1PSBASEMAP(1)                 Generic Mapping Tools                PSBASEMAP(1)


6       psbasemap - To plot PostScript basemaps


9       psbasemap                 -B[p|s]parameters                -Jparameters
10       -Rwest/east/south/north[/zmin/zmax][r] [ -Eazimuth/elevation ] [ -Gfill
11       ]       [       -Jz|Zparameters       ]       [       -K       ]      [
12       -L[f][x]lon0/lat0[/slon]/slat/length[m|n|k][:label:just][+ppen][+ffill]
13       ]    ]   [   -O   ]   [   -P   ]   [   -U[just/dx/dy/][c|label]   ]   [
14       -T[f|m][x]lon0/lat0/size[/info][:w,e,s,n:][+gint[/mint]] ]  [  -V  ]  [
15       -X[a|c|r][x-shift[u]]  ]  [  -Y[a|c|r][y-shift[u]]  ]  [  -Zzlevel  ] [
16       -ccopies ]


19       psbasemap creates PostScript code that will produce a basemap.  Several
20       map  projections are available, and the user may specify separate tick‐
21       mark intervals for boundary annotation, ticking, and [optionally] grid‐
22       lines.  A simple map scale or directional rose may also be plotted.
24       -B     Sets  map boundary annotation and tickmark intervals. The format
25              of                          tickinfo                          is
26              [p|s]xinfo[/yinfo[/zinfo]][:."Title":][W|w][E|e][S|s][N|n][Z|z[+]].
27              The leading p [Default] or s selects the  primary  or  secondary
28              annotation   information.    Each  of  the  ?info  segments  are
29              textstrings   of   the   form    info[:"Axis    label":][:="pre‐
30              fix":][:,"unit  label":].   The info string is made up of one or
31              more     concatenated      substrings      of      the      form
32              [which]stride[+-phase][u].   The  optional which can be either a
33              for annotation tick spacing [Default], f for frame tick spacing,
34              and g for gridline spacing.  If frame interval is not set, it is
35              assumed to be the same as annotation  interval.  stride  is  the
36              desired  stride interval.  The optional phase shifts the annota‐
37              tion interval by that amount.  The optional u indicates the unit
38              of  the stride and can be any of Y (year, plot with 4 digits), y
39              (year, plot with 2 digits), O (month, plot using  PLOT_DATE_FOR‐
40              MAT),  o  (month,  plot  with 2 digits), U (ISO week, plot using
41              PLOT_DATE_FORMAT), u (ISO week, plot using 2 digits), r  (Grego‐
42              rian  week,  7-day stride from start of week TIME_WEEK_START), K
43              (ISO  weekday,  plot  name  of  day),  D   (date,   plot   using
44              PLOT_DATE_FORMAT), d (day, plot day of month 0-31 or year 1-366,
45              via  PLOT_DATE_FORMAT),  R  (day,  same  as  d,   aligned   with
46              TIME_WEEK_START),  H  (hour,  plot  using  PLOT_CLOCK_FORMAT), h
47              (hour,  plot   with   2   digits),   M   (minute,   plot   using
48              PLOT_CLOCK_FORMAT),  m  (minute, plot with 2 digits), C (second,
49              plot using PLOT_CLOCK_FORMAT), c (second, plot with  2  digits).
50              Note  for  geographic  axes m and c instead mean arc minutes and
51              arc seconds.  All entities that are language-specific are  under
52              control  by  TIME_LANGUAGE.   To specify separate x and y ticks,
53              separate the substrings that apply to the x and y  axes  with  a
54              slash [/] (If a 3-D basemap is selected with -E and -Jz, a third
55              substring pertaining to the vertical axis may be appended.)  For
56              linear/log/power  projections  (-Jx|X): Labels for each axis can
57              be added by surrounding them with colons.  If the first  charac‐
58              ter  in  the  label  is a period, then the label is used as plot
59              title; if it is a comma then the label is appended to each anno‐
60              tation;  if  it is an equal sign (=) the the prefix is prepended
61              to each annotation (start label/prefix with  -  to  avoid  space
62              between annotation and item); else it is the axis label.  If the
63              label consists of more than one word, enclose the  entire  label
64              in double quotes (e.g., :"my label":).
65              By  default,  all 4 boundaries are plotted (referred to as W, E,
66              S, N).  To change the default, append the code  for  only  those
67              axes  you  want  (e.g., WS for standard lower-left x- and y-axis
68              system).  Upper case (e.g., W)  means  draw  axis/tickmarks  AND
69              annotate  it,  whereas  lower  case  (e.g.,  w)  will  only draw
70              axis/tickmarks.  (If a 3-D basemap is selected with -E and  -Jz,
71              append  Z  or  z to control the appearance of the vertical axis.
72              Append '+' to draw the outline of the cube defined by -R.   Note
73              that for 3-D views the title, if given, will be suppressed.)
74              For  non-geographical  projections: Give negative scale (in -Jx)
75              or axis length (in -JX) to change the  direction  of  increasing
76              coordinates (i.e., to make the y-axis positive down).  For log10
77              axes:  Annotations can be specified in one of three  ways:   (1)
78              stride  can  be  1,  2, or 3.  Annotations will then occur at 1,
79              1-2-5, or 1-2-3-4-...-9, respectively.  This option can also  be
80              used  for the frame and grid intervals.  (2) An l is appended to
81              the tickinfo string.  Then, log10 of the tick value  is  plotted
82              at  every integer log10 value.  (3) A p is appended to the tick‐
83              info string.  Then, annotations appear as 10 raised to log10  of
84              the tick value.  For power axes: Annotations can be specified in
85              one of two ways:  (1) stride sets the regular annotation  inter‐
86              val.   (2)  A  p  is appended to the tickinfo string.  Then, the
87              annotation interval is expected to be in transformed units,  but
88              the  annotation  value  will  be plotted as untransformed units.
89              E.g., if stride = 1 and power = 0.5 (i.e., sqrt), then  equidis‐
90              tant annotations labeled 1-4-9... will appear.
91              These GMT parameters can affect the appearance of the map bound‐
93              ANNOT_FONT_SECONDARY,                   ANNOT_FONT_SIZE_PRIMARY,
101              TIME_WEEK_START, TICK_LENGTH, TICK_PEN, and Y_AXIS_TYPE; see the
102              gmtdefaults man page for details.
104       -J     Selects the map projection. The following  character  determines
105              the  projection.  If  the character is upper case then the argu‐
106              ment(s) supplied as scale(s) is interpreted to be the map  width
107              (or  axis  lengths), else the scale argument(s) is the map scale
108              (see its definition for each projection). UNIT is cm,  inch,  or
109              m,  depending  on the MEASURE_UNIT setting in .gmtdefaults4, but
110              this can be overridden on the command line by appending c, i, or
111              m  to the scale or width values.  Append h, +, or - to the given
112              width if you instead want to set map height, the maximum  dimen‐
113              sion,  or  the minimum dimension, respectively [Default is w for
114              width].
115              In case the central meridian is an optional parameter and it  is
116              being  omitted,  then the center of the longitude range given by
117              the -R option is used. The  default  standard  parallel  is  the
118              equator.
119              The  ellipsoid  used in the map projections is user-definable by
120              editing the .gmtdefaults4 file in your home directory.  63  com‐
121              monly  used  ellipsoids  and a spheroid are currently supported,
122              and users  may  also  specify  their  own  ellipsoid  parameters
123              [Default is WGS-84].  Several GMT parameters can affect the pro‐
124              jection:  ELLIPSOID,  INTERPOLANT,  MAP_SCALE_FACTOR,  and  MEA‐
125              SURE_UNIT; see the gmtdefaults man page for details.
126              Choose  one  of the following projections (The E or C after pro‐
127              jection names  stands  for  Equal-Area  and  Conformal,  respec‐
128              tively):
132              -Jclon0/lat0/scale or -JClon0/lat0/width (Cassini).
133                     Give  projection  center  lon0/lat0  and scale (1:xxxx or
134                     UNIT/degree).
136              -Jcyl_stere/[lon0/[lat0/]]scale                               or
137              -JCyl_stere/[lon0/[lat0/]]width (Cylindrical Stereographic).
138                     Give  central meridian lon0 (optional), standard parallel
139                     lat0 (optional), and  scale  along  parallel  (1:xxxx  or
140                     UNIT/degree).   The standard parallel is typically one of
141                     these (but can be any value):
142                            66.159467 - Miller's modified Gall
143                            55 - Kamenetskiy's First
144                            45 - Gall's Stereographic
145                            30 - Bolshoi Sovietskii  Atlas  Mira  or  Kamenet‐
146                            skiy's Second
147                            0 - Braun's Cylindrical
149              -Jj[lon0/]scale  or  -JJ[lon0/]width (Miller Cylindrical Projec‐
150              tion).
151                     Give the  central  meridian  lon0  (optional)  and  scale
152                     (1:xxxx or UNIT/degree).
154              -Jm[lon0/[lat0/]]scale or -JM[lon0/[lat0/]]width
155                     Give  central meridian lon0 (optional), standard parallel
156                     lat0 (optional), and  scale  along  parallel  (1:xxxx  or
157                     UNIT/degree).
159              -Joparameters (Oblique Mercator [C]).
160                     Specify one of:
162                     -Jo[a]lon0/lat0/azimuth/scale                          or
163                     -JO[a]lon0/lat0/azimuth/width
164                            Set  projection  center  lon0/lat0,   azimuth   of
165                            oblique equator, and scale.
167                     -Jo[b]lon0/lat0/lon1/lat1/scale                        or
168                     -JO[b]lon0/lat0/lon1/lat1/scale
169                            Set projection center lon0/lat0, another point  on
170                            the oblique equator lon1/lat1, and scale.
172                     -Joclon0/lat0/lonp/latp/scale                          or
173                     -JOclon0/lat0/lonp/latp/scale
174                            Set projection center lon0/lat0, pole  of  oblique
175                            projection lonp/latp, and scale.
177                     Give scale along oblique equator (1:xxxx or UNIT/degree).
179              -Jq[lon0/[lat0/]]scale  or  -JQ[lon0/[lat0/]]width  (Cylindrical
180              Equidistant).
181                     Give the central meridian lon0 (optional), standard  par‐
182                     allel lat0 (optional), and scale (1:xxxx or UNIT/degree).
183                     The standard parallel is typically one of these (but  can
184                     be any value):
185                            61.7 - Grafarend and Niermann, minimum linear dis‐
186                            tortion
187                            50.5 - Ronald Miller Equirectangular
188                            43.5 - Ronald Miller, minimum continental  distor‐
189                            tion
190                            42 - Grafarend and Niermann
191                            37.5 - Ronald Miller, minimum overall distortion
192                            0  - Plate Carree, Simple Cylindrical, Plain/Plane
193                            Chart
195              -Jtlon0/[lat0/]scale or -JTlon0/[lat0/]width
196                     Give the central meridian  lon0,  central  parallel  lat0
197                     (optional), and scale (1:xxxx or UNIT/degree).
199              -Juzone/scale  or -JUzone/width (UTM - Universal Transverse Mer‐
200              cator [C]).
201                     Give the UTM zone (A,B,1-60[C-X],Y,Z)) and scale  (1:xxxx
202                     or UNIT/degree).
203                     Zones: If C-X not given, prepend - or + to enforce south‐
204                     ern or northern hemisphere conventions [northern if south
205                     > 0].
207              -Jylon0/lat0/scale or -JYlon0/lat0/width (Cylindrical Equal-Area
208              [E]).
209                     Give the central meridian lon0, standard  parallel  lat0,
210                     and scale (1:xxxx or UNIT/degree).  The standard parallel
211                     is typically one of these (but can be any value):
212                            50 - Balthasart
213                            45 - Gall-Peters
214                            37.0666 - Caster
215                            37.4 - Trystan Edwards
216                            37.5 - Hobo-Dyer
217                            30 - Behrman
218                            0 - Lambert
220              CONIC PROJECTIONS:
222              -Jblon0/lat0/lat1/lat2/scale   or   -JBlon0/lat0/lat1/lat2/width
223              (Albers [E]).
224                     Give  projection center lon0/lat0, two standard parallels
225                     lat1/lat2, and scale (1:xxxx or UNIT/degree).
227              -Jdlon0/lat0/lat1/lat2/scale   or   -JDlon0/lat0/lat1/lat2/width
228              (Conic Equidistant)
229                     Give  projection center lon0/lat0, two standard parallels
230                     lat1/lat2, and scale (1:xxxx or UNIT/degree).
232              -Jllon0/lat0/lat1/lat2/scale   or   -JLlon0/lat0/lat1/lat2/width
233              (Lambert [C])
234                     Give  origin lon0/lat0, two standard parallels lat1/lat2,
235                     and scale along these (1:xxxx or UNIT/degree).
239              Except for polar aspects, -Rw/e/s/n will be reset to  -Rg.   Use
240              -R<...>r for smaller regions.
242              -Jalon0/lat0[/horizon]/scale   or   -JAlon0/lat0[/horizon]/width
243              (Lambert [E]).
244                     lon0/lat0 specifies the projection center.  horizon spec‐
245                     ifies   the  max  distance  from  projection  center  (in
246                     degrees, <= 180, default 90).  Give scale  as  1:xxxx  or
247                     radius/lat,  where radius is distance in UNIT from origin
248                     to the oblique latitude lat.
250              -Jelon0/lat0[/horizon]/scale   or   -JElon0/lat0[/horizon]/width
251              (Azimuthal Equidistant).
252                     lon0/lat0 specifies the projection center.  horizon spec‐
253                     ifies  the  max  distance  from  projection  center   (in
254                     degrees,  <=  180, default 180).  Give scale as 1:xxxx or
255                     radius/lat, where radius is distance in UNIT from  origin
256                     to the oblique latitude lat.
258              -Jflon0/lat0[/horizon]/scale   or   -JFlon0/lat0[/horizon]/width
259              (Gnomonic).
260                     lon0/lat0 specifies the projection center.  horizon spec‐
261                     ifies   the  max  distance  from  projection  center  (in
262                     degrees, < 90, default 60).   Give  scale  as  1:xxxx  or
263                     radius/lat,  where radius is distance in UNIT from origin
264                     to the oblique latitude lat.
266              -Jglon0/lat0[/horizon]/scale   or   -JGlon0/lat0[/horizon]/width
267              (Orthographic).
268                     lon0/lat0 specifies the projection center.  horizon spec‐
269                     ifies  the  max  distance  from  projection  center   (in
270                     degrees,  <=  90,  default  90).  Give scale as 1:xxxx or
271                     radius/lat, where radius is distance in UNIT from  origin
272                     to the oblique latitude lat.
274              -Jglon0/lat0/altitude/azimuth/tilt/twist/Width/Height/scale   or
275              -JGlon0/lat0/altitude/azimuth/tilt/twist/Width/Height/width
276              (General Perspective).
277                     lon0/lat0  specifies  the projection center.  altitude is
278                     the height (in km)  of  the  viewpoint  above  local  sea
279                     level.   If altitude is less than 10, then it is the dis‐
280                     tance from the center of the earth to  the  viewpoint  in
281                     earth  radii.  If  altitude has a suffix r then it is the
282                     radius from  the  center  of  the  earth  in  kilometers.
283                     azimuth  is  measured to the east of north of view.  tilt
284                     is the upward tilt of the plane of projection. If tilt is
285                     negative,  then the viewpoint is centered on the horizon.
286                     Further, specify the clockwise twist, Width,  and  Height
287                     of  the  viewpoint  in  degrees.  Give scale as 1:xxxx or
288                     radius/lat, where radius is distance in UNIT from  origin
289                     to the oblique latitude lat.
291              -Jslon0/lat0[/horizon]/scale   or   -JSlon0/lat0[/horizon]/width
292              (General Stereographic [C]).
293                     lon0/lat0 specifies the projection center.  horizon spec‐
294                     ifies   the  max  distance  from  projection  center  (in
295                     degrees, < 180, default 90).  Give scale as 1:xxxx  (true
296                     at  pole) or lat0/1:xxxx (true at standard parallel lat0)
297                     or radius/lat (radius in UNIT from origin to the  oblique
298                     latitude lat).
302              -Jh[lon0/]scale or -JH[lon0/]width (Hammer [E]).
303                     Give the central meridian lon0 (optional) and scale along
304                     equator (1:xxxx or UNIT/degree).
306              -Ji[lon0/]scale or -JI[lon0/]width (Sinusoidal [E]).
307                     Give the central meridian lon0 (optional) and scale along
308                     equator (1:xxxx or UNIT/degree).
310              -Jkf[lon0/]scale or -JKf[lon0/]width (Eckert IV) [E]).
311                     Give the central meridian lon0 (optional) and scale along
312                     equator (1:xxxx or UNIT/degree).
314              -Jk[s][lon0/]scale or -JK[s][lon0/]width (Eckert VI) [E]).
315                     Give the central meridian lon0 (optional) and scale along
316                     equator (1:xxxx or UNIT/degree).
318              -Jn[lon0/]scale or -JN[lon0/]width (Robinson).
319                     Give the central meridian lon0 (optional) and scale along
320                     equator (1:xxxx or UNIT/degree).
322              -Jr[lon0/]scale -JR[lon0/]width (Winkel Tripel).
323                     Give the central meridian lon0 (optional) and scale along
324                     equator (1:xxxx or UNIT/degree).
326              -Jv[lon0/]scale or -JV[lon0/]width (Van der Grinten).
327                     Give the central meridian lon0 (optional) and scale along
328                     equator (1:xxxx or UNIT/degree).
330              -Jw[lon0/]scale or -JW[lon0/]width (Mollweide [E]).
331                     Give the central meridian lon0 (optional) and scale along
332                     equator (1:xxxx or UNIT/degree).
336              -Jp[a]scale[/origin][r|z]  or  -JP[a]width[/origin][r|z]  (Polar
337              coordinates (theta,r))
338                     Optionally insert a after -Jp [ or -JP] for  azimuths  CW
339                     from North instead of directions CCW from East [Default].
340                     Optionally append /origin in degrees to indicate an angu‐
341                     lar offset [0]).  Finally, append r if r is elevations in
342                     degrees (requires s >= 0 and n <= 90) or z if you want to
343                     annotate  depth rather than radius [Default].  Give scale
344                     in UNIT/r-unit.
346              -Jxx-scale[/y-scale]  or  -JXwidth[/height]  (Linear,  log,  and
347              power scaling)
348                     Give  x-scale  (1:xxxx  or  UNIT/x-unit)  and/or  y-scale
349                     (1:xxxx or UNIT/y-unit); or specify width  and/or  height
350                     in UNIT.  y-scale=x-scale if not specified separately and
351                     using 1:xxxx  implies  that  x-unit  and  y-unit  are  in
352                     meters.   Use  negative scale(s) to reverse the direction
353                     of an axis (e.g., to have y be positive  down).   Option‐
354                     ally,  append to x-scale, y-scale, width or height one of
355                     the following:
357                     d      Data are geographical coordinates (in degrees).
359                     l      Take log10 of values before scaling.
361                     ppower Raise values to power before scaling.
363                     t      Input coordinates are time relative to TIME_EPOCH.
365                     T      Input coordinates are absolute time.
367                     Default axis lengths (see  gmtdefaults)  can  be  invoked
368                     using -JXh (for landscape); -JXv (for portrait) will swap
369                     the x- and y-axis lengths.  The  default  unit  for  this
370                     installation is either cm or inch, as defined in the file
371                     share/gmt.conf. However, you may change this  by  editing
372                     your .gmtdefaults4 file(s).
374       -R     xmin,  xmax, ymin, and ymax specify the Region of interest.  For
375              geographic regions,  these  limits  correspond  to  west,  east,
376              south,  and north and you may specify them in decimal degrees or
377              in [+-]dd:mm[:ss.xxx][W|E|S|N] format.  Append r if  lower  left
378              and  upper  right  map coordinates are given instead of w/e/s/n.
379              The two shorthands -Rg and -Rd stand for  global  domain  (0/360
380              and  -180/+180  in longitude respectively, with -90/+90 in lati‐
381              tude).  For calendar time coordinates you may  either  give  (a)
382              relative  time  (relative  to the selected TIME_EPOCH and in the
383              selected TIME_UNIT; append t to -JX|x), or (b) absolute time  of
384              the  form  [date]T[clock]  (append T to -JX|x).  At least one of
385              date and clock must be present; the T is always  required.   The
386              date  string  must  be  of the form [-]yyyy[-mm[-dd]] (Gregorian
387              calendar) or yyyy[-Www[-d]] (ISO week calendar), while the clock
388              string  must  be  of the form hh:mm:ss[.xxx].  The use of delim‐
389              iters and their type and positions must be exactly as  indicated
390              (however,  input,  output and plot formats are customizable; see
391              gmtdefaults).


394       No space between the option flag and the associated arguments.
396       -E     Sets the viewpoint's  azimuth  and  elevation  (for  perspective
397              view) [180/90].
399       -G     Select  fill  shade,  color  or  pattern  for  the inside of the
400              basemap [Default  is  no  fill  color].   (See  SPECIFYING  FILL
401              below).
403       -Jz    Sets the vertical scaling (for 3-D maps).  Same syntax as -Jx.
405       -K     More  PostScript code will be appended later [Default terminates
406              the plot system].
408       -L     Draws a simple map scale centered  on  lon0/lat0.   Use  -Lx  to
409              specify  x/y  position instead.  Scale is calculated at latitude
410              slat (optionally supply longitude slon for  oblique  projections
411              [Default  is  central meridian]), length is in km [miles if m is
412              appended; nautical miles if n is appended]. Use  -Lf  to  get  a
413              "fancy"  scale  [Default is plain]. The default label equals the
414              distance unit (km, miles, nautical miles) and  is  justified  on
415              top  of the scale [t].  Change this by giving your own label (or
416              - to keep  the  default)  and  justification  (l(eft),  r(ight),
417              t(op),  b(ottom),  and  u(unit)  -  using  the  label  as a unit
418              appended to all distance annotations along the scale).   If  you
419              want  to  place a rectangle behind the scale, specify pen and/or
420              fill parameters with the +p and +f modifiers.   (See  SPECIFYING
421              PENS and SPECIFYING FILL below).
423       -O     Selects  Overlay  plot mode [Default initializes a new plot sys‐
424              tem].
426       -P     Selects Portrait plotting mode [Default is Landscape, see gmtde‐
427              faults to change this].
429       -T     Draws  a simple map directional rose centered on lon0/lat0.  Use
430              -Tx to specify x/y position instead.  The size is  the  diameter
431              of  the rose, and optional label information can be specified to
432              override the default values of W, E, S, and N (Give ::  to  sup‐
433              press  all  labels).   The  default [plain] map rose only labels
434              north.  Use -Tf to get a "fancy" rose, and specify what kind  of
435              rose you want drawn.  The default [1] draws the two principal E-
436              W, N-S orientations, 2 adds the two intermediate NW-SE and NE-SW
437              orientations, while 3 adds the eight minor orientations WNW-ESE,
438              NNW-SSE, NNE-SSW, and ENE-WSW.  For  a  magnetic  compass  rose,
439              specify -Tm.  If given, info must be the two parameters dec/dla‐
440              bel, where dec is the magnetic declination and dlabel is a label
441              for  the  magnetic compass needle (specify '-' to format a label
442              from dec).  Then, both directions  to  geographic  and  magnetic
443              north  are  plotted  [Default is geographic only].  If the north
444              label = * then a north star is  plotted  instead  of  the  north
445              label.   Annotation  and  two  levels of tick intervals for geo‐
446              graphic and magnetic directions are 10/5/1 and  30/5/1  degrees,
447              respectively;    override    these    settings    by   appending
448              +gints[/mints].   Color  and  pen  attributes  are  taken   from
449              COLOR_BACKGROUND  and  TICK_PEN, respectively, while label fonts
450              and sizes follow the usual annotation, label,  and  header  font
451              settings.
453       -U     Draw Unix System time stamp on plot.  By adding just/dx/dy/, the
454              user may specify the justification of the stamp  and  where  the
455              stamp  should  fall on the page relative to lower left corner of
456              the plot.  For example, BL/0/0 will align the lower left  corner
457              of  the  time  stamp  with  the  lower  left corner of the plot.
458              Optionally, append a label, or c (which will  plot  the  command
459              string.).   The  GMT  parameters  UNIX_TIME,  UNIX_TIME_POS, and
460              UNIX_TIME_FORMAT can affect the appearance; see the  gmtdefaults
461              man page for details.  The time string will be in the locale set
462              by the environment variable TZ (generally local time).
464       -V     Selects verbose mode, which will send progress reports to stderr
465              [Default runs "silently"].
467       -X -Y  Shift  plot origin relative to the current origin by (x-shift,y-
468              shift) and optionally append the length unit (c, i, m, p).   You
469              can  prepend a to shift the origin back to the original position
470              after plotting, or prepend  r [Default]  to  reset  the  current
471              origin  to the new location.  If -O is used then the default (x-
472              shift,y-shift) is (0,0), otherwise it is (r1i, r1i)  or  (r2.5c,
473              r2.5c).  Alternatively, give c to align the center coordinate (x
474              or y) of the plot with the center of the page based  on  current
475              page size.
477       -Z     For 3-D projections:  Sets the z-level of the basemap [0].
479       -c     Specifies the number of plot copies. [Default is 1].
482       pen    The attributes of lines and symbol outlines as defined by pen is
483              a comma delimetered list of width, color and  texture,  each  of
484              which is optional.  width can be indicated as a measure (points,
485              centimeters, inches) or as faint, thin[ner|nest], thick[er|est],
486              fat[ter|test],  or obese.  color specifies a grey shade or color
487              (see SPECIFYING COLOR  below).   texture  is  a  combination  of
488              dashes `-' and dots `.'.
491       fill   The attribute fill specifies the solid shade or solid color (see
492              SPECIFYING COLOR below) or the pattern used  for  filling  poly‐
493              gons.   Patterns  are  specified  as pdpi/pattern, where pattern
494              gives the number of the built-in pattern (1-90) or the name of a
495              Sun  1-,  8-, or 24-bit raster file. The dpi sets the resolution
496              of the image. For 1-bit rasters: use  Pdpi/pattern  for  inverse
497              video,  or  append  :Fcolor[B[color]] to specify fore- and back‐
498              ground colors (use color = - for transparency).  See  GMT  Cook‐
499              book  &  Technical Reference Appendix E for information on indi‐
500              vidual patterns.
503       color  The color of lines, areas and patterns can  be  specified  by  a
504              valid  color  name;  by  a grey shade (in the range 0-255); by a
505              decimal color code (r/g/b, each in range  0-255;  h-s-v,  ranges
506              0-360,  0-1,  0-1; or c/m/y/k, each in range 0-1); or by a hexa‐
507              decimal color code (#rrggbb, as used in HTML).  See the  gmtcol‐
508              ors manpage for more information and a full list of color names.


511       The following section illustrates the use of the options by giving some
512       examples for the available map projections.  Note  how  scales  may  be
513       given in several different ways depending on the projection.  Also note
514       the use of upper case letters to  specify  map  width  instead  of  map
515       scale.


518   Linear x-y plot
519       To make a linear x/y frame with all axes, but with only left and bottom
520       axes annotated, using xscale = yscale = 1.0, ticking every 1  unit  and
521       annotating  every  2, and using xlabel = "Distance" and ylabel = "No of
522       samples", use
524       psbasemap -R0/9/0/5 -Jx1 -Bf1a2:Distance:/:"No of samples":WeSn >  lin‐
525       ear.ps
527   Log-log plot
528       To  make  a log-log frame with only the left and bottom axes, where the
529       x-axis is 25 cm and annotated every 1-2-5 and the y-axis is 15  cm  and
530       annotated every power of 10 but has tickmarks every 0.1, run
532       psbasemap        -R1/10000/1e20/1e25       -JX25cl/15cl       -B2:Wave‐
533       length:/a1pf3:Power:WS > loglog.ps
535   Power axes
536       To design an axis system to be used for  a  depth-sqrt(age)  plot  with
537       depth  positive  down,  ticked and annotated every 500m, and ages anno‐
538       tated at 1 my, 4 my, 9 my etc, use
540       psbasemap -R0/100/0/5000 -Jx1p0.5/-0.001 -B1p:"Crustal age":/500:Depth:
541       > power.ps
543   Polar (theta,r) plot
544       For  a base map for use with polar coordinates, where the radius from 0
545       to 1000 should correspond to 3 inch and with gridlines and ticks  every
546       30 degrees and 100 units, use
548       psbasemap -R0/360/0/1000 -JP6i -B30p/100 > polar.ps


551   Cassini
552       A 10-cm-wide basemap using the Cassini projection may be obtained by
554       psbasemap -R20/50/20/35 -JC35/28/10c -P -B5g5:.Cassini: > cassini.ps
556   Mercator [conformal]
557       A  Mercator map with scale 0.025 inch/degree along equator, and showing
558       the length of 5000 km along the equator (centered on 1/1 inch), may  be
559       plotted as
561       psbasemap  -R90/180/-50/50 -Jm0.025i -B30g30:.Mercator: -Lx1i/1i/0/5000
562       > mercator.ps
564   Miller
565       A global Miller cylindrical map with scale 1:200,000,000 may be plotted
566       as
568       psbasemap -Rg -Jj180/1:200000000 -B30g30:.Miller: > miller.ps
570   Oblique Mercator [conformal]
571       To  create  a  page-size  global oblique Mercator basemap for a pole at
572       (90,30) with gridlines every 30 degrees, run
574       psbasemap  -R0/360/-70/70 -Joc0/0/90/30/0.064cd -B30g30:."Oblique  Mer‐
575       cator": > oblmerc.ps
577   Transverse Mercator [conformal]
578       A regular Transverse Mercator basemap for some region may look like
580       psbasemap   -R69:30/71:45/-17/-15:15   -Jt70/1:1000000   -B15m:."Survey
581       area": -P > transmerc.ps
583   Equidistant Cylindrical Projection
584       This projection only needs the central meridian and  scale.   A  25  cm
585       wide global basemap centered on the 130E meridian is made by
587       psbasemap  -R-50/310/-90/90  -JQ130/25c -B30g30:."Equidistant Cylindri‐
588       cal": > cyl_eqdist.ps
590   Universal Transverse Mercator [conformal]
591       To use this projection you must know the UTM zone number, which defines
592       the central meridian.  A UTM basemap for Indo-China can be plotted as
594       psbasemap -R95/5/108/20r -Ju46/1:10000000 -B3g3:.UTM: > utm.ps
596   Cylindrical Equal-Area
597       First  select  which of the cylindrical equal-area projections you want
598       by deciding on the standard parallel.  Here  we  will  use  45  degrees
599       which  gives  the Gall-Peters projection.  A 9 inch wide global basemap
600       centered on the Pacific is made by
602       psbasemap -Rg -JY180/45/9i -B30g30:.Gall-Peters: > gall-peters.ps


605   Albers [equal-area]
606       A basemap for middle Europe may be created by
608       psbasemap  -R0/90/25/55  -Jb45/20/32/45/0.25c  -B10g10:."Albers  Equal-
609       area": > albers.ps
611   Lambert [conformal]
612       Another basemap for middle Europe may be created by
614       psbasemap  -R0/90/25/55 -Jl45/20/32/45/0.1i -B10g10:."Lambert Conformal
615       Conic": > lambertc.ps
617   Equidistant
618       Yet another basemap of width 6 inch for middle Europe may be created by
620       psbasemap -R0/90/25/55 -JD45/20/32/45/6i -B10g10:."Equidistant  conic":
621       > econic.ps


624   Lambert [equal-area]
625       A  15-cm-wide  global  view of the world from the vantage point -80/-30
626       will give the following basemap:
628       psbasemap -Rg -JA-80/-30/15c -B30g30/15g15:."Lambert Azimuthal": > lam‐
629       berta.ps
631       Follow  the  instructions  for  stereographic projection if you want to
632       impose rectangular boundaries on the azimuthal equal-area map but  sub‐
633       stitute -Ja for -Js.
635   Equidistant
636       A  15-cm-wide  global  map  in  which  distances  from the center (here
637       125/10) to any point is true can be obtained by:
639       psbasemap -Rg -JE125/10/15c -B30g30/15g15:."Equidistant": > equi.ps
641   Gnomonic
642       A view of the world from the vantage point -100/40 out to a horizon  of
643       60 degrees from the center can be made using the Gnomonic projection:
645       psbasemap -Rg -JF-100/40/60/6i -B30g30/15g15:."Gnomonic": > gnomonic.ps
647   Orthographic
648       A  global  perspective  (from infinite distance) view of the world from
649       the vantage point 125/10 will give the following 6-inch-wide basemap:
651       psbasemap -Rg -JG125/10/6i -B30g30/15g15:."Orthographic": > ortho.ps
653   General Perspective
654       The -JG option can be used in a more generalized form, specifying alti‐
655       tude  above  the surface, width and height of the view point, and twist
656       and tilt.  A view from 160 km above -74/41.5 with  a  tilt  of  55  and
657       azimuth of 210 degrees, and limitting the viewpoint to 30 degrees width
658       and height will product a 6-inch-wide basemap:
660       psbasemap -Rg -JG-74/41.5/160/210/55/30/30/6i -B5g1/5g1:."General  Per‐
661       spective": > genper.ps
663   Stereographic [conformal]
664       To make a polar stereographic projection basemap with radius = 12 cm to
665       -60 degree latitude, with plot title "Salinity measurements",  using  5
666       degrees annotation/tick interval and 1 degree gridlines, run
668       psbasemap  -R-45/45/-90/-60  -Js0/-90/12c/-60 -B5g5:."Salinity measure‐
669       ments": > stereo1.ps
671       To make a 12-cm-wide stereographic basemap for Australia from an  arbi‐
672       trary  view  point  (not the poles), and use a rectangular boundary, we
673       must give the pole for the new projection and  use  the  -R  option  to
674       indicate  the lower left and upper right corners (in lon/lat) that will
675       define our rectangle.  We choose a pole at 130/-30 and use 100/-45  and
676       160/-5 as our corners.  The command becomes
678       psbasemap   -R100/-45/160/-5r   -JS130/-30/12c  -B30g30/15g15:."General
679       Stereographic View": > stereo2.ps


682   Hammer [equal-area]
683       The Hammer projection is mostly used  for  global  maps  and  thus  the
684       spherical  form is used.  To get a world map centered on Greenwich at a
685       scale of 1:200000000, use
687       psbasemap -Rg -Jh180/1:200000000 -B30g30/15g15:.Hammer: > hammer.ps
689   Sinusoidal [equal-area]
690       To make a sinusiodal world map centered  on  Greenwich,  with  a  scale
691       along the equator of 0.02 inch/degree, use
693       psbasemap -Rd -Ji0/0.02i -B30g30/15g15:."Sinusoidal": > sinus1.ps
695       To  make  an interrupted sinusiodal world map with breaks at 160W, 20W,
696       and 60E, with a scale along the equator of 0.02  inch/degree,  run  the
697       following sequence of commands:
699       psbasemap   -R-160/-20/-90/90   -Ji-90/0.02i   -B30g30/15g15Wesn  -K  >
700       sinus_i.ps
701       psbasemap -R-20/60/-90/90 -Ji20/0.02i -B30g30/15g15wesn -O -K -X2.8i >>
702       sinus_i.ps
703       psbasemap  -R60/200/-90/90  -Ji130/0.02i -B30g30/15g15wEsn -O -X1.6i >>
704       sinus_i.ps
706   Eckert IV [equal-area]
707       Pseudo-cylindrical projection typically used for global maps only.  Set
708       the central longitude and scale, e.g.,
710       psbasemap -Rg -Jkf180/0.064c -B30g30/15g15:."Eckert IV": > eckert4.ps
712   Eckert VI [equal-area]
713       Another  pseudo-cylindrical  projection  typically used for global maps
714       only.  Set the central longitude and scale, e.g.,
716       psbasemap -Rg -Jks180/0.064c -B30g30/15g15:."Eckert VI": > eckert6.ps
718   Robinson
719       Projection designed to make global maps "look right".  Set the  central
720       longitude and width, e.g.,
722       psbasemap -Rd -JN0/8i -B30g30/15g15:."Robinson": > robinson.ps
724   Winkel Tripel
725       Yet  another  projection  typically used for global maps only.  You can
726       set the central longitude, e.g.,
728       psbasemap -R90/450/-90/90 -JR270/25c -B30g30/15g15:."Winkel Tripel":  >
729       winkel.ps
731   Mollweide [equal-area]
732       The  Mollweide  projection is also mostly used for global maps and thus
733       the spherical form is used.  To get a 25-cm-wide world map centered  on
734       the Dateline:
736       psbasemap -Rg -JW180/25c -B30g30/15g15:.Mollweide: > mollweide.ps
738   Van der Grinten
739       The  Van der Grinten projection is also mostly used for global maps and
740       thus the spherical form is used.  To get a 7-inch-wide world  map  cen‐
741       tered on the Dateline:
743       psbasemap -Rg -JV180/7i -B30g30/15g15:."Van der Grinten": > grinten.ps


746       For some projections, a spherical earth is implicitly assumed.  A warn‐
747       ing will notify the user if -V is set. Also note that plot  titles  are
748       not plotted if -E is given.


751       The  -B option is somewhat complicated to explain and comprehend.  How‐
752       ever, it is fairly simple for most applications (see examples).


755       gmtdefaults(1), GMT(1)
759GMT 4.3.1                         15 May 2008                     PSBASEMAP(1)