, Perl will warn, default enabled, using
859       the "locale" warning category, whenever such a locale is switched into.
860       The UTF-8 locale support is actually a superset of POSIX locales,
861       because it is really full Unicode behavior as if no "LC_CTYPE" locale
862       were in effect at all (except for tainting; see "SECURITY").  POSIX
863       locales, even UTF-8 ones, are lacking certain concepts in Unicode, such
864       as the idea that changing the case of a character could expand to be
865       more than one character.  Perl in a UTF-8 locale, will give you that
866       expansion.  Prior to v5.20, Perl treated a UTF-8 locale on some
867       platforms like an ISO 8859-1 one, with some restrictions, and on other
868       platforms more like the "C" locale.  For releases v5.16 and v5.18,
869       "use locale 'not_characters" could be used as a workaround for this
870       (see "Unicode and UTF-8").
872       Note that there are quite a few things that are unaffected by the
873       current locale.  Any literal character is the native character for the
874       given platform.  Hence 'A' means the character at code point 65 on
875       ASCII platforms, and 193 on EBCDIC.  That may or may not be an 'A' in
876       the current locale, if that locale even has an 'A'.  Similarly, all the
877       escape sequences for particular characters, "\n" for example, always
878       mean the platform's native one.  This means, for example, that "\N" in
879       regular expressions (every character but new-line) works on the
880       platform character set.
882       Starting in v5.22, Perl will by default warn when switching into a
883       locale that redefines any ASCII printable character (plus "\t" and
884       "\n") into a different class than expected.  This is likely to happen
885       on modern locales only on EBCDIC platforms, where, for example, a CCSID
886       0037 locale on a CCSID 1047 machine moves "[", but it can happen on
887       ASCII platforms with the ISO 646 and other 7-bit locales that are
888       essentially obsolete.  Things may still work, depending on what
889       features of Perl are used by the program.  For example, in the example
890       from above where "|" becomes a "\w", and there are no regular
891       expressions where this matters, the program may still work properly.
892       The warning lists all the characters that it can determine could be
893       adversely affected.
895       Note: A broken or malicious "LC_CTYPE" locale definition may result in
896       clearly ineligible characters being considered to be alphanumeric by
897       your application.  For strict matching of (mundane) ASCII letters and
898       digits--for example, in command strings--locale-aware applications
899       should use "\w" with the "/a" regular expression modifier.  See
900       "SECURITY".
902   Category "LC_NUMERIC": Numeric Formatting
903       After a proper "POSIX::setlocale()" call, and within the scope of of a
904       "use locale" form that includes numerics, Perl obeys the "LC_NUMERIC"
905       locale information, which controls an application's idea of how numbers
906       should be formatted for human readability.  In most implementations the
907       only effect is to change the character used for the decimal
908       point--perhaps from "."  to ",".  The functions aren't aware of such
909       niceties as thousands separation and so on. (See "The localeconv
910       function" if you care about these things.)
912        use POSIX qw(strtod setlocale LC_NUMERIC);
913        use locale;
915        setlocale LC_NUMERIC, "";
917        $n = 5/2;   # Assign numeric 2.5 to $n
919        $a = " $n"; # Locale-dependent conversion to string
921        print "half five is $n\n";       # Locale-dependent output
923        printf "half five is %g\n", $n;  # Locale-dependent output
925        print "DECIMAL POINT IS COMMA\n"
926                 if $n == (strtod("2,5"))[0]; # Locale-dependent conversion
928       See also I18N::Langinfo and "RADIXCHAR".
930   Category "LC_MONETARY": Formatting of monetary amounts
931       The C standard defines the "LC_MONETARY" category, but not a function
932       that is affected by its contents.  (Those with experience of standards
933       committees will recognize that the working group decided to punt on the
934       issue.)  Consequently, Perl essentially takes no notice of it.  If you
935       really want to use "LC_MONETARY", you can query its contents--see "The
936       localeconv function"--and use the information that it returns in your
937       application's own formatting of currency amounts.  However, you may
938       well find that the information, voluminous and complex though it may
939       be, still does not quite meet your requirements: currency formatting is
940       a hard nut to crack.
942       See also I18N::Langinfo and "CRNCYSTR".
944   Category "LC_TIME": Respresentation of time
945       Output produced by "POSIX::strftime()", which builds a formatted human-
946       readable date/time string, is affected by the current "LC_TIME" locale.
947       Thus, in a French locale, the output produced by the %B format element
948       (full month name) for the first month of the year would be "janvier".
949       Here's how to get a list of long month names in the current locale:
951               use POSIX qw(strftime);
952               for (0..11) {
953                   $long_month_name[$_] =
954                       strftime("%B", 0, 0, 0, 1, $_, 96);
955               }
957       Note: "use locale" isn't needed in this example: "strftime()" is a
958       POSIX function which uses the standard system-supplied "libc" function
959       that always obeys the current "LC_TIME" locale.
961       See also I18N::Langinfo and "ABDAY_1".."ABDAY_7", "DAY_1".."DAY_7",
962       "ABMON_1".."ABMON_12", and "ABMON_1".."ABMON_12".
964   Other categories
965       The remaining locale categories are not currently used by Perl itself.
966       But again note that things Perl interacts with may use these, including
967       extensions outside the standard Perl distribution, and by the operating
968       system and its utilities.  Note especially that the string value of $!
969       and the error messages given by external utilities may be changed by
970       "LC_MESSAGES".  If you want to have portable error codes, use "%!".
971       See Errno.


974       Although the main discussion of Perl security issues can be found in
975       perlsec, a discussion of Perl's locale handling would be incomplete if
976       it did not draw your attention to locale-dependent security issues.
977       Locales--particularly on systems that allow unprivileged users to build
978       their own locales--are untrustworthy.  A malicious (or just plain
979       broken) locale can make a locale-aware application give unexpected
980       results.  Here are a few possibilities:
982       ·   Regular expression checks for safe file names or mail addresses
983           using "\w" may be spoofed by an "LC_CTYPE" locale that claims that
984           characters such as ">" and "|" are alphanumeric.
986       ·   String interpolation with case-mapping, as in, say, "$dest =
987           "C:\U$name.$ext"", may produce dangerous results if a bogus
988           "LC_CTYPE" case-mapping table is in effect.
990       ·   A sneaky "LC_COLLATE" locale could result in the names of students
991           with "D" grades appearing ahead of those with "A"s.
993       ·   An application that takes the trouble to use information in
994           "LC_MONETARY" may format debits as if they were credits and vice
995           versa if that locale has been subverted.  Or it might make payments
996           in US dollars instead of Hong Kong dollars.
998       ·   The date and day names in dates formatted by "strftime()" could be
999           manipulated to advantage by a malicious user able to subvert the
1000           "LC_DATE" locale.  ("Look--it says I wasn't in the building on
1001           Sunday.")
1003       Such dangers are not peculiar to the locale system: any aspect of an
1004       application's environment which may be modified maliciously presents
1005       similar challenges.  Similarly, they are not specific to Perl: any
1006       programming language that allows you to write programs that take
1007       account of their environment exposes you to these issues.
1009       Perl cannot protect you from all possibilities shown in the
1010       examples--there is no substitute for your own vigilance--but, when "use
1011       locale" is in effect, Perl uses the tainting mechanism (see perlsec) to
1012       mark string results that become locale-dependent, and which may be
1013       untrustworthy in consequence.  Here is a summary of the tainting
1014       behavior of operators and functions that may be affected by the locale:
1016       ·   Comparison operators ("lt", "le", "ge", "gt" and "cmp"):
1018           Scalar true/false (or less/equal/greater) result is never tainted.
1020       ·   Case-mapping interpolation (with "\l", "\L", "\u", "\U", or "\F")
1022           The result string containing interpolated material is tainted if a
1023           "use locale" form that includes "LC_CTYPE" is in effect.
1025       ·   Matching operator ("m//"):
1027           Scalar true/false result never tainted.
1029           All subpatterns, either delivered as a list-context result or as $1
1030           etc., are tainted if a "use locale" form that includes "LC_CTYPE"
1031           is in effect, and the subpattern regular expression contains a
1032           locale-dependent construct.  These constructs include "\w" (to
1033           match an alphanumeric character), "\W" (non-alphanumeric
1034           character), "\b" and "\B" (word-boundary and non-boundardy, which
1035           depend on what "\w" and "\W" match), "\s" (whitespace character),
1036           "\S" (non whitespace character), "\d" and "\D" (digits and non-
1037           digits), and the POSIX character classes, such as "[:alpha:]" (see
1038           "POSIX Character Classes" in perlrecharclass).
1040           Tainting is also likely if the pattern is to be matched case-
1041           insensitively (via "/i").  The exception is if all the code points
1042           to be matched this way are above 255 and do not have folds under
1043           Unicode rules to below 256.  Tainting is not done for these because
1044           Perl only uses Unicode rules for such code points, and those rules
1045           are the same no matter what the current locale.
1047           The matched-pattern variables, $&, "$`" (pre-match), "$'" (post-
1048           match), and $+ (last match) also are tainted.
1050       ·   Substitution operator ("s///"):
1052           Has the same behavior as the match operator.  Also, the left
1053           operand of "=~" becomes tainted when a "use locale" form that
1054           includes "LC_CTYPE" is in effect, if modified as a result of a
1055           substitution based on a regular expression match involving any of
1056           the things mentioned in the previous item, or of case-mapping, such
1057           as "\l", "\L","\u", "\U", or "\F".
1059       ·   Output formatting functions ("printf()" and "write()"):
1061           Results are never tainted because otherwise even output from print,
1062           for example "print(1/7)", should be tainted if "use locale" is in
1063           effect.
1065       ·   Case-mapping functions ("lc()", "lcfirst()", "uc()", "ucfirst()"):
1067           Results are tainted if a "use locale" form that includes "LC_CTYPE"
1068           is in effect.
1070       ·   POSIX locale-dependent functions ("localeconv()", "strcoll()",
1071           "strftime()", "strxfrm()"):
1073           Results are never tainted.
1075       Three examples illustrate locale-dependent tainting.  The first
1076       program, which ignores its locale, won't run: a value taken directly
1077       from the command line may not be used to name an output file when taint
1078       checks are enabled.
1080               #/usr/local/bin/perl -T
1081               # Run with taint checking
1083               # Command line sanity check omitted...
1084               $tainted_output_file = shift;
1086               open(F, ">$tainted_output_file")
1087                   or warn "Open of $tainted_output_file failed: $!\n";
1089       The program can be made to run by "laundering" the tainted value
1090       through a regular expression: the second example--which still ignores
1091       locale information--runs, creating the file named on its command line
1092       if it can.
1094               #/usr/local/bin/perl -T
1096               $tainted_output_file = shift;
1097               $tainted_output_file =~ m%[\w/]+%;
1098               $untainted_output_file = $&;
1100               open(F, ">$untainted_output_file")
1101                   or warn "Open of $untainted_output_file failed: $!\n";
1103       Compare this with a similar but locale-aware program:
1105               #/usr/local/bin/perl -T
1107               $tainted_output_file = shift;
1108               use locale;
1109               $tainted_output_file =~ m%[\w/]+%;
1110               $localized_output_file = $&;
1112               open(F, ">$localized_output_file")
1113                   or warn "Open of $localized_output_file failed: $!\n";
1115       This third program fails to run because $& is tainted: it is the result
1116       of a match involving "\w" while "use locale" is in effect.


1120                   This environment variable, available starting in Perl
1121                   v5.20, if set (to any value), tells Perl to not use the
1122                   rest of the environment variables to initialize with.
1123                   Instead, Perl uses whatever the current locale settings
1124                   are.  This is particularly useful in embedded environments,
1125                   see "Using embedded Perl with POSIX locales" in perlembed.
1127       PERL_BADLANG
1128                   A string that can suppress Perl's warning about failed
1129                   locale settings at startup.  Failure can occur if the
1130                   locale support in the operating system is lacking (broken)
1131                   in some way--or if you mistyped the name of a locale when
1132                   you set up your environment.  If this environment variable
1133                   is absent, or has a value other than "0" or "", Perl will
1134                   complain about locale setting failures.
1136                   NOTE: "PERL_BADLANG" only gives you a way to hide the
1137                   warning message.  The message tells about some problem in
1138                   your system's locale support, and you should investigate
1139                   what the problem is.
1141       The following environment variables are not specific to Perl: They are
1142       part of the standardized (ISO C, XPG4, POSIX 1.c) "setlocale()" method
1143       for controlling an application's opinion on data.  Windows is non-
1144       POSIX, but Perl arranges for the following to work as described anyway.
1145       If the locale given by an environment variable is not valid, Perl tries
1146       the next lower one in priority.  If none are valid, on Windows, the
1147       system default locale is then tried.  If all else fails, the "C" locale
1148       is used.  If even that doesn't work, something is badly broken, but
1149       Perl tries to forge ahead with whatever the locale settings might be.
1151       "LC_ALL"    "LC_ALL" is the "override-all" locale environment variable.
1152                   If set, it overrides all the rest of the locale environment
1153                   variables.
1155       "LANGUAGE"  NOTE: "LANGUAGE" is a GNU extension, it affects you only if
1156                   you are using the GNU libc.  This is the case if you are
1157                   using e.g. Linux.  If you are using "commercial" Unixes you
1158                   are most probably not using GNU libc and you can ignore
1159                   "LANGUAGE".
1161                   However, in the case you are using "LANGUAGE": it affects
1162                   the language of informational, warning, and error messages
1163                   output by commands (in other words, it's like
1164                   "LC_MESSAGES") but it has higher priority than "LC_ALL".
1165                   Moreover, it's not a single value but instead a "path"
1166                   (":"-separated list) of languages (not locales).  See the
1167                   GNU "gettext" library documentation for more information.
1169       "LC_CTYPE"  In the absence of "LC_ALL", "LC_CTYPE" chooses the
1170                   character type locale.  In the absence of both "LC_ALL" and
1171                   "LC_CTYPE", "LANG" chooses the character type locale.
1173       "LC_COLLATE"
1174                   In the absence of "LC_ALL", "LC_COLLATE" chooses the
1175                   collation (sorting) locale.  In the absence of both
1176                   "LC_ALL" and "LC_COLLATE", "LANG" chooses the collation
1177                   locale.
1179       "LC_MONETARY"
1180                   In the absence of "LC_ALL", "LC_MONETARY" chooses the
1181                   monetary formatting locale.  In the absence of both
1182                   "LC_ALL" and "LC_MONETARY", "LANG" chooses the monetary
1183                   formatting locale.
1185       "LC_NUMERIC"
1186                   In the absence of "LC_ALL", "LC_NUMERIC" chooses the
1187                   numeric format locale.  In the absence of both "LC_ALL" and
1188                   "LC_NUMERIC", "LANG" chooses the numeric format.
1190       "LC_TIME"   In the absence of "LC_ALL", "LC_TIME" chooses the date and
1191                   time formatting locale.  In the absence of both "LC_ALL"
1192                   and "LC_TIME", "LANG" chooses the date and time formatting
1193                   locale.
1195       "LANG"      "LANG" is the "catch-all" locale environment variable. If
1196                   it is set, it is used as the last resort after the overall
1197                   "LC_ALL" and the category-specific "LC_foo".
1199   Examples
1200       The "LC_NUMERIC" controls the numeric output:
1202          use locale;
1203          use POSIX qw(locale_h); # Imports setlocale() and the LC_ constants.
1204          setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "fr_FR") or die "Pardon";
1205          printf "%g\n", 1.23; # If the "fr_FR" succeeded, probably shows 1,23.
1207       and also how strings are parsed by "POSIX::strtod()" as numbers:
1209          use locale;
1210          use POSIX qw(locale_h strtod);
1211          setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "de_DE") or die "Entschuldigung";
1212          my $x = strtod("2,34") + 5;
1213          print $x, "\n"; # Probably shows 7,34.


1216   String "eval" and "LC_NUMERIC"
1217       A string eval parses its expression as standard Perl.  It is therefore
1218       expecting the decimal point to be a dot.  If "LC_NUMERIC" is set to
1219       have this be a comma instead, the parsing will be confused, perhaps
1220       silently.
1222        use locale;
1223        use POSIX qw(locale_h);
1224        setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "fr_FR") or die "Pardon";
1225        my $a = 1.2;
1226        print eval "$a + 1.5";
1227        print "\n";
1229       prints "13,5".  This is because in that locale, the comma is the
1230       decimal point character.  The "eval" thus expands to:
1232        eval "1,2 + 1.5"
1234       and the result is not what you likely expected.  No warnings are
1235       generated.  If you do string "eval"'s within the scope of "use locale",
1236       you should instead change the "eval" line to do something like:
1238        print eval "no locale; $a + 1.5";
1240       This prints 2.7.
1242       You could also exclude "LC_NUMERIC", if you don't need it, by
1244        use locale ':!numeric';
1246   Backward compatibility
1247       Versions of Perl prior to 5.004 mostly ignored locale information,
1248       generally behaving as if something similar to the "C" locale were
1249       always in force, even if the program environment suggested otherwise
1250       (see "The setlocale function").  By default, Perl still behaves this
1251       way for backward compatibility.  If you want a Perl application to pay
1252       attention to locale information, you must use the "use locale" pragma
1253       (see "The "use locale" pragma") or, in the unlikely event that you want
1254       to do so for just pattern matching, the "/l" regular expression
1255       modifier (see "Character set modifiers" in perlre) to instruct it to do
1256       so.
1258       Versions of Perl from 5.002 to 5.003 did use the "LC_CTYPE" information
1259       if available; that is, "\w" did understand what were the letters
1260       according to the locale environment variables.  The problem was that
1261       the user had no control over the feature: if the C library supported
1262       locales, Perl used them.
1264   I18N:Collate obsolete
1265       In versions of Perl prior to 5.004, per-locale collation was possible
1266       using the "I18N::Collate" library module.  This module is now mildly
1267       obsolete and should be avoided in new applications.  The "LC_COLLATE"
1268       functionality is now integrated into the Perl core language: One can
1269       use locale-specific scalar data completely normally with "use locale",
1270       so there is no longer any need to juggle with the scalar references of
1271       "I18N::Collate".
1273   Sort speed and memory use impacts
1274       Comparing and sorting by locale is usually slower than the default
1275       sorting; slow-downs of two to four times have been observed.  It will
1276       also consume more memory: once a Perl scalar variable has participated
1277       in any string comparison or sorting operation obeying the locale
1278       collation rules, it will take 3-15 times more memory than before.  (The
1279       exact multiplier depends on the string's contents, the operating system
1280       and the locale.) These downsides are dictated more by the operating
1281       system's implementation of the locale system than by Perl.
1283   Freely available locale definitions
1284       The Unicode CLDR project extracts the POSIX portion of many of its
1285       locales, available at
1287         http://unicode.org/Public/cldr/2.0.1/
1289       (Newer versions of CLDR require you to compute the POSIX data yourself.
1290       See <http://unicode.org/Public/cldr/latest/>.)
1292       There is a large collection of locale definitions at:
1294         http://std.dkuug.dk/i18n/WG15-collection/locales/
1296       You should be aware that it is unsupported, and is not claimed to be
1297       fit for any purpose.  If your system allows installation of arbitrary
1298       locales, you may find the definitions useful as they are, or as a basis
1299       for the development of your own locales.
1301   I18n and l10n
1302       "Internationalization" is often abbreviated as i18n because its first
1303       and last letters are separated by eighteen others.  (You may guess why
1304       the internalin ... internaliti ... i18n tends to get abbreviated.)  In
1305       the same way, "localization" is often abbreviated to l10n.
1307   An imperfect standard
1308       Internationalization, as defined in the C and POSIX standards, can be
1309       criticized as incomplete and ungainly.  They also have a tendency, like
1310       standards groups, to divide the world into nations, when we all know
1311       that the world can equally well be divided into bankers, bikers,
1312       gamers, and so on.

Unicode and UTF-8

1315       The support of Unicode is new starting from Perl version v5.6, and more
1316       fully implemented in versions v5.8 and later.  See perluniintro.
1318       Starting in Perl v5.20, UTF-8 locales are supported in Perl, except
1319       "LC_COLLATE" is only partially supported; collation support is improved
1320       in Perl v5.26 to a level that may be sufficient for your needs (see
1321       "Category "LC_COLLATE": Collation: Text Comparisons and Sorting").
1323       If you have Perl v5.16 or v5.18 and can't upgrade, you can use
1325           use locale ':not_characters';
1327       When this form of the pragma is used, only the non-character portions
1328       of locales are used by Perl, for example "LC_NUMERIC".  Perl assumes
1329       that you have translated all the characters it is to operate on into
1330       Unicode (actually the platform's native character set (ASCII or EBCDIC)
1331       plus Unicode).  For data in files, this can conveniently be done by
1332       also specifying
1334           use open ':locale';
1336       This pragma arranges for all inputs from files to be translated into
1337       Unicode from the current locale as specified in the environment (see
1338       "ENVIRONMENT"), and all outputs to files to be translated back into the
1339       locale.  (See open).  On a per-filehandle basis, you can instead use
1340       the PerlIO::locale module, or the Encode::Locale module, both available
1341       from CPAN.  The latter module also has methods to ease the handling of
1342       "ARGV" and environment variables, and can be used on individual
1343       strings.  If you know that all your locales will be UTF-8, as many are
1344       these days, you can use the -C command line switch.
1346       This form of the pragma allows essentially seamless handling of locales
1347       with Unicode.  The collation order will be by Unicode code point order.
1348       Unicode::Collate can be used to get Unicode rules collation.
1350       All the modules and switches just described can be used in v5.20 with
1351       just plain "use locale", and, should the input locales not be UTF-8,
1352       you'll get the less than ideal behavior, described below, that you get
1353       with pre-v5.16 Perls, or when you use the locale pragma without the
1354       ":not_characters" parameter in v5.16 and v5.18.  If you are using
1355       exclusively UTF-8 locales in v5.20 and higher, the rest of this section
1356       does not apply to you.
1358       There are two cases, multi-byte and single-byte locales.  First multi-
1359       byte:
1361       The only multi-byte (or wide character) locale that Perl is ever likely
1362       to support is UTF-8.  This is due to the difficulty of implementation,
1363       the fact that high quality UTF-8 locales are now published for every
1364       area of the world (<http://unicode.org/Public/cldr/2.0.1/> for ones
1365       that are already set-up, but from an earlier version;
1366       <http://unicode.org/Public/cldr/latest/> for the most up-to-date, but
1367       you have to extract the POSIX information yourself), and that failing
1368       all that you can use the Encode module to translate to/from your
1369       locale.  So, you'll have to do one of those things if you're using one
1370       of these locales, such as Big5 or Shift JIS.  For UTF-8 locales, in
1371       Perls (pre v5.20) that don't have full UTF-8 locale support, they may
1372       work reasonably well (depending on your C library implementation)
1373       simply because both they and Perl store characters that take up
1374       multiple bytes the same way.  However, some, if not most, C library
1375       implementations may not process the characters in the upper half of the
1376       Latin-1 range (128 - 255) properly under "LC_CTYPE".  To see if a
1377       character is a particular type under a locale, Perl uses the functions
1378       like "isalnum()".  Your C library may not work for UTF-8 locales with
1379       those functions, instead only working under the newer wide library
1380       functions like "iswalnum()", which Perl does not use.  These multi-byte
1381       locales are treated like single-byte locales, and will have the
1382       restrictions described below.  Starting in Perl v5.22 a warning message
1383       is raised when Perl detects a multi-byte locale that it doesn't fully
1384       support.
1386       For single-byte locales, Perl generally takes the tack to use locale
1387       rules on code points that can fit in a single byte, and Unicode rules
1388       for those that can't (though this isn't uniformly applied, see the note
1389       at the end of this section).  This prevents many problems in locales
1390       that aren't UTF-8.  Suppose the locale is ISO8859-7, Greek.  The
1391       character at 0xD7 there is a capital Chi. But in the ISO8859-1 locale,
1392       Latin1, it is a multiplication sign.  The POSIX regular expression
1393       character class "[[:alpha:]]" will magically match 0xD7 in the Greek
1394       locale but not in the Latin one.
1396       However, there are places where this breaks down.  Certain Perl
1397       constructs are for Unicode only, such as "\p{Alpha}".  They assume that
1398       0xD7 always has its Unicode meaning (or the equivalent on EBCDIC
1399       platforms).  Since Latin1 is a subset of Unicode and 0xD7 is the
1400       multiplication sign in both Latin1 and Unicode, "\p{Alpha}" will never
1401       match it, regardless of locale.  A similar issue occurs with "\N{...}".
1402       Prior to v5.20, it is therefore a bad idea to use "\p{}" or "\N{}"
1403       under plain "use locale"--unless you can guarantee that the locale will
1404       be ISO8859-1.  Use POSIX character classes instead.
1406       Another problem with this approach is that operations that cross the
1407       single byte/multiple byte boundary are not well-defined, and so are
1408       disallowed.  (This boundary is between the codepoints at 255/256.)  For
1409       example, lower casing LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS (U+0178)
1410       should return LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS (U+00FF).  But in the
1411       Greek locale, for example, there is no character at 0xFF, and Perl has
1412       no way of knowing what the character at 0xFF is really supposed to
1413       represent.  Thus it disallows the operation.  In this mode, the
1414       lowercase of U+0178 is itself.
1416       The same problems ensue if you enable automatic UTF-8-ification of your
1417       standard file handles, default "open()" layer, and @ARGV on
1418       non-ISO8859-1, non-UTF-8 locales (by using either the -C command line
1419       switch or the "PERL_UNICODE" environment variable; see perlrun).
1420       Things are read in as UTF-8, which would normally imply a Unicode
1421       interpretation, but the presence of a locale causes them to be
1422       interpreted in that locale instead.  For example, a 0xD7 code point in
1423       the Unicode input, which should mean the multiplication sign, won't be
1424       interpreted by Perl that way under the Greek locale.  This is not a
1425       problem provided you make certain that all locales will always and only
1426       be either an ISO8859-1, or, if you don't have a deficient C library, a
1427       UTF-8 locale.
1429       Still another problem is that this approach can lead to two code points
1430       meaning the same character.  Thus in a Greek locale, both U+03A7 and
1431       U+00D7 are GREEK CAPITAL LETTER CHI.
1433       Because of all these problems, starting in v5.22, Perl will raise a
1434       warning if a multi-byte (hence Unicode) code point is used when a
1435       single-byte locale is in effect.  (Although it doesn't check for this
1436       if doing so would unreasonably slow execution down.)
1438       Vendor locales are notoriously buggy, and it is difficult for Perl to
1439       test its locale-handling code because this interacts with code that
1440       Perl has no control over; therefore the locale-handling code in Perl
1441       may be buggy as well.  (However, the Unicode-supplied locales should be
1442       better, and there is a feed back mechanism to correct any problems.
1443       See "Freely available locale definitions".)
1445       If you have Perl v5.16, the problems mentioned above go away if you use
1446       the ":not_characters" parameter to the locale pragma (except for vendor
1447       bugs in the non-character portions).  If you don't have v5.16, and you
1448       do have locales that work, using them may be worthwhile for certain
1449       specific purposes, as long as you keep in mind the gotchas already
1450       mentioned.  For example, if the collation for your locales works, it
1451       runs faster under locales than under Unicode::Collate; and you gain
1452       access to such things as the local currency symbol and the names of the
1453       months and days of the week.  (But to hammer home the point, in v5.16,
1454       you get this access without the downsides of locales by using the
1455       ":not_characters" form of the pragma.)
1457       Note: The policy of using locale rules for code points that can fit in
1458       a byte, and Unicode rules for those that can't is not uniformly
1459       applied.  Pre-v5.12, it was somewhat haphazard; in v5.12 it was applied
1460       fairly consistently to regular expression matching except for bracketed
1461       character classes; in v5.14 it was extended to all regex matches; and
1462       in v5.16 to the casing operations such as "\L" and "uc()".  For
1463       collation, in all releases so far, the system's "strxfrm()" function is
1464       called, and whatever it does is what you get.  Starting in v5.26,
1465       various bugs are fixed with the way perl uses this function.


1468   Collation of strings containing embedded "NUL" characters
1469       "NUL" characters will sort the same as the lowest collating control
1470       character does, or to "\001" in the unlikely event that there are no
1471       control characters at all in the locale.  In cases where the strings
1472       don't contain this non-"NUL" control, the results will be correct, and
1473       in many locales, this control, whatever it might be, will rarely be
1474       encountered.  But there are cases where a "NUL" should sort before this
1475       control, but doesn't.  If two strings do collate identically, the one
1476       containing the "NUL" will sort to earlier.  Prior to 5.26, there were
1477       more bugs.
1479   Multi-threaded
1480       XS code or C-language libraries called from it that use the system
1481       setlocale(3) function (except on Windows) likely will not work from a
1482       multi-threaded application without changes.  See "Locale-aware XS code"
1483       in perlxs.
1485       An XS module that is locale-dependent could have been written under the
1486       assumption that it will never be called in a multi-threaded
1487       environment, and so uses other non-locale constructs that aren't multi-
1488       thread-safe.  See "Thread-aware system interfaces" in perlxs.
1490       POSIX does not define a way to get the name of the current per-thread
1491       locale.  Some systems, such as Darwin and NetBSD do implement a
1492       function, querylocale(3) to do this.  On non-Windows systems without
1493       it, such as Linux, there are some additional caveats:
1495       ·   An embedded perl needs to be started up while the global locale is
1496           in effect.  See "Using embedded Perl with POSIX locales" in
1497           perlembed.
1499       ·   It becomes more important for perl to know about all the possible
1500           locale categories on the platform, even if they aren't apparently
1501           used in your program.  Perl knows all of the Linux ones.  If your
1502           platform has others, you can send email to
1503           <mailto:perlbug@perl.org> for inclusion of it in the next release.
1504           In the meantime, it is possible to edit the Perl source to teach it
1505           about the category, and then recompile.  Search for instances of,
1506           say, "LC_PAPER" in the source, and use that as a template to add
1507           the omitted one.
1509       ·   It is possible, though hard to do, to call "POSIX::setlocale" with
1510           a locale that it doesn't recognize as syntactically legal, but
1511           actually is legal on that system.  This should happen only with
1512           embedded perls, or if you hand-craft a locale name yourself.
1514   Broken systems
1515       In certain systems, the operating system's locale support is broken and
1516       cannot be fixed or used by Perl.  Such deficiencies can and will result
1517       in mysterious hangs and/or Perl core dumps when "use locale" is in
1518       effect.  When confronted with such a system, please report in
1519       excruciating detail to <perlbug@perl.org>, and also contact your
1520       vendor: bug fixes may exist for these problems in your operating
1521       system.  Sometimes such bug fixes are called an operating system
1522       upgrade.  If you have the source for Perl, include in the perlbug email
1523       the output of the test described above in "Testing for broken locales".


1526       I18N::Langinfo, perluniintro, perlunicode, open, "localeconv" in POSIX,
1527       "setlocale" in POSIX, "strcoll" in POSIX, "strftime" in POSIX, "strtod"
1528       in POSIX, "strxfrm" in POSIX.
1530       For special considerations when Perl is embedded in a C program, see
1531       "Using embedded Perl with POSIX locales" in perlembed.


1534       Jarkko Hietaniemi's original perli18n.pod heavily hacked by Dominic
1535       Dunlop, assisted by the perl5-porters.  Prose worked over a bit by Tom
1536       Christiansen, and now maintained by Perl 5 porters.
1540perl v5.28.2                      2018-11-01                     PERLLOCALE(1)